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NLS Reference Materials

Added Entries, Volume 33, Issue 3

Spring 2006

The following titles above have been selected from materials added to the NLS reference collections during winter 2006. Entries are arranged according to subject headings developed and used by the NLS Reference Section for its collections. Wherever possible, prices of publications have been included. Full publishers' addresses are included when they are not readily obtainable through libraries and bookstores. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are especially recommended for basic reference collections in libraries serving visually and physically handicapped readers.

Requests for materials listed should be sent directly to the publishers or sources cited with each entry. Items are not available from NLS unless specifically indicated.

NLS Publications

Address list: regional and subregional libraries for the blind and physically handicapped, March 2006
Facts: books for blind and physically handicapped individuals, 2006

AIDS (Disease)

Philander, John H., and Leslie Swartz. "Needs, barriers, and concerns regarding HIV prevention among South Africans with visual impairments: a key informant study. Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Feb. 2006: 111-115.

Arts for People with Visual Impairments

Cunningham, Ann. "Artistically expressing emotions: art materials and techniques for a tactile arts class." Future reflections, convention report 2005, v. 24, Jan. 2006: 23-25.

Cunningham, Ann. "Arts and emotions: a tactile art activity." Future reflections, convention report 2005, v. 24, Jan. 2006: 21-22.

Assistive Technology

Peters, Tom, and Lori Bell. "Accessible IT: intros, issues, and opportunities." Computers in libraries, v. 26, Jan. 2006: 24-27.

Williams, John Michael. "Assistive technology has changed the world for people with disabilities." EP magazine, v. 36, Jan. 2006: 20-22, 24, 26-28, 30.

Attitudes toward People with Disabilities

Brostrand, H.L. "Tilting at windmills: changing attitudes toward people with disabilities." Journal of rehabilitation, v. 72, Jan.-Mar. 2006: 4-9.

Barrier-free Architecture--Universal Design

Fleishman, Sandra. "Adapting your home to maximize mobility." Washington Post, Sat., Feb. 18, 2006, F1, F4, F6-F8. Also available online at www.washingtonpost.com.


"Linda Lucas Walling collection: materials for and/or about children with disabilities." Retrieved Mar. 2006. www.libsci.sc.edu/facst/walling/bestfolder.htm.

Blind Children--Play

Celeste, Marie. "Play behaviors and social interactions of a child who is blind: in theory and practice." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Feb. 2006: 75-90.


Lunsford, Scott. "The debate within: authority and the discourse of blindness." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Jan. 2006: 26-35.

Blindness in Media

Bolt, David. "Caught in the chasm: literary representation and suicide among people with impaired vision." British journal of visual impairment, v. 23, no. 3, 2005: 117-121.

Camps and Camping for People with Visual Impairments

Maurer, Matt. "Rocket on!: excitement, challenge, and growth." Future reflections, convention report 2005, v. 24, Jan. 2006: 28-32.


Henderson, Alison W., and Rhonda M. Williams. "First a partner, then a caregiver: tips for maintaining a good relationship with your partner-caregiver." InMotion, v. 16, Jan.-Feb. 2006: 34-35.

So far away: twenty questions for long-distance caregivers. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute on Aging, 2006. 44p. Free. NIH publ. no. 06-5496. (NIA Clearinghouses, P.O. Box 8057, 20898-8057).


Kleinbeck, Connie. "Tools and techniques for visual impairment." Diabetes self-management, Jan.-Feb. 2006: 42, 44, 46, 48-51.

Digital Talking Books

"DTB comparison chart." Retrieved Apr. 2006. http://nimas.cast.org/about/resources/dtb_comparison.html.

Education for Blind Children

(*) Castellano, Carol. Making it work: educating the blind-visually impaired student in the regular school. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2005. 227p. $35. (P.O. Box 4967, 06831).

Education for Blind Children--History

French, Sally. "Don't look! The history of education for partially sighted children." British journal of visual impairment, v. 23, 2005: 108-113.

Education for Children with Disabilities

Yell, Mitchell L., Antonis Katsiyannas, and James G. Shiner. "The No Child Left Behind Act, adequate yearly progress, and students with disabilities." Teaching exceptional children, v. 38, Mar. 2006: 32-39.

