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Home > About NLS > Other Writings > The ABC Book, A Pronunciation Guide
Issued May 8, 2006
(Note: Stressed syllables are in UPPER CASE.)
Ā, ā = able, rate
Ä, ä = father, wand
A, a = pat, marry
Â, â = air, prepare
Ē, ē = evil, reel
E, e = end, edit
Ī, ī = ice, ride
I, i = in, blister
Ō, ō = over, roll
O, o = on, rob
Ô, ô = off, audit
OO, oo = spoon, ooze
Ü, ü = book, foot
U, u = under, but
Û, û = urge, burn
YOO, yoo = unify, beauty
ə = affair, sofa (general "shwa" sound)
TH = thing, healthy
DH = there, weather
CH = chair, bleach
J = judge, edge
KH = Gutteral, as in German "ach", Scottish "loch".
OI = boy, poise
OU = shout, around
SH = ship, wish
ZH = pleasure, corsage
[D], [N], [R], etc. = As in French "bon". Suggested rather than said, with preceding vowel nasalized.
Abacavir (ə-BAK-ə-vēr) Medication
Absolut Vodka (ab-sə-LOOT)
Absorbine Jr. (əb-ZÔR-bēn) Hemorrhoid medicine
Acer Computers (Ā-sər)
ACOG (Ā-kog) Atlanta Commitee for Olympic Games, '96
ACT-UP (AKT-UP) AIDS activist group
Acura (AK-yə-rä) Car
A.D.A.P.T. (ə-DAPT) Disability Rights Organization
ADIC (Ā-dik) FBI Assistant Deputy Agent in Charge
Aetna (ET-nə) Insurance/financial corporation
AFSCME (AF-skmē) American Federation of State/County/Municipal Employees
AFTRA (AF-trə) American Federation of TV and Radio Artists
AGVA (AG-və) American Guild of Variety Artists
Ahmanson Thtr. (Ä-mən-sən) L.A. Theater
AID (A. I. D.) Agency for Industrial Development
Aigner (e-NYĀ) French shoe brand
Aiwa (Ā-wə) Radio brand
Ajune (ä-ZHOON) N.Y. Spa
Albert & Charles Boni, Inc. (BŌ-nī) Publishers
Alberto Culver (al-BÛRT-ō) Hair care/feminine hygeine
Aleve (ə-LĒV) Pain medicine
Alfa Romeo (AL-fə rō-MĀ-ō) Car
Al-Jazeera (AL--jə-ZĒR-ə) News organization
Allis-Chalmers (AL-is CHAL-mərz) Processing/environmental products
Alltel (ÔL-tel) US regional telephone service
al Qaida (äl-KĀD-ə) Islamic terrorist group
Amerada Hess (am-ə-RÄD-ə HES) Integrated petroleum company, NY
American Cyanamid (sī-AN-ə-mid) Medical/chemical products
Amex (AM-ex) American Stock Exchange
AmFAR (AM-fär) American Foundation for AIDS Research
Amoco (AM-ə-kō) American Oil company, Chicago
Amstel (AM-stel) Beer, ale brand
Amstrad (AM-strad) Computers
Androstenedione (an-drə-STĒN-dī-ōn) Nutritional supplement/hormone medication
Angostura (ang-gə-STÜR-ə) Bitters
APEC (Ā-pek) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Agency
Aqua Velva (ÄK-wə VEL-və) Aftershave
Aramis (AR-ə-mis) Cologne
Aris Isotoner (AR-əs Ī-sə-tō-nər) Glove manufacturer
Arista (AR-i-stə) Record company
ASAC (Ā-sak) FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge
ASCII (AS-kē) American Standard Code for Info.Interchange
ASEAN (Ä-zē-än) Assoc.of Southeast Asian Nations
ASP (ASP) Astronaut Support Person
ASTAPOVO (ə-STÄ-pō-vō) Organization
Asti Spumante (Ä-stē spoo-MÄN-tē) Italian wine
Atari (ə-TÄR-ē) Computers/video games
Aureole (ÔR-ē-ōl)
Atheneum (ath-ə-NĒ-əm) Publishers
Avon (Ā-von) Cosmetics/jewelry
Bacardi (bə-KÄR-dē) Rum brand
Bache & company (BĀSH) Financial company
Baen Books (BĀN) Publishers
Bain de Soliel (BA[N]-də-sō-LĀ) Suntan lotion
Bal Tabarin (BAL TAB-ə-rin) Restaurant
Balthazar (BÄL-thə-zär) NYC Restaurant
Barricini (bar-ə-SĒ-nē) Candy
BART (BÄRT) Railway system
Bass Shoes (BAS) Shoe company
baud (BÔD) Serial data transmission speed ("baud rate")
