Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Applying
  2. Eligibility
  3. Applications
  4. Notification and Timeline

1. Applying

How do students apply for the program?

Application is by invitation only. Students are invited to apply based on their scores on the SAT or ACT exam, their year of graduation from high school, and whether they are US Citizens. Students who qualify will automatically receive applications in January of the current program year. Students do not need to do anything extra in order to be considered for candidacy.

Is this a Scholarship Program?

No, the Presidential Scholars Program is a recognition program. Students chosen as Presidential Scholars receive an expense-paid trip to Washington, D. C. in June and the Presidential Scholars medallion at a ceremony sponsored by the White House, in commemoration of their achievements. During their visit to Washington, Scholars have access to important national and international figures, including government officials, educators, authors, musicians, scientists and other accomplished people. Scholars are provided opportunities to: wrestle with issues that concern America and the world; participate in volunteer activities such as community service, to benefit those in need and make a difference in our Nation's Capital; attend recitals, receptions and ceremonies held in their honor; and visit area museums and monuments. But perhaps the greatest benefit to the Scholars, and the one they most often remark on, is the chance to exchange ideas with similarly motivated and accomplished peers, and to forge friendships that last a lifetime. The following comment from a recent Scholar captures the intent of the national recognition events: "You can't imagine how much it has meant to me to be a part of the Presidential Scholars family. The ... support I felt from my country during Recognition Week strengthened my drive to serve and to make the world a better place. The officials we met spoke so often [about our] being the nation's future, that I felt they were entrusting us with the country, and saying, 'Take good care of it.'"

How do I apply to be a Presidential Scholar in the Arts?

The National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts' (NFAA) nominates up to 60 candidates for consideration as Presidential Scholars in the Arts Following participation in NFAA's youngARTS program. If you are interested in applying to NFAA's program, contact NFAA directly at 1-800-970-ARTS, or The registration deadline for the 2008-2009 program year is October 1, 2008.


2. Eligibility

I'm not a US Citizen.

If you will not have US Citizenship by the application receipt deadline, you are not eligible for the program.

I'm not graduating from high school this year.

You are not eligible for the 2009 program year. If you will be graduating next year, you may be eligible then.

I am a Candidate and I attend boarding school. Or, I am a Candidate and my mailing address and state of legal residence differ.

Please contact us so that we can verify that you have been identified as a Candidate from the correct state (your state of legal residence).

I am a Candidate and I live outside of the US and its territories.

If you have lived in this location for 2 years or more, you will more than likely be identified as an "American Abroad." Please contact us to ensure that you are classified correctly.

I believe I am eligible to apply for the academic component, but I am not listed as a Candidate.

This is possible, since we rely on the data provided by students themselves at the time they take the SAT and ACT exams to identify the universe of eligible candidates. The College Board, and ACT, Inc., then transmit this information to us. Our process does not include obtaining updates for all high school students whose citizenship or graduation status may have changed between their taking the ACT or SAT test and our application deadline. Each year, still other students may be omitted from the list of eligible applicants because they entered information incorrectly on the test forms, or because they requested that ACT or The College Board not release their scores to outside entities, in addition to those who attained U.S. citizenship or altered their graduation date after they registered for the test. If you are a US Citizen, graduating in the current program year, and received what you believe to be a qualifying test score for your state in one sitting, please call us at 319-341-2PSP (319-341-2777), and be prepared to provide us with your state of legal residence, full name, gender, the date you took the test, and a copy of your test report. If you have attained citizenship since you since you registered for the ACT or SAT, you will also need to provide proof of your citizenship. We will verify the information and determine whether you are eligible to apply. If eligible, you will be provided with access to the application, which you may complete and submit online, or download, complete and mail in hard copy, and which must be received by February 26, 2009. If the application receipt deadline has passed by the time you contact us, you will not be able to apply, even if you would otherwise have been eligible.

Will the ACT Assessment's new writing component or the College Board's changes to the SAT test affect my eligibility for the Presidential Scholars Program?

No. The writing component was first offered as an optional part of the ACT Assessment with the February 2005 test. The new SAT test includes a required writing component, and a "Critical Reading" section that equates to and replaces what was formerly known as the "Verbal" section. The new SAT was administered for the first time in March of 2005. Since the writing component is not a required part of both assessments, however, that score will not be used to determine eligibility for the Presidential Scholars Program. We will continue to develop our list of eligible candidates using the same scores (Math and Verbal/Critical Reading for the SAT, and English, Math, Reading and Science for the ACT) that we have used in the past.

Some states now offer statewide, weekday, in-school administration of the ACT. Will my scores from a statewide test administration be considered?

Yes, scores from statewide test dates will be considered the same as scores from national test dates, provided the test date falls between September 2006 and October 2008.


3. Applications

When will applications be mailed for the 2009 Program?

Applications will be mailed to all students who meet the qualifying requirements on January 22, 2009.

When is the application deadline?

All applications, Secondary School Reports, and transcripts must be received in our Iowa City office by 5:00p.m. (Central Time) on February 26, 2009. Any incomplete materials or materials received after the deadline will be disqualified and not considered for review. Again, we strongly recommend using a courier mail service (such as FedEx or UPS) with a guaranteed delivery date when mailing your application. Please note that the US Postal Service's Priority Mail service is not guaranteed.

