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The Effect of Increasing Welfare Mothers' Education on Their Young Children's Academic Problems and School Readiness (PDF)
By Katherine A Magnuson, Sharon M McGroder

Summary: This study examined the effect of increasing welfare mothers’ education on their young children’s academic performance and school readiness. Data were analyzed from the National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies Child Outcomes Study, an evaluation of mandatory welfare-to-work programs in which welfare recipients with young children were randomly assigned to either an education or work-focused program group or to a control group that received no additional assistance. Findings show that increases in maternal education are positively associated with children’s academic school readiness, and negatively associated with mothers’ reports of their children’s academic problems. The estimated causal effects of maternal education on children’s academic school readiness and academic problems are large enough to be of importance for policies that affect the work, welfare, and training of low-income mothers. Contains 28 references.

Index Terms: Academic Achievement, Mothers Role, Parent Education, School Readiness, Welfare Reform, Low Income Families, Young Children

Publisher: Joint Center for Poverty Research

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 33 pages
Language: English

ERIC Number: ED462495

Joint Center for Poverty Research
c/o Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University
2040 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60208-4100
FAX: 847-491-9916

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