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CCDF FY 2000 Funding

Index: "Dear Colleague" Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-99-04 | ACF RAs | Tribal Estimates | Child Count Declaration | Assurances and Certifications | Statutory and Regulatory Requirements | (Collection also available in Word and PDF)
Related Items: FY 2000 Procedures for CCDF Grantees

Program Instruction (ACYF-PI-CC-99-04)

For Children
And Families
Administration on Children, Youth ad Families
1. Log No: ACYF-PI-CC-99-04 2. Issuance Date: May 6, 1999
3. Originating Office: Child Care Bureau
4. Key Words: Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Fiscal Year 2000 Funding; Application and Plan Requirements to Consolidate CCDF Under a 102-477 Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Plan



Tribal Lead Agencies administering child care programs under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, as amended, and other interested parties

To provide information on the procedures to consolidate the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program with other employment and training funding sources under a P.L. 102-477 plan.

References: Section 418 of the Social Security Act; the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 as amended. 45 CFR Parts 98 and 99, and the Indian Employment, Training & Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-477).
Background: The Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-477) was enacted to:
  • Demonstrate how Indian tribal governments can integrate the employment, training and related services they provide in order to improve the effectiveness of those services;
  • Reduce joblessness in Indian communities; and
  • Serve tribally determined goals consistent with the policy of self-determination.

In accordance with P.L. 102-477, eligible tribal applicants may choose to streamline tribal services by submitting a consolidated plan for employment, training and related services to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Department of the Interior. Eligible applicants may include the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) in their 102-477 plan. The CCDF is comprised of two funding sources:

  • Discretionary Funds—funding that is provided under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as amended; and
  • Tribal Mandatory Funds—funding that is provided to eligible Tribes and tribal organizations under Section 418 of the Social Security Act.

Tribes that elect to consolidate their CCDF funds under a 102-477 plan are still required to operate comprehensive CCDF programs. By applying for CCDF funds, a Tribe agrees to follow the provisions of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, as amended, and applicable regulations at 45 CFR 98 and 99. However, in contrast to the required CCDF application and plan process, Tribes that consolidate CCDF funds under a 102-477 plan are permitted to submit abbreviated applications and plans for CCDF funding.

Tribal Lead Agencies are reminded that no more than 15 percent of the aggregate CCDF funds expended from each year's allotment may be used for administrative costs. Tribal Lead Agencies are advised to review the CCDF regulations at 45 CFR 98.52 for a discussion of administrative costs. Note: the base amount under the Discretionary Funds is not included in this calculation.

CCDF Eligibility: Pursuant to 45 CFR 98.62, a Tribe is eligible to receive CCDF funds if the Tribe is federally recognized and the tribal population includes at least 50 children under age 13 (or such similar age, as determined by the Secretary from the best available data).

A Tribe with fewer than 50 children under age 13 may participate in a consortium of eligible tribes. In order to be eligible to receive CCDF funds on behalf of its member Tribes, a consortium must:

  • Consist of Tribes that meet the eligibility requirements for the CCDF program or that would meet the eligibility requirements if the Tribe or tribal organization had at least 50 children under age 13; and
  • Adequately demonstrate it has authorization from each participating Tribe to receive CCDF funds on behalf of the Tribe.

Special Rule for Indian Tribes in Alaska:

Only specified Alaska Native entities may receive Tribal Mandatory Funds. The Metlakatla Indian Community of the Annette Islands Reserve and the following Alaska Native regional nonprofit corporations are eligible to receive Tribal Mandatory Funds:

  • Arctic Slope Native Association;
  • Kawerak, Inc.;
  • Maniilaq Association;
  • Association of Village Council Presidents;
  • Tanana Chiefs Conference;
  • Cook Inlet Tribal Council;
  • Bristol Bay Native Association;
  • Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Association;
  • Chugachmuit;
  • Tlingit and Haida Central Council;
  • Kodiak Area Native Association; and
  • Copper River Native Association.

Exempt and Non-Exempt Tribal Grantees:

Tribal Lead Agencies with FY 1999 CCDF allocations equal to or greater than $500,000 are considered non-exempt grantees; therefore: 1) no less than 4 percent of the aggregate CCDF funds expended in a fiscal year must be used for quality activities; and 2) the Tribal Lead Agency must operate a certificate program that offers parental choice from a full range of providers (i.e., center-based, group home, family and in-home care).

Funding Estimates
And Allocation
ACF estimates that $70,993,440 in FY 2000 CCDF funds will be available for tribal grantees on October 1, 2000 ($23,653,440 in Discretionary Funds and $47,340,000 in Tribal Mandatory Funds).

Grants from Discretionary Funds will include a base amount of $20,000 plus a per child amount (approximately $19 per child in FY 1999) for each Tribe or tribal consortium with a minimum of 50 children. Grants from Tribal Mandatory Funds are calculated solely on a per-child basis (approximately $83 per child in FY 1999) and do not include a base amount.

