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Insurance Match Program

Insurance Match Workgroup Conference Call
Meeting Minutes

DATE: September 25, 2007
TIME: 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

x Nix, Roy x Groelle, Gary x Workie, Essey
x Grigsby, Sherri x Marsolais, Matt x Cunningham, Brenda
x Higgs, Renee x Butler, Mary x Kehner, Chuck
x Locks, Bea x Concannon, Tom

State Representation:
x O'Neill, Dolores (MA) x Budnik, Jan (NJ) x Sharon Wescott (WA)
x Barela, Barbara (NM) x Payne, Carol (NM) x French, George (RI)
x Simmerson, Diane (PA) x Duncan, Melanie (AL) x Odom, Vickie (NC)
x Taylor, Doris (IA) x Bailey, Rebecca (VA) x Trammell, Annette(AR)
x Smith,Ron (OK)  

Insurance Representation/ISO/SSA/Other:
x Bachman, Janet (AIA) x Currie, Carrie (State Farm)  
x Giknis, John (ISO) x Litjen, Tom (PCIAA)  
x Birkowitz, Brian (ISO)    


  1. Insurance Match Initiative Update
    • Completed programming to receive exclusion indicator (INS) from CSE agencies and to send the two-part Insurance Match Response Record through the FCR to States participating in the insurance match. Programming for the match is currently in validation testing and is scheduled to be completed by the end of October.
    • OCSE drafted a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) addressed to State IV-D Directors providing information about Insurance Match Implementation. The DCL details how State CSE agencies can notify OCSE regarding participation in the insurance match. The DCL also explains that States will have the ability to set the arrears threshold for insurance matching within their State (the minimum arrears must be at least $25) and the ability to exclude data sources from the match (e.g., entities that States may already be matching with). The DCL will be sent to all 54 States and jurisdictions, and a copy will be made available to workgroup members.
    • OCSE provided an update on the test match with State Farm. The insurance service office (ISO) will coordinate with OCSE to match State Farm claims to individuals delinquent in their child support obligation. The types of claims matched will be limited to those currently matched between the Child Support Lien Network (CSLN) and the ISO. This is a test match; therefore matches identified will not be disclosed to State CSE agencies. The results of the match will be used for statistical purposes only.
  2. Suggestions for Intercept Information on the IRG
    • In some States WC is governed under statutes other than those that govern other insurance products. A suggestion was made to separate/categorize the questions and answers related to WC and other insurance claims.
    • Does your State engage in insurance matching with its WC Agency and/or CSLN?
    • What form does your State use to intercept insurance settlements? Please distinguish between WC claims and other insurance settlements.
    • Provide a legal site that authorizes your State to intercept insurance settlements
    • Provide contact information for your CSE central office.
    • Does your State have a minimum dollar settlement for intercept?
  3. Insurance Match Web Application
    • OCSE is in the process of analyzing options to implement a web application that insurers may use to match claims with individuals delinquent in their child support obligation. This is one of the "prongs" of the multi-pronged implementation approach for the insurance match initiative.
    • As part of the analysis, OCSE is researching existing web applications, such as Massachusetts' PIP and FMS' Debt Check.
    • Pennsylvania indicated that attorneys and insurers in their State use a web application to identify insurance claims. Pennsylvania volunteered to provide OCSE with an overview of their web application.
    • The State of Oklahoma recently passed legislation that requires insurers doing business in their State to match claims with child support obligors. To help meet the new match requirement, insurers will have the use of a web application. OCSE will work with Oklahoma through the development phase of this project. Oklahoma indicated the first phase of their web application would be developed by CSLN.
    • The following recommendations were identified by the workgroup and may be used to develop business requirements for the web application:
      1. The insurance match system must match on SSN, Name + DOB, Name + Address.
      2. Provide a confirmation number for each time the insurer logs on and attempts a claims match.
      3. Create an automatic notification to the State CSE agency responsible for collecting the past-due child support that a match has been identified.
      4. Insurers should have the ability to print out a document that verifies the matched obligor owes child support.
      5. Provide insurers the ability to upload a data file.
      6. Maintain a list of authorized users for web application.
      7. Provide insurers the ability to access an audit trail. In the MA PIP process, the State was asked to add the audit function for insurers.
      8. Minimal data entry necessary by insurer after a match is identified: Claim Number, Claim Date, Claim Agent, Claim Agent Phone Number, Claim Agent Fax Number.
      9. Although it would be helpful for States to know the Settlement Amount, insurers may not have that information at the time they check the web application, or insurers may not wish to provide the settlement amount. This field could be optional in the OCSE web application.
        Note: Insurers input the settlement amount on the website for the MA PIP (which updates weekly).
      10. Distinguish interstate from in State matches.
      11. Provide functionality for States and insures to correspond via e-mails regarding claim match/intercept information.

Action Items

  1. Schedule a time with Pennsylvania to review their web application.
  2. Send to States a draft list of High Level Business Requirements, possible web application screen shots and web application workflow before the next meeting.
  3. Notify States when new matching partners agree to participate in the insurance match.
  4. Provide a signed copy of the DCL regarding insurance match implementation to the workgroup members.
  5. Schedule next meeting for October 9, 2007 at 1:30pm (ET).

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Last modified: October 24, 2007