Beatrice (BĒ-ə-tris) Food/travel/recreational/home products
Beit Agron (BĀT ä-GRŌN) Israeli press office
Belzec (BEL-zhets) Nazi concentration camp
Ben Ledi (LED-ē) Scotch brand
Benelux (BEN-ə-lux) Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg economic union
Benetton (BEN-ə-tän) Clothing brand
Berangaria (ber-ən-GÂR-ē-yə) Ocean liner
Bertelsmann (BÜRT-ulz-mən) Media conglomerate
BET (B.E.T.) Black Entertainment Television
Biore (bē-ÔR-Ā) Cosmetic cleanser
Bicron corporation (BĪ-kron) Biotechnology firm
BIT (BIT) Bilateral Investment Treaty
Bodhan Associates, Inc. (bō-DAN)
Body Vive (VĒV) Shampoo
Bolla (BŌ-lə) Wine brand
Boni & Liveright (BŌ-nī and LIV-rīt) Publishers
Bowdin Theater (BŌD-'n) Boston Theater
Bowker, R.R. (BOU-kər) Publishers
Braun (BRÔN) Electronics/appliances
Braziller, George, Inc. (brə-ZIL-ər) Publishers
Brearley (BRÂR-lē) NYC East side private school
Brita (BRIT-ə) Water filter
Brogdex company (BROG-deks) Biotechnology firm
Brut (BROOT) Men's cologne
Bulgari (BÜL-gä-rē) Jewelry company
Bunte (BÜN-tə) German magazine
Burrelle's (bə-RELZ) TV transcripts
Cabriolet (kab-rē-ō-LĀ) Car
CAD/CAM (KAD-kam) Computer-aided design/manufacturing
Cal-Neva Lodge (KAL NĒV-ə) Las Vegas resort
Campana (kam-PAN-ə) Skin balm
CARE (KÂR) Cooperative for American Remittances to Everywhere
Carolco company (KAR-əl-kō) Film producers
Cartier (KÄR-tē-Ā) NYC jewelers
CAT scan (KAT) Computerized axial tomography - medical
CD-ROM (C. D. ROM) Computer term
Cella (CHEL-ə) Wine brand
CEMA (SĒ-mə) Council on Economic Mutual Assistance
Cetus corporation (SĒ-təs) Biotechnology firm
Chappell & company (CHAP-əl) Music publishers
Chasen's (CHĀS-ənz) Hollywood restaurant
Chateau Marmont (sha-TŌ mär-MONT) Hollywood hotel
Chatto and Windus (CHAT-ō and WIN-dəs) British publishers
Chaus (CHOUS) Women's clothing
CHIP (CHIP) Children's Health Insurance Program
Chevron (SHEV-rən) Oil company
CIA (C. I. A.) American Central Intelligence Agency
Cia (CHĒ-ä) Italian Central Intelligence Agency
Cialis (sē-AL-is) erectile enhancer
Cinecitta (chē-nĀ-chē-TÄ) Italian film studio
Cintas (SIN-täs) Uniforms
Cinzano (chin-ZÄ-nō) Wine brand
Cipto (SIP-rō) Antibiotic
Ciro's (SĒR-ōz) Hollywood nightclub
Citibank (SIT-ē-bank) NYC bank
Citicorp (SIT-ē-kôrp) NY financial firm
Clinique (klin-ĒK) Cosmetics
CMEA (SMĒ-ə) Council on Economic Assistance
COBOL (KŌ-bôl) Common Business-Oriented Language (computers)
Cochlear Implants (KŌK-lē-ər) Hearing implant device
Cockburn Smithes (KŌ-bûrn SMITH-ēz) Port wine house
CODIS (KŌD-is) Combined DNA Indexing System
Cointreau (KWÄN-trō) Liqueur brand
COLA (KŌ-lə) Cost of Living Adjustment
Coleco (kə-LĒ-kō) manufacturer children's games/toys
COMECON (KÄM-ē-kän) Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
Con Ed (KON ED) Consolidated Edison gas/electric company
Conemaugh (KON-ə-mä) Regional Trauma Center, Johnstown, PA
Connaght (kə-NÔT) London hotel
Conoco (KON-ə-kō) Continental Oil company
Cordon Negro (KÔR-dən NEG-rō) Spanish champagne
Courvoisier (kür-vwäz-YĀ) Cognac brand
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan (gə-HĀG-ən) Publishers
CP/M (C. P. M.) Computer language
Cresta Blanca (KREST-ə BLÄNK-ə) Wine
Crowell's (KRŌ-əlz) Publishers
Crown Zellerbach (ZEL-ər-bäk)
Cubeb (KYOO-beb) Cigarette ingredient
Cuisinart (KWĒZ-in-ärt) Food processor
CUNY (KYOO-nē) City University of N.Y.
