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Embed Process for Media Already in Iraq Print E-mail
Tuesday, 15 July 2008

1. Contact the MNF-I Embed Coordination Team

Contact the Embed Coordination Team via phone (703) 270-0979 or e-mail ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) your request to embed.  If you are not already credentialed, you must obtain a CPIC badge before embedding with a unit.

2.  Receive or Download the Embed Application Form

The MNFI Embed coordination team will e-mail you the Embed Application Form . You may also download the for from the MNF-I website http://www.mnf-iraq.com by clicking “For The Media” and selecting “Embed Packet.” 

3.  Submit Embed Application Form

In order to process your request, you must submit the Embed Application Forms to the Embed coordination Team ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

4.  Approval Notification

The MNF-I Embed Coordination Team will notify you once your request is approved and they will keep you updated on the status of your embed. 

5.  Embedding with the Unit

Once approved, our embed team will coordinate your transportation to the unit you are embedding with.  You will be provided with an embed packet containing MNF-I Invitational Travel Orders and point of contact with the unit that you are embedding with.

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