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NLS Reference Materials

Added Entries, Volume 33, Issue 4

Summer 2006

The following titles have been selected from materials added to the NLS reference collections during spring 2006. Entries are arranged according to subject headings developed and used by the NLS Reference Section for its collections. Wherever possible, prices of publications have been included. Full publishers' addresses are included when they are not readily obtainable through libraries and bookstores. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are especially recommended for basic reference collections in libraries serving visually and physically handicapped readers.

Requests for materials listed should be sent directly to the publishers or sources cited with each entry. Items are not available from NLS unless specifically indicated.

NLS Publications

Assistive technology products for information access
see Assistive Technology

Adaptive Products for People with Disabilities Communication

Mattlin, Ben. "Look, Ma—no hands!" New mobility, v. 17, Apr. 2006: 46-50.

Assistive Technology

(*)2006 Accessworld guide to assistive technology products. New York: AFB Press, 2006. 229p. Large print. $24.95.

"A beginner's guide to access technology for blind students: part one." Future reflections, v. 25, winter spring 2006: 29-35.

(*)Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Assistive technology products for information access. Compiled by Carol Strauss. Washington, 2006. 28p. Free. (reference circular 06-01). Also available online at www.loc.gov/nls/reference/circulars/assistive.html.

Philips, Carolyn. "A closer look: how Georgians with special needs are making a difference by increasing awareness and access to assistive technology." EP magazine, v.36, June 2006: 34-38.

Attitudes toward Blind People

Castellano, Carol. "Blindness awareness" for the class. Future reflections, v. 25, winter spring 2006: 23-25.

Audio Description

Peters, Tom, and Lori Bell. "Audio description adds value to digital images." Computers in libraries, v. 26, Apr. 2006: 26-28.

Biography of Deaf-Blind People--Keller, Helen

(*)Hess, Aimee. Helen Keller. Petaluma, CA: Pomegranate Communications, Inc., in association with the Library of Congress, 2006. 64p. $12.95. (Box 808022, 94975).

Blind Children

Pierce, Barbara. "The blind child: part of the family, part of the world." Future reflections, v. 25, winter spring 2006: 50-53.

Blindness in Literature

Bolt, David. "Caught in the chasm: literary representation and suicide among people with impaired vision." British journal of visual impairment, v.23, Sept. 2005: 117-121.


(*)Wittenstein, Stuart H. "A look back: 100 years of braille and communication media." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Apr. 2006: 197-202.


(*)Cooper, Holly L. "A brief history of tactile writing systems for readers with blindness and visual impairments." Retrieved June 20, 2006. www.tsbvi.edu/Outreach/seehear/spring06/history.htm.

Wetzel, Robin, and Marie Knowlton. "Studies of braille reading rates and implications for the Unified English Braille Code." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v.100, May 2006: 275-284.

Braille Code--English

Knowlton, Marie, and Robin Wetzel. "Analysis of the length of braille texts in English Braille American edition, the Nemeth code, and computer braille code versus the Unified English Braille Code." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, May 2006: 267-274.

Wetzel, Robin and Marie Knowlton. "Focus group research on the implications of adopting the Unified English Braille Code." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Apr. 2006: 203-211.

Career Planning for People with Visual Impairments

Leibs, Andrew. "Cultivating web resources crucial for blind job seekers." Dialogue, v. 45, May June 2006: 27-30.


Cataract. Chicago, IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2005. 10p. [pamphlet]. Single copy free. (211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700, 60606).

College Students with Disabilities

Myers, Karen A. "Campus voices: Abigail, first-year experience." Dialogue, v. 45, May June 2006: 22-26.

Deaf-Blind Centers and Services

James, Debbie, Janet Soper, and Mark Gray. "Providing appropriate one-to-one support for deaf-blind people." NB, issue 4, Apr. 2006: 34-36.

