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Insurance Match Program

Insurance Match Standard Input File

OCSE Insurance Match Standard Input File Detail Record
Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the character "ID".
Insurer Processing Date 3-10 8 A/N This field contains the date the Insurer record was created or updated by the Insurer within its system. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
Insurer Provided SSN 11-19 9 A/N This field contains the SSN for the claimant. This is a required field.
Obligor SSN 20-28 9 A/N This field contains the Obligor SSN that was provided by OCSE to the Insurance Matching agency for its use in identifying a claimant.
Obligor Last Name 29 - 48 20 A/N This field contains the person's last name for the SSN that was provided by OCSE to the Insurance Matching agency for its use in identifying a claimant.
Obligor First Name 49-63 15 A/N This field contains the person's first name for the SSN that was provided by OCSE to the Insurance Matching agency for its use in identifying the Claimant.
Insurer Identifier 64-72 9 A/N This field contains either: a valid nine-digit Taxpayer Identification Number assigned to the Insurer, a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN), or another designated identification.
Insurer Name 73-117 45 A/N This field contains the name of the Insurer where the insurance claim is maintained and to which the State is directed to send the insurance intercept request for processing.

This is a required field.
Insurer Address Line 1 118-157 40 A/N This field contains Insurer address information within this first street field. This is a required field, unless Insurer Address Line 2 is provided.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Line 2 158-197 40 A/N This field contains Insurer address information within this second street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address City Name 198-227 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Insurer address.

This is a required field.
Insurer Address State Code 228-229 2 A/N This field contains the State alphabetic code that is associated with the Insurer address.

This is a required field.
Insurer Address Zip Code 230-244 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the Insurer address. U.S. Zip Codes are 5-4 digits, and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.
Insurer Address Foreign Country Indicator 245 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Insurer address provided is a US or foreign address:

1 - The address of the Insurer is in a foreign country
Space - The address of the Insurer is in the US
Insurer Address Foreign Country Name 246-270 25 A/N If the returned address is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Last Name 271-300 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact First Name 301-320 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Phone Number 321-330 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Phone Extension Number 331-336 6 A/N This field contains the phone number extension of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Fax Number 337-346 10 A/N This field contains the fax number of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Email 347-386 40 A/N This field contains the email address of the Insurer contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Claim Number 387-416 30 A/N This field contains the claim number assigned by the Insurer.
Insurance Product Claim Type 417-418 2 A/N This field contains the code indicating the type of claim matched by the Insurance Matcher. The valid values are:

00 - Life
01 - Automobile
02 - Automobile - No Fault
03 - Automobile - Medical
04 - Property Liability
05 - Workers' Compensation
06 - Personal Injury
07 - General Liability
08 - Homeowners Liability
09 - Medical Premise/Owners Policy
10 - Product Liability
11 - Slip, Trip and Fall
12 - Other
Insurance Claim State Code 419-420 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic FIPS code for the State in which the insurance loss occurred.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Loss Date 421-428 8 A/N This field contains the date of the insurance claim loss by the Claimant. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Beneficiary Indicator 429 1 A/N This field contains an indicator specifying whether a beneficiary is associated with this life insurance claim.

Y - Yes. A beneficiary is associated with this life insurance claim.

N - No. A beneficiary is not associated with this life insurance claim.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Reported Date 430-437 8 A/N This field contains the date the claim was reported by the Claimant to the Insurer. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Status Code 438 1 A/N This field contains one of the following codes to indicate the status of the claim:

0 - Matched claim open at the time of the match by the Insurer.

1 - Matched claim closed at the time of the match by the Insurer.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Payout Frequency Code 439 1 A/N This field contains a code associated with the frequency of the Insurer claim payout.

1 - One-Time
2 - Weekly
3 - Bi-Weekly
4 - Monthly
5 - Quarterly
6 - Annually
7 - Other
Obligor Match Code 440-441 2 A/N This field indicates the result of the match performed by the Insurance Matcher that compares the provided obligor's identifying information against insurance claim data. The valid values are:
00 - Name and Address
01 - Name and DOB
02 - Name and SSN
03 - SSN
04 - SSN and Address
05 - SSN and DOB
06 - SSN, Name, and Address
07 - SSN, Name, and DOB
08 - SSN, Address, and DOB
09 - SSN, Name, Address, and DOB
10 - Name, Address, and DOB
Claimant Last Name 442-471 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.

This is a required field.
Claimant First Name 472-491 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.

This is a required field.
Claimant Middle Name 492-507 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant ITIN Number 508-516 9 A/N This field contains the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number for the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Birth Date 517-524 8 A/N This field contains, if available, the date of birth of the Claimant from the insurance data match. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.

