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Circulation. 2006;113:e85-e151
Published online before print January 11, 2006, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.171600
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(Circulation. 2006;113:e85-e151.)
© 2006 American Heart Association, Inc.

AHA Statistical Update

Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2006 Update

A Report From the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee

Writing Group: Thomas Thom; Nancy Haase; Wayne Rosamond, PhD; Virginia J. Howard, MSPH, FAHA; John Rumsfeld, MD, PhD, FAHA; Teri Manolio, MD, PhD, FAHA; Zhi-Jie Zheng, MD, PhD*; Katherine Flegal, PhD*; Christopher O’Donnell, MD, MPH, FAHA; Steven Kittner, MD; Donald Lloyd-Jones, MD; David C. Goff, Jr, MD, PhD, FAHA; Yuling Hong, MD, MSC, PhD, FAHA; Members of the Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee**; Robert Adams, MD; Gary Friday, MD, MPH; Karen Furie, MD, MPH; Philip Gorelick, MD, MPH; Brett Kissela, MD; John Marler, MD; James Meigs, MD; Veronique Roger, MD; Stephen Sidney, MD, MPH; Paul Sorlie, PhD; Julia Steinberger, MD, MSC; Sylvia Wasserthiel-Smoller, PhD; Matthew Wilson, MD; Philip Wolf, MD

*    Table of Contents
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*Table of Contents
down arrow1. About These Statistics
down arrow2. Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
down arrow4. Stroke
down arrow5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References

  1. About These Statistics
  2. Cardiovascular Diseases
  3. Coronary Heart Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome and Angina Pectoris
  4. Stroke and Stroke in Children
  5. High Blood Pressure (and End-Stage Renal Disease)
  6. Congenital Cardiovascular Defects
  7. Heart Failure
  8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
       –Arrhythmias (Disorders of Heart Rhythm)
       –Arteries, Diseases of (including Peripheral Arterial Disease)
       –Bacterial Endocarditis
       –Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease
       –Valvular Heart Disease
       –Venous Thromboembolism

  9. Risk Factors
       –High Blood Cholesterol and Other Lipids
       –Physical Inactivity
       –Overweight and Obesity
       –Diabetes Mellitus

  10. Metabolic Syndrome
  11. Nutrition
  12. Quality of Care
  13. Medical Procedures
  14. Economic Cost of Cardiovascular Diseases
  15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
       –Men and Cardiovascular Diseases
       –Women and Cardiovascular Diseases
       –Ethnic Groups and Cardiovascular Diseases
       –Children, Youth and Cardiovascular Diseases

  16. Glossary and Abbreviation Guide
  17. Acknowledgment
  18. References

Appendix I: List of Statistical Fact Sheets. URL:

*    1. About These Statistics
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*1. About These Statistics
down arrow2. Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
down arrow4. Stroke
down arrow5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
The American Heart Association works with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and other government agencies to derive the annual statistics in this update. This section describes the most important sources we use. For more details and an alphabetical list of abbreviations, see the Glossary and Abbreviation Guide.

All statistics are for the most recent year available. Prevalence, mortality and hospitalizations are computed for 2003 unless otherwise noted. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death is for 2002. Economic cost estimates are for 2006. Due to late release of data, some disease mortality are not updated to 2003. Mortality for 2003 are underlying preliminary data, obtained from the NCHS publication National Vital Statistics Report: Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2003 (NVSR, 2005;53:15) and from unpublished tabulations furnished by Robert Anderson of NCHS. US and state death rates and prevalence rates are age-adjusted per 100 000 population (unless otherwise specified) using the 2000 US standard for age standardization.

Morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) data in the United States use a standard classification system—the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). About every 10–20 years, the ICD codes are revised to reflect changes over time in medical technology, diagnosis or terminology. Effective with mortality data for 1999, we’re using the tenth revision (ICD/10). It will be a few more years before the tenth revision is used for hospital discharge data.

Prevalence is an estimate of how many people have a disease at a given point in time. Government agencies periodically conduct health examination surveys. Rates for specific diseases are calculated from those surveys. These rates are applied as the population changes for several years, until a new health examination survey is done and new rates are established. It’s important to realize that the prevalence rates do not change from year to year until there is a new survey.

The annual changes in prevalence as reported in this update only reflect changes in the population. It’s impossible to develop a prevalence "trend" by comparing numbers from yearly versions of this update or its precursors. Many of our prevalence estimates come from the NHANES studies of the CDC/NCHS, and the ARIC, CHS and FHS studies of the NHLBI. Coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (MI), angina pectoris (AP) and stroke prevalence are based on self-reports in national health interviews.

Incidence is an estimate of the number of new cases of a disease that develop in a population in a 1-year period. For some statistics, new and recurrent attacks or cases are combined.

The incidence of a specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States is estimated by multiplying the incidence rates reported in community- or hospital-based studies by the US population. The rates change only when new data are available; they are not computed annually. The estimates were revised to reflect the 2000 US Census. Do not compare the incidence or the rates with those in past issues of the Heart and Stroke Statistical Update (renamed Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update). Doing so can lead to serious misinterpretation of time trends.

Our incidence estimates for the various cardiovascular diseases are extrapolations from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study and Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) conducted by the NHLBI and Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study and others conducted by the NIH.

