USGS - science for a changing world

Western Coastal & Marine Geology

A Global Inventory of Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrence

by Keith A. Kvenvolden and Thomas D. Lorenson

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Pacific Locator Map

Pacific Ocean map
Currently, detailed reports are available for some Pacific samples.
Eventually, we will have detailed reports for as many of the samples listed both in the inventories and in the references as possible.
To view a Pacific sample report,
click either on a red dot or on its map code:

Code: Location:
P2a Middle America Trench, Offshore Costa Rica
P2b Middle America Trench, Offshore Costa Rica
P4a Middle America Trench, Offshore Guatemala
P4b Middle America Trench, Offshore Guatemala
P5 Middle America Trench, Offshore Mexico
P7 Eel River Basin, Offshore California

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Page Contact Information: Laura Zink Torresan
Page Last Modified: 21 April 2008 (lzt)

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