Curad (KYÜR-ad) Strip bandages
Daimler (DĪM-lər) German car
Damark (DĀ-märk) Mail order/electronics
Datsun (DÄT-sən) Car
Daughters of Bilitis (bə-LĪT-əs) Lesbian organization
Davega (də-VĒG-ə) Store chain, NY
Davon Records (DAV-än)
Deauville Hotel (dō-VIL) Miami hotel
Debrett (də-BRET) British Book of Peers
Defcon (DEF-kon) Defense Condition
DeKuyper (də-KĪ-pər) Liqueur brand
DeLorean (də-LÔR-ē-ən) Car
Delsarte (dəl-SÄRT) Acting technique
Dentyne (DEN-tēn) Chewing gum
Dephot (DĀ-fōt) Hungarian photo agency
Desilu (DES-ē-LOO)
DEW Line (DOO or DYOO) Distant Early Warning Line
Dewars (DOO-ərz) Scotch brand
Dimetapp (DĪ-mə-tap) Medicine
Disaronno (dē-sə-RŌ-nō) Liquor
Djer Kiss (DĒR KIS) Cosmetics manufacturer
Doble (DŌB-əl) Car
DOMA (DŌM-ə) Defense of Marraige Act
Donna Karan (KAR-ən) Clothing designer
DOS (DOS) Disk Operating System, computers
Dos Equis (dōs-EK-ēs) Mexican beer
D'Oyly Carte (DOIL-ē KÄRT) Gilbert & Sullivan theatrical troupe
Drano (DRĀ-nō) Drain cleaner
Dristan (DRIS-tan) Decongestant
Dubilier Condenser corporation (doo-BIL-ē-ər) Biotechnology firm
Ealing Studios (Ē-ling) British film studio
EcoSoc (EK-ō-sok) Economic & Social Council, U.N.
Edy's (Ē-dēz) Ice cream brand
EMBO (EM-bō) European Molecular Biology Organization
Emeraude (EM-ə-rōd) Scent
E.P.A. (E. P. A.) Environmental Protection Agency
E.R.A. (E. R. A.) Equal Rights Ammendment
ESA (Ē-sə) European Space Agency
Esprit (e-SPRĒ) Clothing brand
Essanay Pictures (ES-ə-nā) Silent film studio
Estee Lauder (ES-tĀ LÔ-dər) Cosmetics manufacturer
Evan-Picone (EV-ən pi-KŌN) Clothing brand
Everen (EV-ər-ən) Securities
Evian (Ā-vē-on) Bottled water
Exxon (EK-son) Standard Oil company
FAF (FAF) Financial Aid Form, college
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux (FAR-ər / zhir-OO) Publishers
Fatima Cigarettes (fə-TĒ-mə)
FEBS (FEBZ) Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Fedayeen (fe-dä-YĒN) Arab commando group
FedEx (FED-eks) Federal Express
FEMA (FĒ-mə) Federal Emergency Mgmt. Agency
Festiva (fes-TĒ-və) Ford car
FIDO (FĪ-dō) Flight Dynamics Officer
FISA (FĪ-zə) Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FLIR (FLĒR) Forward looking infra red
Flonase (FLŌ-nĀz) Nasal spray
Florsheim Shoes (FLÔR-shīm)
Fontainbleau Hotel (FON-ten-bloo) Florida hotel
Fortavive (FÔRT-ə-vēv) Clairol hair product
Fortunoff (FÔR-chə-nôf) Jewelers
Fosamax (FOS-ə-max) Sodium tablets
Freixenet (fresh-ə-NET) Spanish sparkling wine
FUMCOG (FOOM-kog) First United M#601odist Church of Germantown
Fusee (fyoo-ZĒ) Cardboard match brand
Gallo (GAL-ō) Wine brand
Gallo White Grenache (grə-NÄSH) Wine
Gannett company (gə-NET) Publisher/media owner
Garand (gə-RAND) Rifle
Garnier (GÄRN-ē-ā) Hair products
Garrard (gə-RÄRD) Audio/electronics equipment
GATT (GAT) Gen'l.Agreement on Tariffs & Trade
Gaumont (GÔ-mont) British film studio
Geffen Foundation (GEF-ən)
Geico (GĪ-kō) Auto insurance company
Gelusil (JEL-yoo-sil) Medicine
Genentech (gi-NEN-tek) Biotechnology firm
Gentlemen's Knize Ten (kə-NĒZ) Clothing brand
GEO Prizm (JĒ-ō PRIZ-əm) Car
GEOS (JĒ-ōs) Computer term
Gerber (GÛR-bər) Baby foods
Geritol (JER-ə-tol) Vitamin supplement
Gerry Society (GER-ē) Child welfare group
Gerry's (JER-ēz) N.Y. clothier
Ghiradelli (gē-ə-DEL-ē) Chocolate
