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Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending the Federal Environmental Symposium East (FES-East)!  We hope you enjoyed the conference activities and encourage your feedback on the Symposium so we can improve it for next year. 

Please complete the form below and click "Submit Form" when you are finished.

Questions about You

1. What agency/organization do you represent? *  
2. Did you/will you attend one or both Symposia? *   One (East) Both (East & West)
3. Which session track(s) did you attend? *   Environmental Management Systems Sustainability / Green Buildings Pollution Prevention and Toxics Recycling / Waste Management Electronics Stewardship Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Reduction Green Purchasing Fleet Petroleum Reduction and Alternative Fuel Use Energy General Interest/Miscellaneous

Questions about the Symposium

Please rate the following statements:

(5: Strongly Agree; 4: Agree; 3: Neutral/Unsure; 2: Disagree; 1: Strongly Disagree)

1. The conference facilitated knowledge sharing among participants.   5 4 3 2 1
2. The meeting was a valuable professional development experience for me.   5 4 3 2 1
3. I learned material that will be helpful to me in better performing my job responsibilities.   5 4 3 2 1
4. The session topics were important and timely.   5 4 3 2 1
5. I would recommend a similar meeting to others in my organization.   5 4 3 2 1
6. I was pleased with the overall organization of the meeting.   5 4 3 2 1
7. The meeting facilities (NIH Natcher Conference Center and Lister Hill Auditorium) were suitable for the FES-East.   5 4 3 2 1

Please provide feedback on the following statements:

1. What session(s) was/were the most beneficial to you? Why?  
2. What other sessions/topics would you liked to have seen?  

Questions about the Future:

1. Should the date/time of the Symposium be changed? If so -- to what?  
2. Should the location be changed? If so -- what venues do you suggest?  
3. If the Symposium is moved -- would you be willing to pay a higher fee?  
4. What is the maximum registration fee you would be willing to pay?  
5. What changes would you like to see at next year's Symposium?  

Questions about Customer Service

1. Did you receive good customer service? If so, what impressed you? If not, how can we improve?  

Additional Comments


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Last Updated: June 05, 2008