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Western Coastal & Marine Geology

A Global Inventory of Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrence

by Keith A. Kvenvolden and Thomas D. Lorenson

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Composite List of References for Global Gas Hydrate Sites - Antarctic

Key: Type: Reference:
S1 BSR Kvenvolden, K.A., M. Golan-Bac, and J.B. Rapp, Hydrocarbon geochemistry of sediments offshore from Antarctica. I. Wilkes Land continental margin in The Antarctic Continental Margin: Geology and Geophysics of Offshore Wilkes Land and the Western Ross Sea, Circum-Pacific Council on Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series 5A, 205-213, 1987.
S2 CH4 McIver, R.D., Hydrocarbon gases in canned core samples from Leg 28 sites 271, 272, and 273, Ross Sea, Initial Reports, Deep Sea Drilling Project, 28, 815-817, 1975.
<CH- Mann, R., and J. Gieskes, Interstitial water studies, Leg 28, Initial Reports, Deep Sea Drilling Project 28, 805-817, 1975.
S3 BSR Lonsdale, M.J., The relationship between silica diagenesis, methane, and seismic reflections on the South Orkney microcontinent. Proc. Ocean Drill. Program, Sci. Results, 113, 27-37, 1990.
S4 BSR Lodolo, E., A. Camerlenghi, and G. Brancolini, A bottom simulating reflector on the South Shetland margin, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic Science, 5, 207- 210, 1993.

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