Since the per-child amount for both Discretionary and Tribal Mandatory Funds depends upon the total number of children in all participating Tribes, ACF cannot calculate in advance the exact per-child amount. However, Tribes and tribal organizations may use the FY 2000 Tribal Estimates Chart (See Attachment B) as a guide. A new applicant should use the base amount plus approximately $19 per child to estimate its allotment for Discretionary funding, and should use approximately $83 per child to estimate its allotment for Tribal Mandatory funding.

A tribal consortium should estimate its allotment for Discretionary funding for each of its members by calculating a portion of the base amount that is equivalent to the ratio of the number of children in each member Tribe to 50, plus the additional per child amount. For example, a Tribe with 49 children is allotted 49/50ths of $20,000, or $19,600. The per child amount is then multiplied by 49 and added to the $19,600 base amount.

These amounts are provided for the purpose of estimating the allotments that will become available on October 1, 1999 and may increase or decrease when updated data become available before the final grant awards are issued.

Self-Certification of Child Counts

For funds that become available on October 1, 1999, ACF will calculate grant awards based on the number of children under age 13. A Tribe must submit a declaration that certifies the number of Indian children, as defined in the 102-477 plan, under age 13 who reside on or near the reservation or tribal service area. The declaration must be included as an attachment to the 102-477 application and/or plan.

The Tribal Lead Agency should use the "Child Count Declaration" format at Attachment C.

The declaration must be signed by the governing body of the Tribe or an individual authorized to act for the applicant Tribe or organization. A tribal consortium must submit individual self-certified child count declarations signed by the governing body of the Tribe, or an individual authorized to act for the Tribe, for each of its members participating in the consortium.

Because of the statutory "Special Rule for Indian Tribes in Alaska" under Tribal Mandatory Funding, some Alaska Native Regional Nonprofit Corporations will have to provide a separate child count certification for Discretionary Funding purposes. This count will consist of its self certified Tribal Mandatory Funding count, minus the child count number for any Alaska Tribal grantee in its Region which applies directly for Discretionary Funding. In instances where a Regional Corporation has separate child counts for Discretionary and Tribal Mandatory Funds, both counts may be reported on the declaration (see format at Attachment C).

The Tribal Lead Agency may not count any children who are included in the child count of another CCDF Tribal Lead Agency. To ensure unduplicated child counts, a Tribal Lead Agency should confer with any other Tribal Lead Agency that has an overlapping or neighboring service area.

Tribal Lead Agencies are advised that ACF will not accept declarations based on child counts that were conducted prior to July 1 of the previous year. For the application and/or plan that is due by July 1, 1999, the child count of children under age 13 must be completed no later than June 30, 1999 and no earlier than July 1, 1998.

Important Note: If a child count for children under age 13 is not included as an attachment to the application and/or plan, ACF will adjust the previous child count to reflect the change in counting children under age 16 to only counting children under age 13. ACF will calculate the adjusted child count by deducting 1/5 of the Tribal Lead Agency's child count that was used to award FY 1999 CCDF funds. The 1/5 reduction approximates the decrease from under age 16 to under age 13 (3 years). This decrease represents about 1/5 of the total years used under the prior age threshold (under age 16).

Although 102-477 plans cover multi-year periods, applicants must apply annually for CCDF funds—this includes new and current 102-477 grantees. To receive CCDF funding under a consolidated 102-477 plan, all tribal grantees and tribal applicants must:
  • Be eligible to receive CCDF funding (see Eligibility Section of this Program Instruction);
  • Have submitted a consolidated 102-477 plan to BIA that includes the CCDF program; and
  • Submit an annual application to BIA requesting CCDF program funds.

There is no required format for the application. However, the application must be signed by the tribal chairperson (or his/her designee) and must include the following information:

1. Funds Requested

The amount of CCDF funds requested, based on the estimated CCDF amount for each applicant (see Attachment B "FY 2000 Tribal Estimates Chart").

2. Child Count Declaration

A signed declaration that certifies the number of Indian children, under age 13 for FY 2000 funding, who reside on or near the reservation or other tribal service area. The Tribal Lead Agency should use the Child Count Declaration format at Attachment C. Note: The child count self-certification process is explained under the "Funding Estimates and Allocation Formulas" section of this Program Instruction.

Note: By applying for FY 2000 CCDF funds a Tribe agrees to follow the provisions of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, as amended, and applicable regulations at 45 CCDF Parts 98 and 99.

Current grantees that apply for FY 2000 funds continue to be required to meet the assurances and certifications provided in the 102-477 plan for the remainder of the plan period. A new tribal applicant must include the required assurances and certifications as part of its plan submittal (see Attachment D).