Note: data published by governmental agencies for some racial groups, are considered unreliable due to the small sample size in the studies. Since we try to provide data for as many racial groups as possible, we show these data for informational and comparative purposes, etc.

If you have questions about statistics or any points made in this booklet, please contact the Biostatistics Program Coordinator at the American Heart Association National Center,, 214-706-1423. Direct all media inquiries to News Media Relations at or 214-706-1173.

We do our utmost to ensure that this update is error-free. If we discover errors after publication, we’ll provide corrections at our Web site,

*    2. Cardiovascular Diseases
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up arrow1. About These Statistics
*2. Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
down arrow4. Stroke
down arrow5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 390–459, 745–747) (ICD/10 I00–I99, Q20–Q28; see Glossary for details and definitions). See Table 2A.

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Of the 71 300 000 American adults with 1 or more types of cardiovascular disease (CVD), 27 400 000 are estimated to be age 65 or older (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES 1999–2002], CDC/NCHS). Bullet points below are from NHANES 1999–2002 unless otherwise noted.

The following are the latest estimates of prevalence for these conditions. Due to overlap, it is not possible to add these conditions to arrive at a total.



Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
There is a wide variation in the reported incidence and outcome for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. These differences are due to in part to differences in definition and ascertainment of cardiac arrest, as well as differences in treatment after its onset.

Cardiac arrest is the cessation of cardiac mechanical activity as confirmed by the absence of signs of circulation.6a Available epidemiological databases do not record deaths due to cardiac arrest or the subset of cases that occur with sudden onset (sudden cardiac arrest). Therefore, surrogate data are often used for epidemiological purposes to estimate the incidence of cardiac arrest, especially in the out-of-hospital setting. Those surrogate data include deaths due to "coronary heart disease" (ICD codes I20-I25) and "cardiac arrest," defined as coronary death that occurred within 1 hour of symptom onset in the out-of-hospital setting, and without other probable cause of death.6b Datasets based on either definition are not optimal. Out-of-hospital data that are based on the latter definition of cardiac arrest can be especially unreliable because of the difficulty in determining the duration of symptoms prior to the onset of the episode. The following information summarizes representative data from several sources in an attempt to characterize the incidence and outcome of sudden cardiac arrest and demonstrate the need for a comprehensive system of capturing more meaningful data.

Risk Factors

Hospital/Physician/Nursing Home Visits


Operations and Procedures

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CHART 2S. 2002 Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Total Cardiovascular Disease, Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke by State (includes District of Columbia and Puerto Rico)

*    3. Coronary Heart Disease, Acute Coronary Syndrome and Angina Pectoris
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up arrow2. Cardiovascular Diseases
*3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
down arrow4. Stroke
down arrow5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
Coronary Heart Disease
(ICD/9 410–414, 429.2) (ICD/10 I20–I25; see Glossary for details and definitions). See Table 3A.

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CHD caused 1 of every 5 deaths in the United States in 2003. CHD mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—653 000. MI mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—221 000.

Risk Factors


Hospital Discharges

Awareness of Warning Signs and Risk Factors for Heart Disease


Operations and Procedures

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
(ICD/9 codes 410, 411)

The term "acute coronary syndrome" (ACS) is increasingly used to describe patients who present with either acute MI or UA. (UA is chest pain or discomfort that’s unexpected and usually occurs while at rest. The discomfort may be more severe and prolonged than typical angina or be the first time a person has angina.)

Decisions regarding medical and interventional treatments are based on specific findings noted when a patient presents with ACS. Such patients are classified clinically into 1 of 3 categories according to the presence or absence of ST segment elevation on the presenting electrocardiogram and abnormal ("positive") elevations of myocardial biomarkers such as troponins, as follows:

Studies evaluating the percentage of ACS patients who have STEMI range from 30–45%.65 These are only preliminary estimates, in part because of dramatically changing practices in the unstable angina discharge diagnosis in the past decade. Factors affecting the UA diagnosis include changes in reimbursement policies, the advent of more sensitive assays for myocardial injury (leading to increased diagnosis of MI over UA), and greater care of patients in same-day "chest pain units" and same-day catheterization procedures.

Angina Pectoris
(ICD/9 413) (ICD/10 I20). See Table 3B.

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TABLE 3B. Angina Pectoris



A small number of deaths due to CHD are coded as being from AP. These are included as a portion of total deaths from CHD.

*    4. Stroke
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
*4. Stroke
down arrow5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 430–438) (ICD/10 I60–I69). See Table 4A.68

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TABLE 4A. Stroke


Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)


Stroke accounted for about 1 of every 15 deaths in the United States in 2003. About 50% of these deaths occurred out of hospital. Stroke as an underlying or contributing cause of death—about 273 000.

Risk Factors

Physical Activity

Pregnancy and Stroke

Postmenopausal Women


Hospital Discharges

Awareness of Stroke Warning Signs and Risk Factors


Operations and Procedures

Stroke in Children

*    5. High Blood Pressure
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up arrow1. About These Statistics
up arrow2. Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
*5. High Blood Pressure
down arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 401–404) (ICD/10 I10–I15). See Table 5A.

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TABLE 5A. High Blood Pressure


Race/Ethnicity and HBP

HBP was listed as a primary or contributing cause of death in about 277 000 of over 2 440 000 US deaths in 2003.



