Publication Types

Publication Types

The most common and general Publication Type is Journal Article [PT]. This is the publication type used for original full text research, review or other reports published in a journal. This is the “default “ PT. The vast majority of indexed items will have the publication type Journal Article.

The Publication Type Letter will be used for items published by a journal as a communication or correspondence between researchers and journal editors. Frequently, these letters comment on articles previously published in the journal. A Letter is usually easily recognizable; it often appears in a special section of a journal clearly labeled as Correspondence or Letters to the Editors. A Letter is usually indexed non-depth. Letter (PT) cannot be used with Journal Article (PT).

The Publication Type Editorial will be used for items expressing opinions of journal editors. Editorials frequently comment on articles published in the same journal issue or on current matters of medical or scientific significance. An Editorial is easily recognizable; it often appears in the beginning of a journal and is usually labelled Editorial by the journal. An Editorial is usually indexed non-depth. Editorial (PT) cannot be used with Journal Article (PT).