Deaf-Blind Children

(*)Chen, Deborah, and June Downing. Tactile learning strategies: interacting with children who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities. New York: AFB Press, 2006. Video recording. 62 min. In English and Spanish. $79.95.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy. Chicago, IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2004. 7p. [pamphlet]. Single copy free. (211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700, 60606).

Down Syndrome

Bruni, Maryanne. Fine motor skills for children with Down syndrome: a guide for parents and professionals. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 2006. 241p. 2nd ed. $19.95.

Education for Blind Children--Foreign Countries

French, Sally. "Don't look! the history of education for partially sighted children." British journal of visual impairment, v. 23, Sept. 2005: 108-113.

Emergency Preparedness

Mason, Norah. "Emergency preparedness for those with special needs." EP magazine, v. 36, May 2006: 30-33.

Ramirez, Maurice A. "How to P.L.A.N. for disaster." Braille forum, v. 44, Mar. 2006: 2-6.

Employment of People with Disabilities

Lehmann, Ilana S. "Minimum wage rates and employment of individuals with disabilities." Journal of rehabilitation, v. 72, Apr. May June 2006: 50-57.

Employment of People with Learning Disabilities

Latham, Patricia H., and Peter S. Latham. "Attention deficit disorder in the workplace: employers and employees—partners in progress." LDA newsbriefs, v. 41, Mar. Apr. 2006: 10.

Eye Diseases

Signs of possible eye trouble in adults: common eye diseases in adults. Chicago, IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2004. 2p. [pamphlet]. Single copy free. (211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700, 60606).

Signs of possible eye trouble in children: children's eye problems. Chicago, IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2005. 2p. [pamphlet]. Single copy free.


Guide for people with glaucoma. Chicago, IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2003. 22p. [booklet]. Single copy free.

Open angle glaucoma. Chicago: IL: Prevent Blindness America, 2004. 5p. [pamphlet]. Single copy free.

Homemaking Skills

Del Boccio, Ronda. "The cutting edge: low-vision kitchen safety." Dialogue, v. 45, May June 2006: 49-52.

Housing--Senior Adults

"Supportive housing for an aging society." Generations, v. 29, winter 2005 2006: 5-82. (entire issue).

Independent Living

Moore, J. Elton, and others. "Functional outcomes and consumer satisfaction in the independent living program for older individuals who are blind." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, May 2006: 285-294.

Legislation for Blind People

"The blind educate Congress." Future reflections, v. 25, winter spring 2006: 43-47.

Library Services for People with Visual Impairments

Steer, Michael, and Leonie Cheetham. "Audio from orbit: the future of libraries for individuals who are blind or vision impaired." British journal of visual impairment, v. 23, Sept. 2005: 114-116.

Parents of Children with Disabilities

Baskin, Amy, and Heather Fawcett. More than a mom: living a full and balanced life when your child has special needs. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 2006. 487p. $18.95. (6510 Bells Mill Rd, 20817).

Social Skills of People with Visual Impairments

Sacks, Sharon Z., and Karen E. Wolffe, eds. Teaching social skills to students with visual impairments: from theory to practice. New York: AFB Press, 2006. 519p. $49.95.

Talking-Book Program--Library of Congress

Prine, Stephen, and George F. Thuronyi. "The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped." In Encyclopedia of the Library of Congress: for Congress, the nation, and the world. Washington: Library of Congress in association with Bernan Press, 2004. p. 39-43.

Textbooks in Special Formats

Emerson, Robert Wall, Anne Corn, and Mary Ann Siller. "Trends in braille and large-print production in the United States: 2000-2004." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Mar. 2006: 137-151.

Travel by Children with Disabilities

"Traveling with a child with special needs: preparation is the key to success." EP magazine, v. 36, May 2006: 75-76.

Web Accessibility

Hackett, Stephanie, and Bambang Parmanto. "Usability of AcceSS for web site accessibility." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Mar. 2006: 173-181.

White Canes

Honan, Michael. "What a cane can do for you." Sharing solutions (Lighthouse International), spring 2006: 1-3.

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Posted on 2007-04-04