Hospital Discharge



End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
(ICD/10 N18.0)

ESRD (also called end-stage kidney disease) is a condition closely related to high blood pressure, and occurs when the kidneys can no longer function normally on their own. When this happens, patients are required to undergo treatment such as kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant. ESRD morbidity rates vary dramatically among different age, race, ethnicity and sex population groups. Morbidity rates tend to increase with age, then fall off for the oldest age group. The age group with the highest incidence rate is ages 75–79; for prevalence rates, it’s ages 70–74. Chronic kidney disease (categorized in stages by level of estimated glomerular filtration rate and urine proteins), which eventually progresses to ESRD, is also a substantial public health burden in the United States. The excess CVD risk in people with chronic renal disease is caused, in part, by a higher prevalence of CVD risk factors in this group than in the general population. The main factors include older age, HBP, high blood cholesterol and lipids, diabetes and physical inactivity. An independent, graded association was observed between a reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR, an indicator of kidney function) and the risk of death, cardiovascular events and hospitalization in a large, community-based population of over 1 million men and women.159

Age, Sex, Race and Ethnicity

*    6. Congenital Cardiovascular Defects
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
*6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
down arrow7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
down arrowAbbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 745–747) (ICD/10 Q20–Q28). See Table 6A.

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TABLE 6A. Congenital Cardiovascular Defects

Congenital cardiovascular defects, also known as congenital heart defects, are structural problems arising from abnormal formation of the heart or major blood vessels. At least 15 distinct types of congenital defects are recognized, with many additional anatomic variations.

Defects range in severity from tiny pinholes between chambers that are nearly irrelevant and often resolve spontaneously, to major malformations that result in fetal loss or death in infancy or childhood. Common complex defects include:

About 1 million Americans, or 3.4 per 1000, reported being told by a physician that they had a congenital cardiovascular defect, according to a national interview survey in 1993–95. The current prevalence is likely to be higher, since both diagnosis and treatment for all types of defects have improved substantially over the past decade, and since some patients may have been unaware of their diagnosis at the time of the survey (CDC/NCHS, HIS Survey, 1993–95. Unpublished data).

Major defects are usually apparent in the neonatal period, but minor defects may not be detected until adulthood. Thus, true measures of incidence for congenital heart disease would need to record new cases of defects presenting anytime in fetal life through adulthood. However, estimates are only available for new cases detected between birth and 30 days of life, known as birth prevalence, or as new cases detected in the first year of life only. Both of these are typically reported as cases per 1000 live births per year, and do not distinguish between tiny defects that resolve without treatment and major malformations. To distinguish more serious defects, some studies also report new cases of sufficient severity to undergo an invasive procedure or result in death within the first year of life. Despite the absence of true incidence figures, some data are available, and are shown in Table 6B.

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TABLE 6B. Annual Incidence of Congenital Cardiovascular Defects


In 2000, over 130 000 hospitalizations, as a primary or secondary diagnosis, were for infants or children with congenital cardiovascular disease; hospital charges were $6.5 billion (HCUPKID2000).

*    7. Heart Failure
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*7. Heart Failure
down arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
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down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 428) (ICD/10 I50). See Table 7A.

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TABLE 7A. Heart Failure



Risk Factors

As an underlying or contributing cause of death—286 700.

Hospital Discharges


*    8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
*8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
down arrow9. Risk Factors
down arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
down arrowOverweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
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down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
down arrow16. Glossary
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down arrow18. References
Mortality, prevalence and death rate data in this section are for 2002 or 2003. Mortality for 2003 is preliminary. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death is for 2002. Hospital discharge data for 2003 are based on ICD/9 codes.

Arrhythmias (Disorders of Heart Rhythm)
(ICD/9 426, 427) (ICD/10 I46–I49)

Mortality—38 698. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—479 700 of over 2 440 000 US deaths. Hospital discharges—856 000. In 2001, $2.7 billion ($6634 per discharge) was paid to Medicare beneficiaries for cardiac dysrhythmias.35

Atrial fibrillation and flutter (ICD/9 427.3) (ICD/10 I48). Mortality—10 089. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—77 800. Prevalence—>2 200 000. Incidence—>75 000.174 Hospital discharges—470 000.

Arteries, Diseases of
(ICD/9 440–448) (ICD/10 I70–I79) (Includes peripheral arterial disease)

Mortality—37 647. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—115 400. Hospital discharges—262 000.

Aortic aneurysm (ICD/9 441) (ICD/10 I71). Mortality—14 751. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—20 800. Hospital discharges—53 000.

Atherosclerosis (ICD/9 440) (ICD/10 I70) is a process that leads to a group of diseases characterized by a thickening of artery walls. Preliminary mortality (2003)—13 030. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—66 000. Hospital discharges—118 000. Atherosclerosis causes many deaths from heart attack and stroke and accounts for nearly three-fourths of all deaths from CVD (FHS, NHLBI).

Other diseases of arteries (ICD/9 442–448) (ICD/10 I72–I78). Preliminary mortality (2003)—9867. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—10 109. Hospital discharges—91 000.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects about 8 million Americans and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.185,186

Bacterial Endocarditis
(ICD/9 421.0) (ICD/10 I33.0)

Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—2370. Hospital discharges—29 000, primary plus secondary diagnoses.

