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President Speaks at Ceremony Honoring John Cardinal O'Connor
The Congress of the United States, in respect and gratitude, directed that a gold medal be struck bearing Cardinal O'Connor's ... - 7.5KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Visits Jefferson Memorial
Washington, D. EDT Q What's the occasion, Mr. Wanted to come over. We're looking right out our window every day at the ... - 5.8KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Nominates Robert S. Mueller as Director of the FBI
Bob Mueller's experience and character convinced me that he's ready to shoulder these responsibilities. Agents of .. - 8.0KB
17 Apr 07
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President Bush Speaks at National Defense University
For almost 100 years, this campus has served as one of our country's premier centers for learning and thinking about America ... - 15.5KB
02 Apr 07
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President Announces Tony Snow as Press Secretary
President Bush on Wednesday said, "As a professional journalist, Tony Snow understands the importance of the relationship .. - 25.4KB
26 Apr 06
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President Delivers Remarks on Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's Resignation
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Sandra Day O'Connor joined the nation's highest court in 1981 as the first woman .. - 23.3KB
01 Jul 05
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Videotaped Remarks of the President to NAACP National Convention
" agenda is laced with some common themes, trusting the people, empowering communities and charities and creating .. - 22.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush Speaks at Summit on the 21st Century Work Force
I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by and visit with you. It is a huge honor to be the President of the .. - 16.3KB
14 Mar 03
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President Calls for Medical Liability Reform and Worker Pension Protection
While speaking in Madison, Mississippi Wednesday, President Bush emphasized the need for medical malpractice .. - 51.0KB
07 Aug 02
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President Signs Trade Act of 2002
President Bush Tuesday signed the Trade Act of 2002 which gives the President .. - 28.8KB
06 Aug 02
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