Preventing Underage Drinking: A School-Based Approach

This event examines the issue of underage drinking and provides participants with examples, tips and resources on how to address this issue in their schools and communities.

Table of Contents

1.  Home
Prevention of Underage Drinking: Federal Agency Programs Currently in Operation
2.  Getting Started
3.  Day 1: What's the Problem with Underage Drinking?
High Risk Behaviors
Past Year Alcohol Use
Sexual Risk Behaviors
The real story on underage drinking
SAMHSA Publication: Consequences of Underage Alcohol Use
4.  Day 2: Contributing Factors and Consequences: Why Do Kids Drink?
Risk and Protective Factors
Alcohol Advertising: Reaching Kids Where They Live
Measuring School Connectedness
5.  Day 3: School Approaches to the Prevention of Underage Drinking
A Ten-Point Plan for Schools in Addressing Underage Drinking
Education Questionnaire
6.  Day 4: Is Your School Ready to Implement an Effective Program to Reduce Underage Drinking?
Critical Prevention Principles for School-Based Prevention Planning
Law Enforcement and Public Policy
Strategic Planning Questions
Sustainability Planning Model
Underage Drinking Laws & Regulations
Alcohol and Other Drug Policy Checklist for Schools
7.  Day 5: Take an Indepth Look
Research and Publications
Interactive Web Sites for Kids (and School Coordinators)
Classroom and Coordinator Resources
8.  Resources & Links

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Last Modified: 01/16/2008