Emergency Preparedness

Garcia, Maria T. "Emergency preparedness for blind children." Future reflections, convention report 2005, v. 24, Jan. 2006: 13-14.

Employment of People with Disabilities

Phillips, Lorraine J., and Alexa K. Stuifbergen. "Predicting continued employment in persons with multiple sclerosis." Journal of rehabilitation, v. 72, Jan.-Mar. 2006: 35-43.

Higher Education for People with Disabilities

"AHEAD E-text solutions group." Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.ahead.org/etext/etext_main.htm.

"AHEAD 2005 E-text survey results." Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.ahead.org/etext/2005%20Survey%20for%20Publication.pdf.

Sahlen, Cheryl A. Hurtubis, and Jean P. Lehmann. "Requesting accommodations in higher education." Teaching exceptional children, v. 38, Jan 2006: 28-34.

Learning Disabilities

Spear-Swerling, Louis. "Learning disabilities in English language learners." LDOnline, Feb. 2006. Retrieved Feb. 2006. www.ldonline.org/ article.php?max=20&id=1883&loc=111.

Library Services for Native Americans

Roy, Loriene, and Antony Cherian. "Honoring generations: recruiting Native students into careers in librarianship." Public libraries, v. 45, Jan.-Feb. 2006: 48-52.

Library Services for People with Disabilities

Webster, Peter, ed. "Library resource sharing networks." Library trends, v. 54, winter 2006: 411-429.

Macular Degeneration

"Age-related macular degeneration." NB, issue 3, Mar. 2006: 34-38.

Moon Type

"Moon literacy." Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.moonliteracy.org.uk

Music for People with Disabilities

"MTGIC: music therapy for people with special needs." EP magazine, v. 36, Feb. 2006: 70-71.

National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAC)

(*) NIMAC new web site. Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.nimac.us.

Physical Fitness

"Environmental correlates of physical activity among persons with motor and visual impairments." Retrieved Mar. 2006. www.afb.org/Section.asp?SectionID=43&TopicID=254&DocumentID=2722.

"Parent-teacher resource for children with sensory impairments: promoting physical education and recreation." Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.aph.org/pe/index.html.

Reading by People with Visual Impairments

Steinman, Bernard A., B.J. LeJeune, and B.T. Kimbrough. "Developmental stages of reading processes in children who are blind and sighted." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Jan. 2006: 36-46.

Science for People with Visual Impairments

Ovadia, Ronit. "Of stars and sharks: the circle of life." Future reflections, convention report 2005, v. 24, Jan. 2006: 35-39.

Special Education--Teacher Education

Jacobson, William H. "Transforming a traditional personnel preparation program in orientation and mobility into an online program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 99, Nov. 2005: 707 - 715.

Talking Book Program Library of Congress

(*) Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Address list: regional and subregional libraries for the blind and physically handicapped, Mar. 2006. Washington, 2006. 37p. Free.

(*) Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. "Facts: books for blind and physically handicapped individuals, 2006." Washington, 2006. 4p. Free. Also available online at www.loc.gov/nls/reference/factsheets/annual.html.

Talking Books--Technology

Williams, John M., and Howard McClintic. "Digital technology offers new opportunities to people with disabilities." EP magazine, v. 35, Dec. 2005: 34, 36-40.

Travel by People with Disabilities

McMahan, Kyra, and Maura Ross. "Greasing the wheels: tips for accessible travel." Total access, winter 2005: 21-23.

Voice-Recognition Systems

Thompson, Terry. "Tech tips: are you talking to your computer again?" Retrieved Apr. 2006. www.washington.edu/doit/Newsletters/Jan06/11.html.

White Canes

Christy, Beula, and Praveen K. Nirmalan. "Acceptance of the long cane by persons who are blind in South India." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 100, Feb. 2006: 115-119.

Rodgers, Mark D., and Robert Wall Emerson. "Materials testing in long cane design: sensitivity, flexibility, and transmission of vibration." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 99, Nov. 2005: 696-706.

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Posted on 2007-04-04