GIGO (JĒ-gō) Computer term
Ginsana (jin-SÄN-ə) Energizer
Ginsu Knife (GIN-soo)
Givenchy (zhi-vä[n]-SHĒ) Women's clothing
GLAAD (GLAD) Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
GLCM (GLIK-əm) Ground-launched cruise missles
GLOBE (GLŌB) Gay, Lesbian or Bi-Sexual Employees
Glucophage (GLOO-kō-fäj) Diabetes medication
GOPAC (GŌ-pak) Republican Political Action Committee
Granada TV (grə-NÄ-də) British TV company
Grand Marnier (grä[n]-märn-YĀ) Liqueur brand
Grove Weidenfeld (WĪD-ən-feld) Publishers
Gucci (GOO-chē) Leather goods
Haagen Dazs (HÄG-in-däs) Ice cream brand
Halston (HÔL-stən) Designer clothes/scent
Hammacher Schlemmer (HAM-ə-kər SHLEM-ər) NYC clothing store
Hanna-Barbera (HAN-ə bär-BÂR-ə) Animation
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (yə-VÄN-ə-vich) Publisher
Harrah's (HAR-əz) Las Vegas hotel/casino
Hasbro, Inc. (HAZ-brō) Toy manufacturer
Havoline (HAV-ə-lēn) Motor oil
Haworth (HĀ-wûrth) Furniture outlet
Heileman (HĪL-mən) Brewery
Helena Rubenstein (HEL-ə-nə ROO-bən-stīn) Cosmetics
Henri Bendel (HEN-rē BEN-dəl) NYC Dept. store
Hermes (er-MEZ) Clothing designer
Hezbollah (HEZ-bō-LÄ) Muslim Lebanese guerilla force
Hippocrene (hip-ə-KRĒN-ē) Publishers, foreign reference works
HIS Video (H. I. S.)
HOPE (HŌP) Health Opportunity for People Everywhere
Horace Mann School (MAN) N.Y. private school
Hormel (hôr-MEL) Meat packers
Houghton Miflin company (HŌT-ən) Publishers
HUD (HUD) Dept. Of Housing & Urban Development
Humana (hyoo-MAN-ə) Hospital/healthcare provider
Huret ([h]yoo-RĀ) Bicycle
Hyundai (HUN-dĀ) Car
Iams (Ī-əmz) Pet food
ICSID (IK-sid) Intl.Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
IGLHRC (Ē-gəl-hûrk) International Gay Rights Association
Ikea (ī-KĒ-ə) Swedish furniture/accessories
ILGA (IL-gə) Intl.Lesbian & Gay Association
Imodium (i-MŌ-dē-um) Diarrhea medicine
IMP (IMP) Film studio (silent movies)
INBIFO (in-BĒ-fō) German Philip Morris research lab
Intel (IN-tel) Semiconductor manufacturer
Intifada (in-ti-FÄ-dä) Palestinian uprising
Ipana (ī-PAN-ə) Toothpaste brand
Isuzu (ē-SOO-zoo) Car
IUD (I. U. D.) Intra-uterine contraception device
Iveco (ĪV-kō) Trucks, vans
Ixtlan (IKST-lan) Oliver Stone Film company
JE-WEL Records (JOO-əl)
Jhirmack (JIR-mak) Hair care products
Jordache (JÔR-dash) Jeans
Jujamcyn Theaters (joo-JAM-sən) NYC Thtr. chain
JuJubes (JOO-joo-bēz) Candy
Junto (JUN-tō) Discussion club
Kaiser-Permanente (KĪ-zər pûr-mə-NEN-tē) Insurance company.
Kenar (KEN-är) Clothing manufacturer
Ken-L-Ration (KEN-əl-rĀ-shən) Dog food
Knopf / Alfred A. Knopf (KNOPF) Publishers
Kolynos (KOL-ə-nōs) Toothpaste
Konica (KON-i-kə) Copiers
Korbel Brut (kôr-BEL BROOT) Champagne brand
Kresge's (KREZ-gēz) 5 & 10 chain
Labatt (lə-BAT) Beer
Lacoste (lə-KOST) Sport shirts
Lafayette Escadrille (ES-kə-DRĒ)
LaGerardine (lä-ger-ə-DĒN) Hair products
Laitram corporation (LĀ-tram) Biotechnology firm
La Menu (lä-MEN-yoo) Campbell frozen food brand
Lancia (LÄN-chyä) Italian car
Lava Soap (LÄ-vä)
LAX (L. A. X.) L.A. airport
Lehman Brothers (LĒM-ən) N.Y. Underwriters
Leitz Trinovid (LĪTS TRI-nō-vid)
LEM (LEM) Lunar Excursion Module
LeMat (lə-MÄT) Firearms
Leo Feist, Inc. (FĪST) Music publisher
Lestoil (LES-toil) Household cleaner
Levi's (LĒ-vīz) Clothing (jeans, etc.)