(ICD/9 425) (ICD/10 I42)

Mortality—27 728. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—54 700. Hospital discharges—39 000.

Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease
(ICD/9 390–398) (ICD/10 I00–I09). See Table 8A.

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TABLE 8A. Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease



Valvular Heart Disease
(ICD/9 424) (ICD/10 I34–I38)

Mortality—19 989. Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—42 590. Hospital discharges—95 000.

Operations and Procedures

Venous Thromboembolism

*    9. Risk Factors
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up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
*9. Risk Factors
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down arrowOverweight and Obesity
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down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
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See Tables 9A and 9BDown.210–212

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TABLE 9A. Cigarette Smoking

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TABLE 9B. Cigarette Smoking Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity, Age, and Sex in the United States, 1999 to 2001





Health Consequences

Chewing Tobacco


*    High Blood Cholesterol and Other Lipids
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up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
*High Blood Cholesterol and...
down arrowPhysical Activity
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See Table 9C.230

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TABLE 9C. High Blood Cholesterol and Other Lipids

For information on dietary cholesterol, total fat, saturated fat and other factors that affect blood cholesterol levels, see Nutrition section.



Based on data from the Third Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults235:

LDL (Bad) Cholesterol


HDL (Good) Cholesterol
The higher a person’s HDL cholesterol level is, the better. A level of less than 40 mg/dL in adults is considered low HDL cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.



*    Physical Activity
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up arrow9. Risk Factors
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*Physical Activity
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down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
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down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
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See Tables 9D and 9EDown.

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TABLE 9D. Regular Leisure-Time Physical Activity

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TABLE 9E. Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity




*    Overweight and Obesity
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up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
*Overweight and Obesity
down arrowDiabetes Mellitus
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down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
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See Table 9F.

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TABLE 9F. Obesity and Overweight



Obesity was associated with nearly 112 000 excess deaths (95% confidence interval [CI], 53 754–170 064) and underweight with nearly 34 000 excess deaths (95% CI, 15 726–51 766).255

Risk Factors


*    Diabetes Mellitus
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
*Diabetes Mellitus
down arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
down arrow11. Nutrition
down arrow12. Quality of Care
down arrow13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
(ICD/9 250) (ICD/10 E10–E14). See Table 9G.

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[in a new window]
TABLE 9G. Diabetes



Mortality as an underlying or contributing cause of death—224 100.


Risk Factors

In 2002, the direct and indirect cost of diabetes was $132 billion.270

*    10. Metabolic Syndrome
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up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
*10. Metabolic Syndrome
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down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) among 12–19-year-old US adolescents was estimated in an analysis of NHANES III data, by applying a modification of the ATP III definition (Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program [NCEP] Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults [ATP III, NHLBI]) for adults. MetS during adolescence was defined as 3 or more of the following abnormalities:

—Serum triglyceride level of 110 mg/dL or higher.
—High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level of 40 mg/dL or lower.
—Elevated fasting glucose of 110 mg/dL or higher.
—Blood pressure at or above the 90th percentile for age, sex and height.
—Waist circumference at or above the 90th percentile for age and sex (NHANES III data set)

People with MetS are at increased risk for developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as increased mortality from CVD and all causes. Unless otherwise stated, the following data are based on the definition of the metabolic syndrome as determined in the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (ATP III, NHLBI).

*    11. Nutrition
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up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
*11. Nutrition
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down arrow18. References
See Table 11A.

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TABLE 11A. Nutrition

Fat/Meat Consumption




Each year over $33 billion in medical costs and $9 billion in lost productivity due to heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes are attributed to diet (CDC).

*    12. Quality of Care
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
*12. Quality of Care
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down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
The Institute of Medicine defines quality of care as "the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge."290

This section of the Update highlights national data on quality of care for several cardiovascular conditions. It is intended to serve as a benchmark for current care and to stimulate efforts to improve the quality of cardiovascular care nationally. Where possible, data is reported from standardized quality indicators (ie, those consistent with the methods for quality performance measures endorsed by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association291 Additional data on aspects of quality of care such as compliance with ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines is also included to provide a spectrum of quality-of-care data.


Care Centers/Personnel

*    13. Medical Procedures
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
up arrow12. Quality of Care
*13. Medical Procedures
down arrow14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
Cardiac Catheterization

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
In the United States in 2003, the NCHS estimates that 467 000 of these procedures were performed on 268 000 patients.

Heart Transplants
In 2004, 2016 heart transplants were performed in the United States. There are 309 organ transplant centers in the United States, 186 of which perform heart transplants.

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI, previously referred to as PTCA)

*    14. Economic Cost of Cardiovascular Diseases
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up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
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up arrow13. Medical Procedures
*14. Economic Cost of...
down arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
The cost of cardiovascular diseases and stroke in the United States for 2006 is estimated at $403.1 billion. This figure includes health expenditures (direct costs, which include the cost of physicians and other professionals, hospital and nursing home services, the cost of medications, home health care and other medical durables) and lost productivity resulting from morbidity and mortality (indirect costs). By comparison, in 2004 the estimated cost of all cancers was $190 billion ($69 billion in direct costs, $17 billion in morbidity indirect costs and $104 billion in mortality indirect costs). In 1999, the estimated cost of HIV infections was $28.9 billion ($13.4 billion direct and $15.5 billion indirect).

