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USGS CMG C-1-94-WF Metadata

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ID C-1-94-WF
Also Known As Dive 781
Dive 782
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Jan Morton, Carol Reiss. Data (underwatertelevision, CTDmeter, bathymetry, transitsatellite, bottomtransponder, submersible (Turtle)) of field activity C-1-94-WF in Juan de Fuca Ridge from 08/17/1994 to 08/25/1994
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Project/Theme Crustal Deformation Study
National Plan Resources
Chief Scientist Jan Morton
Carol Reiss
Platform Laney Chouest
Area of Operation
Juan de Fuca Ridge
Location map C-1-94-WF location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 50.75000
-135.00000    -122.25000
Ports leave Coos Bay, OR
arrive Coos Bay, OR
Dates 08/17/1994 (JD 229) to 08/25/1994 (JD 237)
Analog Materials list
Index map

C-1-94-WF map of where navigation equipment operated

Jan Morton Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Carol Reiss Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Stephanie Ross Unspecified Investigator, USGS Western Region
Tracy Vallier Unspecified Investigator, USGS Western Region
Equipment Used
submersible (Turtle)
Measuring sea floor spreading acoustically, using dual frequency smart transponders
Carol Reiss (Co-Chief), Stephanie Ross, and Tracy Vallier returned
August 26, 1994 from a successful cruise to the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge,
onboard the DSVSS LANEY CHOUEST, support ship to the DSV Turtle, and ATV (Advanced Tethered Vehicle). The Turtle and ATV are U.S. Navy owned and operated
vehicles of the Deep Submergence Group One. Considerable planning, great
weather, and hard work enabled us to successfully reposition several instruments
that were previously deployed in 1992. A total of four tripods with dual
frequency transponders were initially deployed across the axis of the spreading
ridge to determine the rate and tectonic/volcanic relationship of plate
separation using acoustic instruments. Two DVS Turtle dives and four ATV dives
accomplished the complex task of repositioning two tripods, recovering a damaged
transponder, and completing a detailed geologic reconnaisance (inclunding CTD
casts) between and around the tripods. SeaBeam bathymetric data was collected
during the transit between the Coos Bay, OR., and the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The
cruise was funded by NURP (National Underwater Research Proogram) through the
West Coast National Undersea Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Future efforts will include annual site visits to retrieve range data from the
transponders, as well as additional instrument deployments to extend the
experiment to include older faults and fissures along the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
Data Inventory folder contains: Oceano SI printout (2 stacks), daily
report 9pgs., ATV Camera and operations logs; 781-94-14 Turtle dive folder
(communications log, nav plot, printout, and floppy nav); 782-94-15 Turtle dive
folder (communications log, nav plot, printout, and floppy nav); 94-39-83 ATV
folder (2 plots, printout and floppy); 94-40-84 ATV folder (1 plot, printout and
floppy); 94-41-85 ATV folder (3 plots, 2 printouts and floppy); 94-42-86 ATV
folder combined with 94-41-85 folder; 3.5" PC floppies (2 NS011 travel time data
& 3 CTD *.hex files); 4" Compac Tapes; 3 SeaBeam bathymetric data; maps; VHS
tapes (94-39-83 ATV 3 of 3, 94-40-84 ATV 3 of 3, 94-41-85 ATV 5 of 5, 94-42-86
ATV 2 of 2); Hi 8 tapes (781-94-14 Turtle 5 of 5, 782-94-15 Turtle 6 of 6,
94-39-83 ATV 3 of 3, 94-40-84 ATV 5 of 5, 94-41-85 ATV 8 of 8, 94-42-86 ATV 2 of
2, Hand held on deck recording of ship activities 1 of 1).
Got Help? For C-1-94-WF, we would appreciate any information on -- activity type, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, information to be derived, kms of navigation, NGDC Info, owner, project number, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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