Lewyt (LOO-ət) Vacuum cleaners, home appliances
Linux (LIN-əks) Comupter software company
Lily Dache (da-SHĀ) Milliner
Liz Claiborne (KLĀ-bôrn) Clothing brand
Llama (YÄM-ə) Spanish gun
Lodine XL (LŌ-dēn) Medicine
Loew's Theatres (LŌZ) Movie thtr. chain
Longchamps (LÔNG-shämps) NYC restaurant
L'Oreal (lôr-ē-AL) Hair products
Louis Jadot (loo-Ē zhä-DŌ) Wine
LOX (LOX) Liquid oxygen
LSOC (EL-sok) Lockheed Space Operations company
Lubrizol Enterprises (LOO-bri-zôl) Biotechnology firm
Lufthansa (loof-TÄN-zä) German airline
Lumina (LOOM-ə-nə) Chevrolet car
Lunesta (loo-NEST-ə) sleep medicine
Lutece (loo-TES) NY restaurant
LVAD (EL-vad) Heart surgery device
LWOP (EL-wop) Life Without Parole
Lyceum Theatre (LĪS-ē-əm) NYC theatre
Maalox (MĀ-lox) Antacid
Macavity Award (mə-KAV-ə-tē) Mystery writers award
Madame Tussaud's (too-SŌZ) British wax museum
MAHESO (mä-HĒ-sō) Maryland Health Society
Mandel Hall (MAN-dəl) University of Chicago
Manolo Blahnik (mə-NŌ-lō BLÄN-ik) Shoes
MARC (MÄRK) Railway system
Martell (mär-TEL) Cognac brand
Martini & Rossi (mär-TĒ-nē and RÔS-ē) Italian winemakers
Matsushita (mot-SOOSH-tä) Electric industrial company
Mattel (mə-TEL) Toymaker
Mattus (MAT-əs) Ice cream
MAW (MÔ) Men Against Women - LAPD organization
Maxima (MAX-i-mə) Car
Maybelline (MĀ-bə-lēn) Cosmetics
Mazda (MÄZ-də) Car
Mazola (mə-ZŌ-lə) Cooking oil
MECO (MĒ-kō) Main Engine Cutoff
Meijer's (MĪ-ərz) Ohio store chain
Meineke (MĪN-ə-kē) Auto service/mufflers
Melachrino (mel-ə-KRĒ-nō) Cigarette brand
Meritor Park Hospital (MER-ə-tôr) Madison, Wisc. hospital
Merkur (mer-KOOR) Car
MESA Program (MĀS-ə) Battered women's program
Mezzaluna (mez-ə-LOON-ə) L.A. restaurant
Mho & Mho Works (MŌ and MŌ) Publishers
Micatin (MĪK-ə-tin) Foot spray
Miegs Field (MEGZ) Chicago airport
Minolta (mi-NŌL-tə) Camera/copier brand
Mir (MĒR) Russian space station
Mitsubishi (mit-soo-BĒ-shē) Japanese car
Mocambo (mə-KOM-bō) Hollywood nightclub
MOCR (MŌ-kər) Mission Operations Control Room
Modafinil (mō-DAF-ə-nil) Sleep prevention pill
Modess (mō-DES) Sanitary napkin
Moet (mō-ET) Champagne brand
Mohasco (mō-HAS-kō) NY interior furnishings manufacturer
Mokassad (mō-KÄS-əd) Palestinian hospital
Molle (mō-LĀ) Shaving cream
Molson (MŌL-sən) Beer/ale brand
Monsanto (mon-SAN-tō) Floor coverings
Morton Thiokol (THĪ-ə-kôl) Food/household & aerospace products
Motorola (mō-tə-RŌ-lə) Electronics
Mueslix (MYOOS-lix) Kellogg cereal
Mujiheddin (moo-JÄ-he-DĒN) Afghan resistance
Musso and Frank (MOOS-ō) Hollywood restaurant
NACHO (NĀ-kō) No.American Conference of Homophile Organizations
Nachos (NÄ-chōz) Cheese chips
NaLaa (NA-lə) National Association of Local Arts Agencies
NARAL (NĀ-ral) National Abortion Rights Action League
NASAA (NA-sə) National Association of State Arts Agencies
NASDAQ (NAZ-dak) National Assoc.Securities Dealers Auto.Quotations
Nasonex (NĀZ-ə-neks) Medicine
NATO (NĀT-ō) North American Treaty Organization
NCPAC (NIK-pak) National Conservative Political Action Committee
Nederlander (NĒD-ər-lan-dər) NYC theatre
Nedick's (NĒD-ix) NY vendor chain: hot dogs/orange juice, etc.