See Chart 14A and Table 14A.302–305

Figure 54
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Chart 14A. Estimated direct and indirect costs (in billions of dollars) of major cardiovascular diseases and stroke (United States: 2006).

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TABLE 14A. Estimated Direct and Indirect Costs (in Billions of Dollars) of Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke: United States: 2006

*    15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
up arrow12. Quality of Care
up arrow13. Medical Procedures
up arrow14. Economic Cost of...
*15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
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down arrow18. References
See Tables 15A through 15DDownDownDownDownDownDown.292,293,143,157

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TABLE 15A. Males and Cardiovascular Diseases: At-a-Glance Table

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[in a new window]
TABLE 15B. Females and Cardiovascular Diseases: At-a-Glance Table

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[in a new window]
TABLE 15C. Ethnic Groups and Cardiovascular Diseases: At-a-Glance Tables

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TABLE 15D. Children, Youth, and Cardiovascular Diseases: At-a-Glance Table

*    16. Glossary
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up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
up arrow12. Quality of Care
up arrow13. Medical Procedures
up arrow14. Economic Cost of...
up arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
*16. Glossary
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down arrow18. References

*    Abbreviation Guide
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up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
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up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
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*Abbreviation Guide
down arrow18. References
ACE—angiotensin-converting enzyme

ACS—acute coronary syndrome

ADHERE—Acute Decompensated HEart Failure National REgistry

AED—automated external defibrillator

AF—atrial fibrillation

AHA—American Heart Association

AHRQ—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

AIDS—acquired immune deficiency syndrome

AJC—American Journal of Cardiology

AP—angina pectoris

ARIC—Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities

ATP—Adult Treatment Panel

BMI—body mass index

BP—blood pressure

BRFSS—Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

BWIS—Baltimore-Washington Infant Study

CAD—coronary artery disease

CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CHD—coronary heart disease

HF—heart failure

CHS—Cardiovascular Health Study

CMS—Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

COPD—Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPI—Consumer Price Index

CPR—cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CVD—cardiovascular disease

DVT—deep vein thrombosis

ED—emergency department

EMS—emergency medical services

ER—emergency room

ESRD—end-stage renal disease

FHS—Framingham Heart Study

GCNKSS—Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study

GWTG—Get With The GuidelinesSM

HBP—high blood pressure

HCFA—Health Care Financing Administration

HCUP—Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project

HDL—high-density lipoprotein

HHP—Honolulu Heart Program

HIV—human immunodeficiency virus

ICD—International Classification of Diseases

ICDA—International Classification of Diseases, Adapted

ICH—intracerebral hemorrhage

JACC—Journal of the American College of Cardiology

JAMA—Journal of the American Medical Association

JCAHO—Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations

JNC—Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure


LDL—low-density lipoprotein

LV—left ventricular

LVEF—left ventricular ejection fraction

MACDP—Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program

MetS—metabolic syndrome

mg/dL—milligrams per deciliter

MI—myocardial infarction

mm Hg—millimeters of mercury

MMWR—Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

NCEP—National Cholesterol Education Program

NCHS—National Center for Health Statistics

NCQA—National Committee for Quality Assurance

NEJM—New England Journal of Medicine

NHANES—National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHES—National Health Examination Survey

NHIS—National Health Interview Survey

NHLBI—National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

NIDDK—National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NIHSS—National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

NINDS—National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

NOMASS—Northern Manhattan Stroke Study

NRMI—National Registry of Myocardial Infarction

NVSS—National Vital Statistics System

OR—odds ratio

PA—physical activity

PAD—peripheral arterial disease

PTCA—percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

PE—pulmonary embolism

PTE—pulmonary thromboembolism

PVD—peripheral vascular disease

RF—rheumatic fever

RHD—rheumatic heart disease

RR—relative risk

SAH—subarachnoid hemorrhage

SCD—sudden cardiac death

SES—socioeconomic status

SHS—Strong Heart Study

STEMI—ST elevation myocardial infarction

TIA—transient ischemic attack

UA—unstable angina

UNOS—United Network for Organ Sharing

USDA—United States Department of Agriculture

USDHHS—United States Department of Health and Human Services

VF—ventricular fibrillation

VSD—ventricular septal defect

VTE—venous thromboembolism

WHO—World Health Organization

YLL—years of life lost

YMCLS—Youth Media Campaign Longitudinal Study

YRBS—Youth Risk Behavior SurveillanceDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDownDown

Figure 1
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Chart 2A. Trends in the age-adjusted prevalence of health conditions, US adults ages 20–74 (NHANES: 1971–74 to 1999–2000). Source: Briefel and Johnson.27a Printed with permission from the Annual Review of Nutrition.

Figure 2
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Chart 2B. Trends in cardiovascular risk factors in the US population ages 20–74 (NHES: 1960–62; NHANES: 1971–75 to 1999–2000). Source: Gregg et al.28 In this study, high total cholesterol was defined as greater than or equal to 240 mg/dL; high blood pressure was defined as greater than or equal to 140/90 mm Hg.

