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USGS CMG T-3-98-PS Metadata

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Metadata & Data: Metadata   Navigation   nav (GE GM)   times (GE GM)  
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ID T-3-98-PS
Abstract Chief Scientist: Unspecfied. Mobilization data (navigation) of field activity T-3-98-PS in Puget Sound, Washington from 03/10/1998 to 03/24/1998
Project/Theme Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound (SHIPS)
National Plan Hazards
Chief Scientist Unspecfied
Activity Type Mobilization
Platform Trekker Land Cruise
Area of Operation
Puget Sound, Washington
Location map T-3-98-PS location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 49.91054
-125.04557    -122.21873
Dates 03/10/1998 (JD 069) to 03/24/1998 (JD 083)
Analog Materials No analog holdings.
Index map

T-3-98-PS map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Michael Hamer
Tanni Abramovitz Unspecified
Becky Barnhart Unspecified
Tom Brocher Unspecified
Jeff Brody Unspecified, USGS Western Region
Tom Burdette Unspecified
Katherine Favret Unspecified
Pat Hart Unspecified, USGS Western Region
Charlotte Keller Unspecified
Adrian Kropp Unspecified
Janice Murphy Unspecified
Tom Parsons Unspecified, USGS Western Region
Tom Pratt Unspecified
Ray Sliter Unspecified, USGS Western Region
Lori Tapia-Piozet Unspecified
Kate Miller Unspecified
Fiona Kilbride Unspecified
Kathy Snelson Unspecified
Terry O'Donnell Jr. Unspecified
Annette Veilleux Unspecified
Brett Hiett Unspecified
Marcos Alvarez Unspecified
Allan Swisenbank Unspecified
Bruce Beaudoin Unspecified
Russ Sells Unspecified
Alexander Gerst Unspecified
Sonja Hofmann Unspecified
Uli Micksch Unspecified
Andreas Wuestefeld Unspecified
Nik Christensen Unspecified
Equipment Used
See also T-1-98-PS (Thompson) & T-2-98-PS (Tully)
From February 27, 1998 Coastal and Marine Geology Bulletin
Late this past week 5 48-foot trucks and some smaller cargo carriers left Marfac
loaded with compressors, generators, airguns, and myriad
other gear, all of which is destined for the SHIPS program in Seattle. Another
truck left Texas with the 50-ton multichannel streamer. If all
goes well, nearly 100 tons of mechanical and electrical equipment will be
installed on the University of Washington's 275-foot research
vessel, Thomas G. Thompson. This ship will be joined by the 240-foot Canadian
research ship, John P. Tully, and the two ships will conduct
intricate seismic experiments in the Puget Sound region. While airguns are
discharged behind the Thompson, the resulting seismic waves
will be recorded by the Tully as well as by 250 temporary seismometers that will
be scattered around the region. About 50 fixed earthquake
seismometers will also record these data. This survey is the most complex ever
mounted by the USGS to investigate earthquake hazards in an
urban setting. Cooperating institutions include the U.S. and Canadian Geological
Surveys and six universities. The US Navy lent us critical
infra-red gear, which was almost diverted to the Iraq conflict, and MMS
contributed funds toward studying marine mammals. Funding comes
almost entirely from within the USGS; the external NEHRP, Urban Hazards, and the
Coastal and Marine Programs all contributed. Coastal and
Marine has the honor of having chipped in the greatest share. Permission to use
airguns in Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca and
Georgia, which are home to many marine mammals, took almost a year to obtain.
Part of the stipulations in the permit are that when the
airguns are operating, marine mammal biologists must remain vigilant aboard both
survey ships and aboard an aircraft. Eleven biologists will
work closely with geologists to obtain seismic data while minimizing harm to
marine life. These biologists have responsibility for shutting
off the array whenever a marine mammal enters a specific zone around the airguns
where it might suffer hearing damage. The size of the
protective zone varies with mammal species, hence the need for expert
assistance. With close cooperation, we will obtain three-dimensional
seismic data and information on the behavior of marine mammals in response to
airgun signals. The data about mammals will help us and
other groups plan the next airgun surveys; the seismic data will help city
planners allocate scarce funds for seismic strengthening of
important infrastructure. Crew from Marfac CMG and EQ leave early next week.
Mike Fisher
Got Help? For T-3-98-PS, we would appreciate any information on -- analog materials, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information to be derived, kms of navigation, NGDC Info, organization, owner, ports, project number, publications, purpose, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, summary, tabulated info.


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