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NLS Reference Materials

Added Entries, Volume 34, Issue 4

Summer 2007

The following titles have been selected from materials that were added to the NLS reference collections during spring 2007. Entries are arranged alphabetically, according to subject headings developed and used by the NLS Reference Section for its collections. Wherever possible, prices of publications have been included. Full publishers' addresses are included when they are not readily obtainable through libraries and bookstores. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are especially recommended for basic reference collections in libraries serving visually and physically handicapped readers.

Requests for materials listed should be sent directly to the publishers or sources cited with each entry. Items are not available from NLS unless specifically indicated.

NLS Publications

Facts: books for blind and physically handicapped individuals, 2007 see Talking-Book Program--Library of Congress

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Logroscino, Giancarlo, and Carmel Armon. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a global threat with a possible difference in risk across ethnicities. Retrieved Apr. 6, 2007. http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/full/68/13/E17.


Living with arthritis: easy-to-read information for patients and families. Retrieved Apr. 6, 2007. www.niams.nih.gov/hi/topics/arthritis/livingwitharthritis.htm.

Barrier-Free Architecture--Home Design

Watkins, Natalea. Universal home sweet home. New mobility, v. 18, Apr. 2007: 52–57.

Biography of Deaf-Blind People--Keller, Helen--Bibliography

Helen Keller archives: collection summary. Retrieved Apr. 30, 2007. www.afb.org/ead/ead.asp?part=front.

Blindness--Foreign Countries

Cruysberg, Juliette K., and Ger H.M.B. van Rens. Implementation of an evidence-based guideline for the referral of adults who are visually impaired in the Netherlands: potential barriers. Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 101, Apr. 2007: 226–231.


Economic impact of vision loss in the United States estimated at $51.4 billion. Retrieved Apr. 18, 2007. www.preventblindness.org/news/releases/041807_1.html.

Key findings: national poll on severe vision loss-blindness. Retrieved May 21, 2007. www.afb.org/seniorsite.asp?SectionID=68&TopicID=320 &DocumentID=3376.

College Students with Disabilities

Rodriguez, Larry. Preparing for the community college experience as a student with a disability. EP magazine, v. 37, May 2007: 71–73.

DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System)

Tank, Elsebeth, and Carsten Frederiksen. The DAISY standard: entering the global virtual library. Library trends, v. 55, spring 2007: 932–949.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Changing approaches to diabetic retinopathy. Review of ophthalmology, v. 14, Mar. 2007: 88–89, 91 92, 102.

Diabetes--Care and Treatment

The role of physical activity in diabetes prevention and control. InMotion, v. 17, Mar.–Apr. 2007: 60–62.

Digital Talking-Book Players

Stuckey, Joey. I want my MP3, part three: a few more players to consider. Dialogue magazine, v. 46, Mar.–Apr. 2007: 23–27.

Electronic Books

Just, Peter. Electronic books in the USA--their numbers and development and a comparison to Germany. Library hi tech, v. 25, no. 1, 2007: 157–164. Also available online at www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp.

Employment of People with Disabilities

Burns, Shaun Michael, Lydia R.L. Young, and Suzanne Maniss. Factors associated with employment among Latinos living with HIV-AIDS. Journal of rehabilitation, v. 73, Jan.–Feb.–Mar. 2007: 29–37.

Schonbrun, Staci L., Amos P. Sales, and Charlene M. Kampfe. RSA services and employment outcome in consumers with traumatic brain injury. Journal of rehabilitation, v. 73, Apr.–May–June 2007: 26–31.

Estate Planning

Allen, Lisa J., and Kemp Scales. Special needs trust: which kind is right for you? EP magazine, v. 37, May 2007: 52–54.


Glaucoma drugs: the search for new options. Review of ophthalmology, v. 14, Mar. 2007: 31–32, 34, 36–38.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

Marston, James R., and others. Nonvisual route following with guidance from a simple haptic or auditory display. Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 101, Apr. 2007: 203–211.

Horticulture for People with Visual Impairments

Brooklyn Botanic Garden: fragrance garden. Retrieved Apr. 30, 2007.

Gardner, JoAnn. Seeing with other senses: gardens for the blind. Herb companion, Feb. 2007. Retrieved Apr. 24, 2007. www.herbcompanion.com/articles/02_03_07-gardens-for-the-blind.

Related links--other gardens for the blind. Herb companion, Feb. 2007.Retrieved Apr. 24, 2007. www.perkins.org/subsection.php?id=241.

Library Services for People with Visual Impairments

* Brazier, Helen, and David Owen, eds. Library and information services for visually impaired people. Library trends, v. 55, spring 2007: 757–993 (entire issue).

Multiple Sclerosis--Psychological Aspects

Bishop, Malachy, Donald M. Stenhoff, and Lindsey Shepard. Psychosocial adaptation and quality of life in multiple sclerosis: assessment of the disability centrality model. Journal of rehabilitation, v. 73, Jan.–Feb.–Mar. 2007: 3–12.

Native Americans with Visual Impairments

Topor, Irene L. Indian health services: creating a balance between federal legislation and the vision care needs of sovereign nations. Journal of visual impairment and blindness, special supplement, v. 100, Apr. 2006: 877–880.

Prostheses for People with Disabilities

Smith, Douglas G. Introduction to upper-limb prosthetics: part 1. InMotion, v. 17, Mar.–Apr. 2007: 40–41, 43–44.

Radio Reading Services

Crabb., Nolan. You don't need sight to be a soldier in the satellite radio revolution. Dialogue magazine, v. 46, Mar.–Apr. 2007: 40–44.

Service Animals

Hollingsworth, Jan Carter. Another tool in the fight against epilepsy seizure response dogs. EP magazine, v. 37, May 2007: 28, 30–31.

Social Security Programs

Disability evaluation under Social Security, June 2006. Baltimore, MD: Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 2006. 324p. Free. (SSA publ. no. 64–039). Large print.

2006 red book: a summary guide to employment support for individuals with disabilities under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs. Baltimore, MD: Social Security Administration, 2006. 67p. Free. (SSA publ. no. 64–030).


Hankey, Graeme J. Stroke: your questions answered. NY: Elsevier Science, 2007. 2d ed. 398p. $42.

Talking-Book Program--Library of Congress

* Cylke, Frank Kurt, Michael M. Moodie, and Robert E. Fistick. Serving the blind and physically handicapped in the United States of America. Library trends, v. 55, spring 2007: 796–808.

* Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Facts: books for blind and physically handicapped individuals, 2007.Washington, 2007. 4p. Free. Also available online at www.loc.gov/nls/reference/factsheets/annual.html.

* Talking books for the blind. (GAO report no. GAO-07-871R). Retrieved Aug. 3, 2007. www.gao.gov/htext/d07871r.html.

Web Accessibility

Brophy, Peter, and Jenny Craven. Web accessibility. Library trends, v. 55, spring 2007: 950–972.

Howell, Julie. The "accessibility backlash" it's a good thing! NB, issue 14, Feb. 2007: 28–31.


Manary, Miriam A., Douglas A. Hobson, and Lawrence W. Schneider. Getting the right wheelchair for travel: a WC19-compliant wheelchair. EP magazine, v. 37, May 2007: 48–49.

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Posted on 2007-08-03