Figure 3
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Chart 2C. Deaths from diseases of the heart (United States: 1900–2003). Note: See Glossary for an explanation of "Diseases of the Heart." Total cardiovascular disease data are not available for much of the period covered by this chart. Source: CDC/NCHS. Preliminary mortality for 2003.

Figure 4
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Chart 2D. Hospital discharges for cardiovascular diseases (United States: 1970–2003). Note: Hospital discharges include people discharged alive and dead. Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 5
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Chart 2E. Percentage breakdown of deaths from cardiovascular diseases (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 6
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Chart 2F. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in Americans age 20 and older by age and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. These data include CHD, CHF, stroke, and hypertension.

Figure 7
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Chart 2G. Charts 2G, 2H, 2I, and 2J make a comparison of total CVD deaths as compared with total cancer deaths for the total US population and also by specific age groups. Overall, there are an estimated 71.3 million people in the United States living with CVD, which causes over 910 000 deaths annually compared to over 554 000 cancer deaths. Chart 2G: CVD deaths versus cancer deaths by age (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. Charts 2H, 2I, and 2J: Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 8
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Chart 2H. Three leading causes of death: total, under age 85, and 85 and older. Deaths: both sexes, United States, 2003.

Figure 9
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Chart 2I. Three leading causes of death: total, under age 85, and 85 and older. Deaths in males, United States, 2003.

Figure 10
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Chart 2J. Three leading causes of death: total, under age 85, and 85 and older. Deaths in females, United States, 2003. Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. Note: 2003 mortality is preliminary.

Figure 11
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Chart 2K. Leading causes of death for all males and females (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). A, Total CVD; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, chronic lower respiratory diseases; E, diabetes mellitus; F, Alzheimer’s disease. Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 12
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Chart 2L. Leading causes of death for white males and females (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). A, Total CVD; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, chronic lower respiratory diseases; E, diabetes mellitus; F, Alzheimer’s disease. Note: In 2002, using "Diseases of the Heart and Stroke," which do not constitute total CVD, the percentages of the "A" bars would be 34.1 for males and 36.8 for females. Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 13
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Chart 2M. Leading causes of death for black or African-American males and females (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). A, Total CVD; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, assault (homicide); E, HIV (AIDS); F, diabetes mellitus; G, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis. Note: In 2002, using "Diseases of the Heart and Stroke," which do not constitute total CVD, the percentages of the "A" bars would be 30.6 for males and 36.0 for females. Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 14
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Chart 2N. Leading causes of death for Hispanic or Latino males and females (United States: 2002). A, Diseases of the heart, and stroke; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, diabetes mellitus; E, assault (homicide); F, chronic lower respiratory disease. Source: CDC/NCHS.

Figure 15
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Chart 2O. Leading causes of death for Asian or Pacific Islander males and females (United States: 2002). A, Diseases of the heart, and stroke; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, chronic lower respiratory diseases; E, diabetes mellitus; F, influenza and pneumonia. Note: "Asian or Pacific Islander" is a heterogeneous category that includes people at high CVD risk (e.g., South Asian) and people at low CVD risk (e.g., Japanese). More specific data on these groups aren’t available. Source: CDC/NCHS.

Figure 16
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Chart 2P. Leading causes of death for American Indian or Alaska Native males and females (United States: 2002). A, Diseases of the heart, and stroke; B, cancer; C, accidents; D, diabetes mellitus; E, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis; F, chronic lower respiratory diseases. Source: CDC/NCHS.

Figure 17
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Chart 2Q. Age-adjusted death rates for coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung and breast cancer for white and black females (United States: 2003 [preliminary]). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 18
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Chart 2R. Cardiovascular disease mortality trends for males and females (United States: 1979–2003 [preliminary]). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 19
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Chart 2T. US maps corresponding to state death rates.

Figure 20
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Chart 2U. International death rates.

Figure 21
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Chart 3A. Estimated 10-year CHD risk in 55-year-old adults according to levels of various risk factors (Framingham Heart Study). Source: Wilson et al.67

Figure 22
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Chart 3B. Annual number of Americans having diagnosed heart attack by age and sex (ARIC: 1987–2000). Source: Extrapolated from rates in the NHLBI’s ARIC surveillance study, 1987–2000. These data don’t include silent MIs.

Figure 23
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Chart 3C. Annual rate of first heart attacks by age, sex and race (ARIC: 1987–2000). Source: NHLBI’s ARIC surveillance study, 1987–2000.

Figure 24
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Chart 3D. Prevalence of coronary heart disease by age and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 25
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Chart 3E. Hospital discharges for coronary heart disease by sex (United States: 1970–2003). Note: Hospital discharges include people discharged alive and dead. Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 26
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Chart 4A. Risk of stroke in women in the third trimester, peri- and post-partum period versus risk of nonpregnant women and women in the first 2 trimesters. Source: Salonen et al.102

Figure 27
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Chart 4B. Prevalence of stroke by age and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 28
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Chart 4C. Annual rate of first cerebral infarction by age, sex and race (Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study: 1993–94). Sources: Unpublished data from the GCNKSS; Kissela et al.143

Figure 29
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Chart 4D. Annual rate of first intracerebral hemorrhage by age, sex and race (Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study: 1993–94). Source: Kissela et al.143

Figure 30
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Chart 4E. Estimated 10-year stroke risk in 55-year-old adults according to levels of various risk factors (Framingham Heart Study). Source: Wolf et al.144