I wish to complete and submit the application in hard copy, rather than online.

You can download and print the forms online. At the bottom of the page, you will find a "Download Forms" box with links to PDF and Word versions of the application, along with important submission requirements and a copy of the press release form.

If I want to mail my completed application, what address do I use?

Address the application to:
Presidential Scholars Program
301 ACT Drive
P. O. Box 4030
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030

All application materials, including school materials, should be sent to the above address. Do not send any portion of your application to Washington, DC. To do so risks missing the deadline for receipt of all materials in Iowa, and the disqualification of your application.

Note: If you are using a courier service, use the street address only (do not include the P. O. Box) and use 52245 for the zip code.

All applications, Secondary School Reports, and transcripts must be received in our Iowa City office by 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on February 26, 2009. Any incomplete materials or materials received after the deadline will be disqualified and not considered for review. We strongly recommend using a courier mail service (such as FedEx or UPS) with a guaranteed delivery date when mailing your application. Please note that the US Postal Service's Priority Mail is not a guaranteed service.

Will I be disqualified if there are attachments to my application?

Yes, your application will be rendered ineligible if you attach additional materials, alter the application, or fail to follow the instructions in any way. While this measure may seem harsh, it is imperative to the fairness and impartiality of our review that all applicants submit the same type and amount of information in the same format. We must be able to demonstrate that the reviewers' selections are based on the applications' content and quality alone, rather than by any additional information, images, resumes, articles, letters of recommendation, or other materials provided by some candidates and not others. Please read all instructions carefully and follow them exactly to avoid your application's being removed from consideration for technical reasons. If you have any questions, please contact us.

If your school attaches additional materials, they will not disqualify your application, but all extraneous information, including letters of recommendation, will be removed from your file and not forwarded for review.

Does my school have to send a school profile?

No. It is recommended that they include one if possible, but students will not be adversely affected by the lack of a school profile.

Who should complete the Secondary School Report?

A school official who knows the student well should complete this part of the application. This may be a teacher, counselor, or principal.

Do school officials have to complete the Secondary School Report or can they substitute other items, such as letters of recommendation?

School officials must complete the Secondary School Report. We do not accept substitutions for this form.

Does the teacher I choose as my Teacher Recognition Awardee have to be the person who fills out the School Report?


I am home schooled. Who should complete my Secondary School Report? Do I still need a transcript?

Either a person from the local education agency that certifies your schooling or one of your parents/guardians who acts as your school official should complete the form. If a parent/guardian completes the form, they must complete it as a school official and not a parent/guardian. You must submit a transcript indicating what you have studied and your grades or equivalent measurements.

I'm done with my application but my school hasn't given me back the Secondary School Report and Transcript.

You may have your school send its part of the application separately. However, if your application is not complete, including the Secondary School Report and Transcript, by the RECEIPT deadline, you will be disqualified. It is your responsibility to make sure that your school gets its portion to us on time. The deadline will be strictly enforced, regardless of who sends the materials. As noted above, all applications, Secondary School Reports, and transcripts must be received in our Iowa City office by 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on February 26, 2009. Any incomplete materials or materials received after the deadline will be disqualified and not considered for review. It is advisable to use a courier mail service (such as FedEx or UPS) with a guaranteed delivery date when mailing your application; note that US Postal Service's Priority Mail service is not guaranteed.

I am a school official with multiple candidates. Can I send all of the applications in one package?

Yes, but please be sure to put each individual's application materials in separate envelopes within the package.

Do I have to stay inside the lines on the application?

Yes. You must adhere to the space and font requirements specified in the application instructions.

Can I cut and paste my printed answers into the application?


How should I send in my application?

We strongly recommend using a courier mail service (such as FedEx or UPS) with a guaranteed delivery date when mailing your application. The receipt deadline of 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on February 26, 2009 will be strictly enforced, and we recommend that you use one of these services. Also, please note that if you use US Postal Service overnight mail and utilize the internet tracking system, the delivery date noted in the system may not reflect the date the package was received in the Iowa City, IA, office, but only the date it arrived at the Iowa City, IA, postal facility. Unlike FedEx or UPS delivery, the US Postal Service's Priority Mail service is not guaranteed. All application materials, including your secondary school report, transcript, and school profile, should be sent to our Iowa City address. Do not send any portion of your application to Washington, DC.

An emergency may prevent my complete application from arriving by the deadline.

We do not grant extensions except in cases of grave personal illness or natural disaster. All of your application materials, including your Secondary School Report, transcript, and school profile, must be received at our Iowa City address by the receipt deadline.


4. Notification and Timeline

Will everyone get a letter, or only those chosen as Semifinalists/Scholars?

Everyone will get a letter notifying them of their status. Semifinalists and non-Semifinalists will be notified in mid-April. Scholars and non-Scholars will be notified in May.

When will the names of Candidates/Semifinalists/Scholars be posted online?

Candidates will be posted after applications are mailed in January. Semifinalists will be posted in early April. Scholars will be posted in early May. Exact dates are not available.

Is National Recognition Week scheduled yet?

It is tentatively scheduled for June 20-24, 2009. However, these dates may be subject to change.


Last Modified: 09/24/2008