Publication Types

Publication Types

The Publication Type Review will be used for articles that examine the published literature on a given subject. This includes clinical medicine, biomedical research, and life sciences in general. The review may be comprehensive or narrowly focused on a particular topic.

A Review article can usually be easily identified and distinguished from a typical research article which reports original findings

  • It may appear in the table of contents of the journal under the publisher’s rubric “Review”, “Overview” etc. . . .
  • The words “Review” or “Overview” may be in the title of the article.
  • The author may indicate in the introduction of the article that it is a review.

The format of a review article differs from the format of a typical research article.

  • A review article usually identifies references throughout the body of the article.
  • A review article usually does not have sections labeled Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.

In some cases a review article may not have the characteristics described above. However, if it can be determined that the article meets the definition of a review, the publication type Review should be assigned.

When the publication type Review is selected, the indexer must also indicate the number of references in that article. If the references are not numbered, the indexer must actually count them.