Figure 31
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Chart 4F. Trends in carotid endarterectomy procedures (United States: 1979–2003). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 32
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Chart 5A. Prevalence of high blood pressure in Americans by age and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 33
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Chart 5B. Age-adjusted prevalence trends for high blood pressure in Americans age 20 and older by race/ethnicity, sex and survey (NHANES: 1988–94 and 1999–2002). Source: Health, United States, 2004, CDC/NCHS. Data based on 3 measures of blood pressure. NH indicates non-Hispanic; AA, African American.157

Figure 34
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Chart 5C. Extent of awareness, treatment and control of high blood pressure by race/ethnicity (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: MMWR.158 NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 35
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Chart 5D. Extent of awareness, treatment and control of high blood pressure by age (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: MMWR.158

Figure 36
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Chart 7A. Prevalence of heart failure by sex and age (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 37
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Chart 7B. Hospital discharges for heart failure by sex (United States: 1970–2003). Note: Hospital discharges include people discharged alive and dead. Source: National Hospital Discharge Survey, CDC/NCHS and NHLBI.

Figure 38
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Chart 9A. Prevalence of high school students in grades 9–12 reporting current cigarette smoking by sex and race/ethnicity. (YRBS: 2003) Source: MMWR.228 NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 39
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Chart 9B. Prevalence of current smoking for Americans age 18 and older by race/ethnicity and sex (NHIS: 2004). Source: MMWR.210 NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 40
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Chart 9C. Trends in mean total serum cholesterol among adults age 20 and older by race/ethnicity, sex and survey (NHANES: 1988–94 and 1999–2002). Source: Carroll et al.234

Figure 41
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Chart 9D. Trends in mean total serum cholesterol among adolescents ages 12–17 by race, sex and survey (NHES III: 1966–70, NHANES I & III: 1971–74, 1988–94). Source: CDC/NCHS. Hickman et al.236

Figure 42
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Chart 9E. Age-adjusted prevalence of Americans age 20 and older with LDL cholesterol of 130 mg/dL or higher by race/ethnicity and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 43
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Chart 9F. Age-adjusted prevalence of Americans age 20 and older with HDL cholesterol under 40 mg/dL by race/ethnicity and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 44
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Chart 9G. Prevalence of students in grades 9–12 who participated in sufficient vigorous or moderate physical activity during the past 7 days by race/ethnicity and sex (YRBS: 2003). Note: "Sufficient vigorous activity" is defined as activity causing sweating and hard breathing for at least 20 minutes on 3 or more of the 7 days of the week. "Sufficient moderate activity" is defined as activities that did not cause sweating or hard breathing, lasting for at least 30 minutes on 5 or more of the 7 days of the week. Source: MMWR.237

Figure 45
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Chart 9H. Prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Americans age 18 and older by race/ethnicity and sex. BRFSS: 1994, 2000, 2004. Source: MMWR.238 NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 46
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Chart 9I. Prevalence of overweight among students in grades 9–12 by sex and race/ethnicity (YRBS: 2003). Source: BMI 95th percentile or higher by age and sex of the CDC 2000 growth chart. MMWR.237 NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 47
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Chart 9J. Age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in Americans ages 20–74 by sex and survey (NHES 1960–62; NHANES: 1971–74, 1976–80, 1988–94 and 1999–2002). Note: Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30.0 or higher. Source: Health, United States, 2004. CDC/NCHS.

Figure 48
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Chart 9K. Trends in the prevalence of overweight among US children and adolescents by age and survey (NHANES: 1971–74, 1976–80, 1988–94 and 1999–2002; NHANES: 1971-74 to 1999-2002). Source: Health, United States, 2004. CDC/NCHS.

Figure 49
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Chart 9L. Age-adjusted prevalence of physician-diagnosed diabetes in Americans age 20 and older by race/ethnicity and sex (NHANES: 1999–2002). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. NH indicates non-Hispanic.

Figure 50
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Chart 9M. Prevalence of non–insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes in women* ages 25–64 by race/ethnicity and education (NHANES III: 1988–94). *Findings for men are similar but of lower magnitude. See: Winkleby et al.21,271

Figure 51
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Chart 10A. Total mortality rates in US adults, ages 30–75, with metabolic syndrome (MetS), with and without diabetes mellitus (DM) and pre-existing CVD (NHANES II 1976–80 Follow-Up Study*). Source: Malik et al.278 *Average of 13 years of follow-up.

Figure 52
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Chart 13A. Trends in heart transplants (UNOS: 1968–2004). Source: United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), scientific registry data.

Figure 53
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Chart 13B. Trends in cardiovascular inpatient operations and procedures (United States, 1979–2003). Source: CDC/NCHS and NHLBI. Note: In-hospital procedures only.

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TABLE 12A. JCAHO Standardized Measures. Data were recently published on Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) standardized "core" quality measures. (Williams et al292) Below are summary data on inpatient measures for acute MI and heart failure from the 2nd quarter of 2004 from 3377 hospitals nationally.