NEPA (NĒ-pə) National Environmental Policy Act
Nestle (NES-lē) Chocolate products
NIC (NIK) Newly Industrializing/...ed Country
Nike (NĪ-kē) Sports shoe brand
Nikon (NĪ-kon) Camera brand
Nissan (NĒ-son) Japanese car
Nivea (NIV-ē-ə) Hand lotion/skin cream
NOAA (NŌ-ə) National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
NOMAS (NŌ-mas) National Association for Men Against Sexism
NORAD (NÔR-ad) No.American Air Defense
Northrop (NÔR-thrəp) Aircraft/electronics/communications corporation
Novell (nō-VEL) Computer company
NOW (NOU) National Organization for Women
Noxell (nok-SEL) Cosmetics manufacturer
Nucoa (NOO-kō) Margarine
NYNEX (NĪ-nex) NY telephone company
OBGYN (O. B. G. Y. N.) Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OdoRoNo (ō-də-RŌ-nō) Deodorant brand
Odwalla (ō-DWÄ-lə) juice company
Okeh Records (ō-KĀ)
OMS (OMZ) Orbital Maneuvering System
OPIC (Ō-pik) Overseas Private Investment Commission
Ore-Ida (ôr-Ī-də) Heinz frozen foods
Orion (ôr-Ī-ən) Movie company
Orudis KP (ō-ROOD-əs) Pain medicine
Orville Redenbacker (RED-ən-bäk-ər) Popcorn brand
Oscar Mayer (MĪ-ər) Meat brand
OSHA (ŌSH-ə) Occupational Safety & Health Administration
PAC (PAK) Political Action Committee
Pall Mall (PEL-MEL) Cigarette brand
Pantages (pan-TĀJ-əs) Los Angeles theater
Parke-Bernet (bûr-NET) NY gallery
PASCAL (pas-KAL) Computer programming language
Patek-Philippe (PÄ-TEK fē-LĒP)
Pathe (path-Ā) Film company
Paul Masson (mə-SON) Seagram wine
Pavillion (PAV-ē-YÔ[N]) New York restaurant
PEAP (PĒP) Personal Emergency Air Pack
PEN (PEN) Writers association
Pentax (PEN-tax) Camera brand
Pepto-Bismol (PEP-tō BIZ-môl) Antacid
Pernod (pir-NŌ) Absinthe substitute
Perrier (PER-ē-Ā) Mineral water brand
Peugeot (poo-ZHŌ) French car
Pfizer (FĪ-zər) Pharmaceutical/chemical products
P-FLAG (P. FLAG) Parents/Friends of Lesbians & Gays
PFSWA (POOF-swä) Professional Figure Skating Writers of America
Phen-Fen (FEN-FEN) Weight loss preparation
Pichaco Plaza (pə-KÄCH-ō) Hotel
Pilates (pə-LÄT-ēz) Fitness program
Pitney-Bowes (BŌZ) Postage meter/office equipment manufacturer
Plaszow (PLÄ-shoof) Nazi concentration camp
Player Playa (PLĀ-ər-PLĀ-ə) Cologne
Pokemon (PŌK-ē-mon) Japanese cartoon enterprise
Poli, Poli's (PŌ-lī, PŌ-līz) Theater chain
Popeil (pō-PĒL) Small gadget manufacturer
"Popi" (POP-ē) Film title
Porcelana (pôr-sə-LÄN-ə) Skin cream
Porsche (PÔR-shə) German car
Pravachol (PRÄV-ə-kōl) Medication
Precis (PRĒ-sis) Car
Prego (PRĀ-gō) Campbell spaghetti sauce
Prevacid (PREV-ə-sid) Heartburn medication
Prilosec (PRĪ-lə-sek) Antacid
Prince Matchabelli (mach-ə-BEL-ē) Scent manufacturer
Propecia (prō-PESH-yə) Hair loss preparation
Puma (POO-mə) Athletic shoe brand
Purolator (PYOOR-ə-lĀt-ər) Courier/guard service
Quatorze Bis (kä-TÔRZ BĒS) New York bistro
QWERTY (KWÛR-tē) Standard typewriter keyboard arrangement
Ragu (rä-GOO) Spaghetti sauce
Ralph Lauren (LÔR-ən) Clothing designer label
Ralston Purina (pyoor-ĒN-ə) Food manufacturer
RAM (RAM) Random-Access Memory, computers
Ramos (RĀ-məs) Gin fizz
Rao's (RĀ-ōz) N.Y. restaurant
