Braille Book Review

Books for Adults The following books were recently produced for the NLS program. To order books, contact your braille-lending library. Note: For the infomation of the reader, a notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, or violence. The word "some" before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurence, as in "some strong language." Nonfiction

How to Read the Bible: History, Prophecy, Literature--Why Modern Readers Need to Know the Difference, and What It Means for Faith Today BR 16659
by Steven L. McKenzie
3 volumes
Biblical scholar contends that recognizing the Bible's various literary genres is vital to accurate interpretation. Relies on textual clues to analyze the meaning of passages such as that of Jonah, which McKenzie posits is not a literal account of a man swallowed by a whale but a humorous satire. 2005.

Not Even Wrong: Adventures in Autism BR 16664
by Paul Collins
2 volumes
Memoirist recounts his experiences after his two-year-old son was diagnosed with symptoms of autism, a developmental disorder affecting communication and social skills. Intersperses episodes of his family's daily life with anecdotes from his own personal journey to understand the world of autists and the meaning of "normal." Includes resources. 2004.

Captured by Grace: No One Is beyond the Reach of a Loving God BR 16672
by David Jeremiah
2 volumes
Pastor reflects on the message of grace as found in John Newton's hymn "Amazing Grace" and the letters of the apostle Paul. Explores the transcendent power of mercy and forgiveness. Discusses how anyone can admit transgressions, access divine grace, and create a life of purpose and peace. 2006.

Captain John Smith: Jamestown and the Birth of the American Dream BR 16673
by Dorothy Hoobler and Thomas Hoobler
3 volumes
A chronicle of explorer John Smith (1580-1631), who founded and led the Jamestown colony from 1607-1609. Uses Smith's writings, colonists' diaries, and archives to trace his adventures, including his arrival in the New World facing possible execution, and to demythologize his relationship with Pocahontas and portray wilderness life. 2006.

Safe Sex 101: An Overview for Teens BR 16675
by Margaret O. Hyde and Elizabeth H. Forsyth
1 volume
A science writer and a child psychiatrist discuss the physical and emotional aspects of human sexuality including anatomy, contraception, abstinence, social pressures, and diseases such as AIDS. Presents scenarios that teens may encounter and practical responses to them. For senior high and older readers. 2006.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People BR 16801
by Harold S. Kushner
1 volume
Impelled by personal tragedy in his own life, the author, a rabbi, helps others cope with grief, guilt, rage, bitterness, and bewilderment at God's "unfairness." In his search for answers to why tragedies seemingly strike those undeserving of them, he offers comfort and reassurance to the troubled. 1981.

American Medical Association Guide to Living with Diabetes: Preventing and Treating Type 2 Diabetes--Essential Information You and Your Family Need to Know BR 16922
by American Medical Association and Boyd E. Metzger
3 volumes
Lifestyle guidelines for people with Type 2 diabetes including diet, exercise, and personal care. Covers diagnosis, treatment, medication, alternative therapies, children, pregnancy, and complications. 2006.

The First Scientific American: Benjamin Franklin and the Pursuit of Genius BR 16941
by Joyce E. Chaplin
5 volumes
Harvard professor highlights the scientific discoveries of American founding father Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) that enabled his involvement in political affairs. Describes the transatlantic community of Enlightenment scientists and Franklin's international renown due to his pathbreaking research on electricity, asbestos, the Gulf Stream, and other topics. 2006.

Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry like Christmas BR 16943
by Maya Angelou
2 volumes
In this third volume of her memoirs, following Gather Together in My Name (BR 16910), Angelou covers her twenties. Describes her relationship with the white world, her early motherhood, and her show business career that began when she was a dancer in a San Francisco club. 1976.

Tigers in Red Weather: A Quest for the Last Wild Tigers BR 17143
by Ruth Padel
5 volumes
British poet describes the plight of tigers as she travels to their habitats in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, Korea, China, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. Padel discusses tiger lore and history, the work of scientists and conservators in the field, and the reasons for the near extinction of tigers. 2006.

Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Are Who We Are BR 17152
by Frans de Waal
3 volumes
Explores the parallels between bonobo, chimpanzee, and human behaviors in expressing control, sexual attraction, violence, and kindness. Contrasts the power-hungry and brutal chimp with the peace-loving, empathetic, and erotic bonobo and examines the combination of these traits in human nature. Also discusses human ancestry. Descriptions of sex. 2005.

The Essential Talmud BR 17167
by Adin Steinsaltz
3 volumes
Rabbi presents an overview of the beliefs, attitudes, and customs associated with the Talmud, the sacred Jewish text that he calls "a book of holy intellectualism." Presents the Talmud's history, methodology, and structure and content, including Jewish law regarding diet, crime, marriage, divorce, prayers, and festivals. 2006.

Understanding Herpes BR 17172
by Lawrence R. Stanberry
1 volume
Physician offers an overview and history of the common herpes simplex virus family that includes chicken pox, shingles, mononucleosis, roseola, Epstein-Barr, and Kaposi's sarcoma. Concentrates on prevention, identification, treatment, and psychological impact of genital herpes. 2006.

Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration BR 17214
by Pope Benedict XVI
3 volumes
Pope Benedict pens a biography of the flesh-and-blood Jesus as revealed in the Gospels. The pope shares his understanding of Jesus of Nazareth as the central figure of Christianity, who brought God to Earth along with faith, hope, and love. Bestseller 2007.

The Diana Chronicles BR 17228
by Tina Brown
6 volumes
British writer and former editor of the New Yorker interviews colleagues and friends of the late Princess Diana (1961-1997) to provide a personal profile of Her Royal Highness. Discusses Diana's marriage to Prince Charles, their divorce, and assertions of her manipulation of the press. Some strong language. Bestseller 2007.

Selected Poems, 1947-1995 BR 17241
by Allen Ginsberg
4 volumes
Beat Generation poet Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) presents a half century of verse in a variety of forms and themes including the political, sexual, devotional, and spiritual. Contains selections from Howl, Kaddish, The Fall of America, Plutonian Ode, White Shroud, and others. Descriptions of sex and strong language. 1996.

The Avenger Takes His Place: Andrew Johnson and the Forty-five Days That Changed the Nation BR 17255
by Howard Means
3 volumes
Traces the events surrounding President Abraham Lincoln's April 14, 1865, assassination, when Vice President Andrew Johnson from Tennessee unexpectedly became the nation's leader. Highlights Johnson's May 29, 1865, unilateral decision to grant amnesty to Confederates who took a loyalty oath. Discusses his battles with the Radical Republicans in Congress. 2006.

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar...: Understanding Philosophy through Jokes BR 17268
by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
1 volume
Authors present dialogs, one-liners, and limericks to illuminate key concepts of Western philosophy. Cathcart and Klein show how humor often contains philosophy and exposes hidden truths about life. Topics include ethics, epistemology, existentialism, logic, metaphilosophy, metaphysics, and relativity, as well as theories of language, politics, society, and religion. Bestseller 2007.

Outliving Heart Disease: The Ten New Rules for Prevention and Treatment BR 17304
by Richard A. Stein
3 volumes
Cardiologist presents to people with heart disease his plan on "living well with your heart until you die of something else." Describes scientific breakthroughs in tests, treatments, and medications; suggests lifestyle changes in diet and exercise; discusses alternative and complementary therapies; and covers the mind-body connection. 2008.

The Hellenistic Age: A Short History BR 17327
by Peter Green
3 volumes
Classics professor surveys three centuries of ancient Greek history from the era of Philip of Macedon and Alexander the Great in 336 B.C.E. to the death of Cleopatra of Egypt in 31 B.C.E. Highlights ruthless leaders, political machinations, and battles that eventually gave way to Roman control. 2007.

The Loved Dog: The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior BR 17359
by Tamar Geller
2 volumes
Humane Society advisor and owner of a cage-free boarding facility offers a training manual based on positive reinforcement, not punishment. Discusses effective communication techniques and nonviolent ways to attain good behavior, such as sitting and walking on a leash, and to correct bad behavior, such as jumping and begging. 2007.

Doing It Right: Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices about Sex BR 17361
by Bronwen Pardes
1 volume
The author, a sex education teacher, explains puberty and reproductive anatomy and provides information on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), birth control, sexual abuse, and gender identity issues. Includes resources, definitions, and a question-and-answer section. For senior high and older readers. 2007.

Scambusters! More than Sixty Ways Seniors Get Swindled and How They Can Prevent It BR 17363
by Ron Smith
2 volumes
Concise manual on recognizing fraudulent activity and avoiding becoming a victim. Describes dozens of scenarios involving banking and credit, nursing homes, health care, online pharmacies, insurance, investments, the Internet, car repairs, charitable donations, shopping, and telemarketing. Includes resources. 2006.

The Amputee's Guide to Sex BR 17374
by Jillian Weise
1 volume
The author, an amputee with a prosthetic leg, offers her poetic meditations on the emotional and physical complexities of sexual intimacy. In the poem "The Old Questions," a new lover seems more interested in the author's artificial limb than in having sex. Some strong language. 2007.

Andrew Jackson BR 17386
by Sean Wilentz
2 volumes
Princeton historian analyzes the seventh American president, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), in the context of his times. Portrays Jackson as a military hero who endorsed the concept of the people as a sovereign power. Highlights Jackson's 1828 election at the dawn of the Age of the Democratic Revolution. 2005.

Julia Child BR 17477
by Laura Shapiro
2 volumes
Award-winning food writer describes the unlikely career path of American chef Julia Child (1912-2004), who championed French cuisine on television and published Mastering the Art of French Cooking (BR 12229 and BR 12230). Discusses Child's passion for cooking and appetite for life. 2007.

Breast Cancer Clear and Simple: All Your Questions Answered; from the Experts at the American Cancer Society BR 17478
by American Cancer Society
1 volume
Offers an overview of breast cancer, available treatments, and recovery issues. Suggests questions to ask one's physician and discusses possible treatment side effects, breast reconstruction options, insurance issues, and choices for healthy living.2008.

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