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TABLE 12B. National Medicare and Medicaid Data. As part of the Hospital Quality Alliance Program, data is collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on quality-of-care indicators for conditions including acute MI and heart failure. Data from hospital admissions from the first half of 2004 from 3558 hospitals were recently published (Jha et al293) and are summarized as follows:

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TABLE 12C. National Veterans Health Administration Data. The VA collects national quality performance data related to cardiovascular disease. Aggregate data from 158 VA hospitals for the period between January 2004 and March 2005 are listed below (Office of Quality and Performance, Veterans Health Administration). Only patients who were candidates for each quality indicator were considered (ie, patients with contraindications to a given therapy were not considered).

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TABLE 12D. American Heart Association GWTG–CAD Program. Get With The GuidelinesSM (GWTG)–Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a national quality improvement initiative of the American Heart Association to help hospitals redesign systems of care to improve guidelines adherence in patients admitted with a cardiovascular event. The table below summarizes performance on the selected quality-of-care indicators for CAD events. These were collected from 74 848 patients who were admitted to 336 hospitals participating in the GWTG–CAD program from Jan.1, 2004–Dec. 31, 2004.

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TABLE 12E. American Stroke Association GWTG–Stroke Program. Get With The GuidelinesSM (GWTG)–Stroke is a national quality improvement initiative of the American Heart Association to help hospitals redesign systems of care to improve guidelines adherence in patients admitted with an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). The table below summarizes performance on the selected treatment and quality-of-care indicators for acute stroke and secondary prevention. There were 40 615 clinically identified patients who were admitted to 297 hospitals participating in the GWTG–Stroke program from Jan. 1, 2004–Dec. 31, 2004.

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TABLE 12F. Acute Stroke Care Registry Data. The Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry has published results from 4 pilot registries, representing 6867 admissions from 98 hospitals for the years 2001–02. (The Paul Coverdell Prototype Registries Writing Group.115) Data on select in-hospital and secondary preventive measures are summarized below:

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TABLE 12G. Heart Failure Registry Data. The ADHERE (Acute Decompensated HEart Failure National REgistry) Registry is a national observational registry of patients hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure ( Hospitals from all regions of the country participate, including community, tertiary and academic. The demographics of the 169 hospitals participating are representative of the nation’s hospitals as a whole. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) has created, tested and validated a set of heart failure core quality-of-care measures. Mean performance of the JCAHO quality indicators from a data set of 36 353 patients enrolled May 2004–April 2005 from these 169 U.S. hospitals was as follows:

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TABLE 12H. Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry Data. CRUSADE (Can Rapid Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress ADverse Outcomes with Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines) is a national quality improvement initiative designed to increase adherence to guideline-recommended care for patients hospitalized with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina ( Data on treatment measures from the CRUSADE registry on 138 719 patients from 521 hospitals from July 2001–March 2005 are as follows:

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TABLE 12I. ACC–NCDR Cardiac Catheterization and PCI Data. The American College of Cardiology maintains a number of clinical data registries as part of the ACC–National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR®). Among them is the CathPCI Registry TM, which is composed of diagnostic cardiac catheterizations and interventional (PCI) procedures harvested from participating facilities across the nation. Listed below are aggregated data of patients discharged in 2004 from 359 participating facilities. Only records with valid responses to indicators were considered. For more information, visit or call 1–800–253–4636, ext 451.

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TABLE 13A. 2003 National HCUP Statistics. Data from the latest Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) provide data for the mean charges and in-hospital death rate for the following (

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TABLE 13B. Estimated* Inpatient Cardiovascular Operations, Procedures and Patient Data by Sex, Age and Region—United States: 2003 (in Thousands)

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*    Acknowledgments
We wish to thank Drs. Joseph Broderick, Hong Chang, Michael Criqui, Brian Eigel, Gregg Fonarow, Mary Fran Hazinski, Kathy Jenkins, Alice Liechtenstein, Mary McDermott, Graham Nicole, Jerry Potts, Kathryn Taubert, and Christine Williams for their valuable comments and contributions. We would like to acknowledge Tim Anderson and Tom Schneider for their editorial assistance.

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Writing Group Disclosures

*    Footnotes
*The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Back

**In addition to these writing group members. Back

The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.

A single reprint is available by calling 800-242-8721 (US only) or writing the American Heart Association, Public Information, 7272 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231-4596. Ask for reprint No. 71-0354. To purchase additional reprints: up to 999 copies, call 800-611-6083 (US only) or fax 413-665-2671; 1000 or more copies, call 410-528-4121, fax 410-528-4264, or e-mail To make photocopies for personal or educational use, call the Copyright Clearance Center, 978-750-8400.

*    18. References
up arrowTop
up arrowTable of Contents
up arrow1. About These Statistics
up arrow2. Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow3. Coronary Heart Disease,...
up arrow4. Stroke
up arrow5. High Blood Pressure
up arrow6. Congenital Cardiovascular...
up arrow7. Heart Failure
up arrow8. Other Cardiovascular Diseases
up arrow9. Risk Factors
up arrowHigh Blood Cholesterol and...
up arrowPhysical Activity
up arrowOverweight and Obesity
up arrowDiabetes Mellitus
up arrow10. Metabolic Syndrome
up arrow11. Nutrition
up arrow12. Quality of Care
up arrow13. Medical Procedures
up arrow14. Economic Cost of...
up arrow15. At-a-Glance Summary Tables
up arrow16. Glossary
up arrowAbbreviation Guide
*18. References

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