Raytheon (RĀ-thē-on) Appliance/aircraft manufacturer
Regnery (REG-nə-rē) Publishers
Remy Martin (REM-ē mär-TA[N]) Cognac brand
Renault (rə-NŌ) [formerly pron. rə-NÔLT] French car
Reprise Records (rə-PRĒZ)
Reuters (ROIT-ərz) Wire service
Ricoh (RĒ-kō) Camera brand
Rikes (RĪKS) Dayton, Ohio dept. store
RIMPAC (RIM-pak) Alliance on the Rim of the Pacific
Riunite (rē-oo-NĒT-ē) Wine brand
Robitussin (rō-bə-TUS-in) Cough medicine
Rodeo Drive (rō-DĀ-ō) Pricey LA shopping strip
Rokeach (RŌ-kēch) Kosher products
ROM (ROM) Read-Only Memory, computers
Ronay Plaza (RŌ-nē) Miami hotel
Routledge (ROUT-lij) Publishers
Saab (SOB) Swedish car
SAC (S. A. C.) FBI Special Agent in Charge
SACEUR (SAK-YÜR) Supreme Allied Commander (NATO), Europe
SAG (SAG) Screen Actors Guild
Saiontz & Kirk (SĪ-əns) Law firm
Sako (SĀK-ō) Finnish rifle
Salada (sə-LÄD-ə) Tea
SALT (SÔLT) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
San Giorgio (san-JÔR-jō) Pasta brand
Sasson (sa-SÔ[N]) Bluejeans brand
Saucony (SÔK-ən-ē) Running shoes
Savoy (sə-VOI) Chicago & Harlem NY theatres/London hotel
SCAP (SKAP) Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, WWII
Schering-Plough (SHER-ing PLOU) Consumer products /pharmaceuticals
SEATO (SĒ-tō) Southeast Asian Treaty Organization
Sebago (si-BĀ-gō) Shoe brand
Sega (SĒ-gə) Video games
Seiko (SĀ-kō) Watch brand
SERE (SĒR-ē) Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape; Air Force
Serutan (SER-ə-tan) Laxative
Sh-K-Boom Records (shik-ə-BOOM)
SIDA (SĒD-ə) Spanish acronym, AIDS
SIDS (SIDZ) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIECUS (SĒ-kəs) Sex Information and Education Council of US
Sinn Fein (shin-FĀN) Irish political organization
SLCM (SLIK-əm) Submarine Launched Cruise Missile
SLOC (SLOK) Sea Lanes of Communication
Smirnoff (SMĒR-nôf) Vodka brand
SNCC (SNIK) 60's Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Sony (SŌ-nē) Electronics
Sotheby's (SUDH-ə-bēz) British art auction house
Spago (SPÄ-gō) LA restaurant
SPAR (SPÄR) Women's reserve, US Coast Guard
Spivy's Roof (SPIV-ēz) NYC nightclub
Sputnik (SPUT-nik, SPÜT-nik) Soviet satellite
St. Mortiz (SAN-môr-ITS) NYC Hotel
St. Pauli Girl (PÔ-lē) Beer brand
START (STÄRT) Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Stern (SHTÂRN) German magazine
Stolichnaya (stō-LICH-nä-yä) Vodka brand
Stouffer's (STŌ-fərz) Frozen foods/dinners
Studer (STOOD-ər) Audio equipment
Subaru (SOO-bə-roo) Japanese car
Summicron (SOO-mə-kron)
Svenska Bio (SVEN-skə-BĒ-ō) Swedish film studio
SWAPO (SWÄ-pō) SW Africa People's Organization
TAL Site (TAL) Transatlantic Abort Landing Site
Tamoxifen (tə-MOX-ə-fin) Cancer preventive drug
Tangee (TAN-JĒ) Cosmetics
Taplinger Publishing company (TAP-ling-ər)
TAR (TÄR) Slang for sailor
TARC (TÄRK) Louisville Transit System
Tavist-D (TAV-is-DĒ) Medicine
TDRS (TĒ-drəs) Tracking Data & Relay Satellite
Teledyne (TEL-ə-dīn) Electronics/insurance/finance/aerospace company
Tel Hashomer (tel-hä-shō-MĒR) Israel hospital
Telluride (TEL-yə-rīd) Film Festival
Tenneco (TEN-ə-kō) Petroleum company
Tercel (tər-SEL) Car
Teva (TEV-ə) Sandal company
