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EEO/Civil Rights Organization

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Asian/Pacific American Employment Program
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The primary objectives of the Army’s 2003-2004 Asian American Pacific Islander program is to provide a better level of EEO services to the APA community. EEO Professionals must be educated and trained to provide an excellent level of service to a diverse community. This requires that the Army EEO community be positioned strategically and operationally to interact appropriately to the various cultures, traditions and needs of the customer community. The daily contacts EEO professionals have with APA customers require additional education and training in the APA community’s history, aspirations and challenges and how those aspects differ from other EEO customers. This requires cross cultural communications training, publishing EEO complaint documents in APA languages and reaching out to APA college graduates and mentoring them into the Army workforce.


· Examine the professional efforts Asian American and Pacific Islanders at the mid and senior level pay grades. This is a critical area in that the ability of Asian and Pacific Islanders to self-actualize at the high grades has a broad impact. In keeping with the US Department of Justice Adarand guidelines, we will look at the promotion and award profile of each pay plan to determine further action items for our Affirmative Employment Program plan.

· Insure that EEO documents used in the complaint process are provided in the languages most used by Asian and Pacific Islanders who use the Army EEO complaint process.

· Expanding the EEO Minority College Relations program to include specified universities that support Asian and Pacific Islander students who want to pursue careers with the Army. White Initiative for Asian Americans Asian American Government Executives Network Federal Asian Pacific American Council


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