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Query Interstate Cases for Kids

State and OCSE Responsibilities

OCSE and the participating States each have roles and responsibilities with respect to the QUICK program.

State Responsibilities

  1. During project start-up and implementation, all States are responsible for meeting the following requirements:
    • Provide the equipment necessary to support the State's design for this program.
    • Provide the technical resources necessary to plan, develop, and implement the application’s design.
    • Provide ongoing technical support and maintenance of the State's hardware and software for the program.
    • Maintain a secure interface with the OCSE Web server.
    • Provide as much financial data as possible upon request (a minimum of one year's data is preferable).
    • Maintain an audit trail of user IDs and case IDs.
  2. In order to successfully complete a request from another State, the following environmental requirements must be met by States:
    • Use a proxy server to handle Web application requests.
    • Use a Web service client to handle Web service requests.
    • Allow a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection.
    • Possess one of the latest two versions of the following browsers on the user workstation: MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla, or Netscape Communicator.
  3. During ongoing operations, all States are responsible for meeting the following requirements:
    • Assign a technical point of contact to resolve any transmission or other condition that would cause data not to be transported in real-time mode.
    • Enable communications with the OCSE Web server that receives and routes requests for data/information from other States' cases.
    • Provide adequate security. At a minimum, apply to all QUICK requests the same standards, procedures, and protocols that are used for other types of requests for information, so as to prevent fraudulent or unauthorized access. Thoroughly and promptly investigate suspected abuse or misuse of requests and/or data received.
  4. A requesting State, that is, a State asking to view data from another CSE system, is responsible for the following:
    • Authorize and authenticate any user requesting to view data from another CSE system.
    • Ensure that all requests for access to data from another CSE system include the requesting State's case ID, as well as the other State's case ID.
    • Treat any data/information from another State as confidential, and safeguard the data as it would data in its own system.
  5. A responding State, that is, a State providing real-time data to another State, is responsible for the following:
    • Make available as many of the data elements as possible for viewing by participating States.
    • Authenticate and authorize the OCSE web server before responding to requests.

OCSE Responsibilities

  1. OCSE is responsible for the following:
    • Accept and process a request for information from a participating State and forward the request to the other participating State.
    • Accept and process information received from a participating State and forward it to the participating State that initiated the request.
    • Maintain and publish a current list of States participating in QUICK, so that States will be aware of all potential sources of data/information.
    • Maintain audit data for all requests and responses.

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Last modified: Augst 22, 2008