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Metadata & Data: Metadata   Navigation   nav (GE GM)   times (GE GM)  
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ID W-1-95-NC
Abstract Chief Scientists: John Barber, Pete Dartnell, Dave Drake. Geological data (boxcore) of field activity W-1-95-NC in Russian and Eel Rivers, California from 02/08/1995 to 02/18/1995
Project/Theme Strata Formations on Margins (Strataform)
Chief Scientist John Barber
Pete Dartnell
Dave Drake
Activity Type Geological
Platform Wecoma
Area of Operation
Russian and Eel Rivers, California
Location map W-1-95-NC location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 41.75000
-125.75000    -122.25000
Dates 02/08/1995 (JD 039) to 02/18/1995 (JD 049)
Analog Materials list
Index map

W-1-95-NC map of where navigation equipment operated

John Barber Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Pete Dartnell Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Dave Drake Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Equipment Used
The STRATAFORM project is looking into
understanding (i.e., modelling) margin stratigraphy on time scales from
individual storm events to units representing 10's of thousands of years.
Heavy January rains on the west coast led to record river and sediment
discharges. From 8 February to 18 February, John Barber, Pete Dartnell and Dave
Drake took our NEL box corer and joined the "Rapid Response Sampling Team" of
the ONR-funded STRATAFORM project aboard the R/V WECOMA of Oregon State
University for a box coring binge on the shelf off the Russian and Eel Rivers.
A dozen scientists, students and technicians managed to hammer out about 90 box
cores of the 1995 flood sediment on those shelves. The Eel shelf proved to be a
bonanza with reddish-tan flood sediment forming a layer up to 10 cm thick on the
mid-shelf. Many of the benthic organisms had been covered so rapidly that they
had apparently suffocated.
This field effort was a first step in a multiyear project which involves
Mike Field, Jim Gardner, Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione and Dave Drake from USGS
as well as a host of scientists from universities, industry and the Navy.
Got Help? For W-1-95-NC, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, information to be derived, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, organization, owner, ports, project number, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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