Plan Amendment:

All current 102-477 grantees with plans approved beyond FY 2000 must submit a plan amendment by July 1, 1999 to demonstrate how they are addressing the requirement for coordination of services at 98.14(a).

Specifically, the Tribal Lead Agency must describe the results of its coordination activities with agencies responsible for health (including the agency responsible for immunizations), education, employment services or workforce development, and the State Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency and/or tribal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency—if the Tribe is operating its own Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.

We recommend that current 102-477 grantees include this plan amendment in their FY 2000 CCDF funds application. Note: The new requirement for coordination of services will not be waived under a 102-477 plan (see Attachment E).

General Plan
The CCDF program may be incorporated into a P.L. 102-477 plan that covers multi-year periods. If an applicant elects to include CCDF in a consolidated 102-477 plan, the following CCDF requirements must be included in the 102-477 plan:
  1. A statement of intent to administer the CCDF program under a P.L. 102-477 consolidated plan.
  2. A description of the way child care services will be integrated and delivered and the results expected.
  3. The agency or agencies of the tribal government (or tribal consortium) to be involved in the delivery of CCDF services under the plan. Note: if the CCDF Lead Agency changes during the approved plan period, the grantee must submit a written notification of this change to the BIA.
  4. A description of the results of the Tribal Lead Agency's coordination activities with agencies responsible for health (including the agency responsible for immunizations), education, employment services or workforce development, and the State Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency and/or tribal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families agency—if the Tribe is operating its own Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.
  5. A description of the public hearing process held to provide the Tribe (or member Tribes in the case of a tribal consortium) an opportunity to comment on the proposed CCDF activities under the consolidated 102-477 plan.
  6. A copy of a sliding fee scale that provides for cost sharing by families and is based on income and family size. A grantee may waive contributions from families whose incomes are at or below the poverty level for a family of the same size, or may apply different sliding fee scales.
  7. Definitions for 1) Indian Child; and 2) Indian Reservation or Tribal Service Area. Tribes have broad latitude in defining these terms that are used to determine eligibility. An applicant's child count declaration, required in the annual CCDF application, is based on the definition of these terms.
  8. Any regulations, policies, or procedures that the Tribe requests to be waived.

    A consortium must submit a demonstration (e.g., a tribal resolution) from each member Tribe that authorizes the consortium to receive CCDF funds on its behalf for the duration of the plan period.

Waivers: Section 7 of P.L. 102-477 authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Heath and Human Services to waive and regulation, policy, or procedures requested by a Tribe, as long as the waiver is not inconsistent with the purpose of P.L. 102-477 or with provisions of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as amended. P.L. 102-477 does not provide authority to waive any statutory provisions.

To obtain a waiver, the 102-477 plan must:

  • Identify the specific regulation, policy or procedure;
  • Justify the need for the waiver; and
  • Discuss what the Tribe will use to replace the existing regulation, policy or procedure, if applicable.

Waivers will be granted or denied on a case-by-case basis for each plan. Blanket waiver requests are not acceptable. See Attachment E for a list of statutory and regulatory requirements that will not be waived.

Deadlines: All CCDF application (and plans, if applicable) must be postmarked or hand delivered to the BIA no later than July 1, 1999. Any applications and plans postmarked after that date will not be accepted. Faxed copies will not be accepted.
Submitting the
The original and 1 copy of the An additional copy must be
application (and plan, if applicable) sent to the:
must be mailed or hand delivered to the:

Bureau of Indian Affairs Administration on Children, Youth
Office of Economic Development and Families
Division of Job Placement and Training Child Care Bureau
1849 C Street, NW Room 2046
Mail Stop 4660 MIB 330 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240 Washington, D.C. 20447

Tribes should refer to the "Preparation of Tribal Plans, Pursuant to Public Law 102-477, PROPOSED GUIDANCE FOR TRIBAL DOCUMENTS" in completing a consolidated 102-477 plan. To obtain a copy of this document, or for questions related to overall operation of P.L. 102-477, please contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs at (202) 219-5270. Questions related to the CCDF program should be directed to the appropriate ACF Regional Office (Attachment A).
CCDF Tribal grantees with an approved 102-477 plan will receive their CCDF funding through the BIA. Therefore, program and financial reporting of CCDF funds awarded under a 102-477 consolidated plan will be made to the BIA. However, the expenditure and obligation of all CCDF funds awarded prior to a 102-477 plan approval will continue to be reported to ACF on the ACF-696-T financial reporting form. Similarly, program data on CCDF funds awarded prior to a 102-477 plan approval must be reported on the ACF-700 form.
Reduction Act:
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, as amended, requires that OMB approve all reporting and record keeping instruments. The information required to respond to this Program Instruction is approved under OMB Number 0970-0198 (expires 05/31/02).

Patricia Montoya
Associate Commissioner
Administration on Children, Youth and Families