Tevas Sandals (TEV-əz) Sport sandals
Thames and Hudson (TEMZ) Publishers
Tibor DeNagy Gallery (TĒ-bôr də-NÄZH) NYC Art Gallery
TIFF (TIF) Tag-based Interchange File Format, computers
Tikkun Magazine (tē-KOON)
Tiparillos (tip-ə-RIL-ōz) Cigar brand
tkts (T. K. T. S.) N.Y.C. theater ticket booth
TOBA (TŌ-bə) Theater Owners Booking Association
Toots Shor's (TÜTS) NYC restaurant
TOSCA (TOS-kə) Toxic Substances Control Act
Touareg (TOOR-eg) Volkswagen SUV
Toys "R" Us (ÄR US) Toy retailer
TRESemme (TRES-ə-mā) Hair dye
Tribeca (trī-BEK-ə) N.Y. Film center
Tropicana (trop-ə-KAN-ə) Hotels-casinos/Orange juice brand
TV N (T.V. EN-yə) Latino TV program
Tylenol (TĪ-lə-nôl) Medicine
Tzabaco (zä-BÄ-kō) Catalog for gays
UFA (OOF-ä) German film studio
UNCTAD (UNK-tad) UN Conference on Trade & Development
UNI Records (YOO-nē)
Unilever (YOO-ni-lē-vər)
Uniroyal (YOO-ni-roi-əl) Tires/chemicals/plastics
UNISYS (YOO-ni-sis)
UNITA (yoo-NĒT-ə) Angola independence union
UNRAA (UN-rä) United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Agency
UNSCOM (UN-skom) United Nations Special Commission
Unum (YOO-nəm) Insurance
Usa (OOZ-ä) Italian: United States of America
USAir (U. S. ÂR) Air carrier
Usonia Homes (yoo-SŌ-nē-ə) Frank Lloyd Wright houses
Vaniqa (VAN-ə-kə) Depilatory
Vendome Theater (VEN-DŌM) Chicago theater
Venebue (VEN-ə-byoo) Madison, Wisconsin drug treatment center
Verbena (vər-BĒN-ə) Cream
Viacom (VĪ-ə-kom) TV/movie distributor
Viagene, Inc. (VĪ-ə-jēn) L.A. medical laboratory
VIC (VIK) Computer term
Vici Kid (VĒ-chē) Shoe brand
Villard Books (və-LÄRD) Publishers
Visa (VĒ-zə) Credit card
VISTA (VIS-tə) Volunteers in Service to America
Vocalion (vō-KAL-yən)
Volante (və-LANT) U.S.D. newspaper
Volkswagen (VŌLKS-wag-ən) German car
Vonage (VON-ij)
Vuarnet (vär-NĀ) Sunglasses
WAC (WAK) Women's Army Corps
Wachovia (wä-KŌ-vē-yä) Banking
WAF (WAF) Women's Air Force
Waldbaum's (WÔLD-boumz) Grocery chain
Walgreen (WÔL-grēn) Drug store chain
Wal-Mart (WÔL-märt) Discount chain
Walther PPK (WÔL-thər) Handgun
WAMPAS (WÄMP-əs) Western Associated Motion Picture Advertisers
Warner-Lambert (lam-BÂR) Drug store products manufacturer
WATS (WÄTS) Wide Area Telephone Service
Wausau (WÔ-sô) Insurance company
WAVE (WĀV) Women's Navy corps
WEAL (WĒL) Women's Equity Action League
WeHo (WĒ-hō) West Hollywood
Weidenfeld & Nicholson (WĪD-ən-feld) Publishers
Weis Markets (WĪZ) Pennsylvania supermarket chain
WEPTO (WEP-tō) West Pacific Treaty Organization
Westvaco (west-VĀ-kō) Paper products manufacturer
Weyerhaeuser (WÂR-hou-zər) Forest products manufacturer
W.H.O. (W. H. O.) World Health Organization
WIN (WIN) Whip Infation Now, Ford administration
Winnebago (win-ə-BĀ-gō) Motor homes/RVs
WPPSS (WÜPS) Wash.Public Power Supply System
WRENS (RENZ) Women's Royal Naval Service, Britain
Yaddo (YÄD-ō) Writers' retreat
Yakuza (yä-koo-ZÄ) Japanese Mafia
Yuengling (YING-ling) Brewery, beer mfg.
Zena (ZĒN-ə) Bluejeans brand
Ziagen (ZĪ-ə-gən) Medication
Zoetrope (ZŌ-ə-trōp) Film production company
ZZYZZYVA Magazine (ZIZ-ə-və)
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