If not provided, this field contains spaces.
Claimant Gender Code 525 1 A/N This field contains the code that indicates the gender of the Claimant as stored in the Insurer data base.

F - Female
M - Male
If not provided, this field contains a space.
Claimant Home Phone Number 526-535 10 A/N This field contains the home phone number of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Business Phone Number 536-545 10 A/N This field contains the business phone number of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Business Phone Extension Number 546-551 6 A/N This field contains the business phone number extension of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Cell Phone Number 552-561 10 A/N This field contains the cell phone number of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Driver
License Number
562-581 20 A/N This field contains the driver license number of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Driver License State Code 582-583 2 A/N This field contains the State driver's license alphabetic code for the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Occupation 584-623 40 A/N This field contains the occupation of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Professional License Number 624-638 15 A/N This field contains the professional license number of the Claimant.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Line 1 639-678 40 A/N This field contains Claimant address information within this first street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Line 2 679-718 40 A/N This field contains Claimant address information within this second street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address City Name 719-748 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Claimant address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address State Code 749-750 2 A/N This field contains the State alphabetic code that is associated with the Claimant address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Zip Code 751-765 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the Claimant address. U.S. Zip Codes are 5-4 digits, and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Foreign Country Indicator 766 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Claimant address provided is a U.S. or foreign address:

1 - The address of the Claimant is in a foreign country.
Space - The address of the Claimant is in the U.S.
Claimant Address Foreign Country Name 767-791 25 A/N If the returned address associated with the Claimant is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.

If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.

If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Last Name 792-821 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Attorney for this claim.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney First Name 822-841 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Attorney for this claim.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Phone Number 842-851 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Attorney.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Phone Extension Number 852-857 6 A/N This field contains the phone number extension of the Attorney.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Line 1 858-897 40 A/N This field contains Attorney address information within this first street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Line 2 898-937 40 A/N This field contains Attorney address information within this second street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address City Name 938-967 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Attorney address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address State Code 968-969 2 A/N This field contains the State alphabetic code that is associated with the Attorney address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Zip Code 970-984 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the address. U.S. Zip Codes are 5-4 digits, and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Foreign Country Indicator 985 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Attorney address provided is US or foreign address:

1 - The address of the Attorney is in a foreign country
Space - The address of the Attorney is in the U.S.
Attorney Address Foreign Country Name 986-1010 25 A/N If the returned address for the Attorney is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.

If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Name 1011-1050 40 A/N This field contains the name of the Third Party Administrator (TPA) company.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Contact Last Name 1051-1070 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the TPA contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Contact First Name 1071-1100 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the TPA contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Phone Number 1101-1110 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the TPA company contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Phone Extension Number 1111-1116 6 A/N This field contains the phone extension number of the TPA company contact.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Line 1 1117-1156 40 A/N This field contains TPA company address information within this first street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Line 2 1157-1196 40 A/N This field contains TPA company address information within this second street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces
Third Party Administrator Address City Name 1197-1226 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the TPA company address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address State Code 1227-1228 2 A/N This field contains the State alphabetic code that is associated with the TPA company address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Zip Code 1229-1243 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the TPA address. U.S. Zip Codes are 5-4 digits, and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Foreign Country Indicator 1244 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the TPA company address provided is US or foreign address:

1 - The address of the TPA is in a foreign country
Space - The address of the TPA is in the U.S.
Third Party Administrator Address Foreign Country Name 1245-1269 25 A/N If the returned address associated with the TPA company is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.

If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Name 1270-1309 40 A/N This field contains the name of the Claimant's Employer.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Phone Number 1310-1319 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Employer. An additional extension number may be provided as part of this number.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Phone Extension Number 1320-1325 6 A/N This field contains the phone extension number of the Employer.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Line 1 1326-1365 40 A/N This field contains the Employer address information within this first street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Line 2 1366-1405 40 A/N This field contains the Employer address information within this second street field.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address City Name 1406-1435 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Employer address. If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address State Code 1436-1437 2 A/N This field contains the State alphabetic code that is associated with the Employer address.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Zip Code 1438-1452 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the Employer address. U.S. Zip Codes are 5-4 digits, and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.

If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Foreign Country Indicator 1453 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Employer address provided is a US or foreign address:

1 - The address of the Employer is in a foreign country.
Space - The address of the Employer is in the U.S.
Employer Address Foreign Country Name 1454-1478 25 A/N If the returned address associated with the Employer is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.

If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Filler 1479-1600 122 A/N Reserved for future use. For this version this field contains spaces.

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Last modified: June 26, 2008