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USGS Area C , sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd ., displayed by Scientists

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CMG Facilities: Offices   Labs   Research Libraries   Research Platforms   Other  
FACS: Menlo Park-1133     Menlo Park-O'Brien 1050     Santa Cruz     Woods Hole
Multi-channel: Menlo Park-1217     Woods Hole
Sensitive media: Menlo Park-1249     Santa Cruz     Woods Hole
Cores and Samples:
Menlo Park-O'Brien 1030     Menlo Park-O'Brien 1040     St. Petersburg
Cores and Samples:
Menlo Park-M1021A (refer 0)
Microslides: Menlo Park-M3270     Menlo Park-M1205A
Display by: Container #     Activity ID     Team    
Legend:  blue = CMG white = empty
Show areas in USGS CMG Menlo Park Tape Vault--Rm 1249 Building 1 (2nd floor)
  by Container #'s: A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H I J K L M N O
  by Activity IDs: A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H I J K L M N O
  by Scientists: A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H I J K L M N O
  by Photos: A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O

col. 1
row 1
Bruce Molnia"
George Plafker"
Paul Carlson"
"Bruce Molnia
"Gary Winkler
"Paul Carlson
Bruce Molnia
Parke Snavely
Paul Carlson
Terry Bruns
row 1
row 2
Andy Stevenson"
George Plafker"
Paul Carlson"
"Bruce Molnia
"George Plafker
"Terry Bruns
Bruce Molnia
Mike Fisher
Paul Carlson
Terry Bruns
row 2
row 3
Erk Reimnitz"
Peter Barnes"
Steve Eittreim"
"Art Grantz
"Erk Reimnitz
"Paul Carlson
"Peter Barnes
Art Grantz
Erk Reimnitz
K Rearic
Peter Barnes
row 3
row 4
Erk Reimnitz"
Larry Phillips"
Peter Barnes"
"Erk Reimnitz
"Peter Barnes
"Ralph Hunter
Art Grantz
Erk Reimnitz
Jim Craig
Peter Barnes
Ralph Hunter
row 4
row 5
Erk Reimnitz"
Larry Phillips"
Peter Barnes"
"Larry Phillips
"Peter Barnes
"Ralph Hunter
Art Grantz
Erk Reimnitz
Larry Phillips
Mark Holmes
Monty Hampton
Ralph Hunter
row 5
row 6
Alan Cooper"
"Mike Marlow
Dave Scholl
Hans Nelson
Mike Marlow
row 6
row 7
Alan Cooper"
Jim Gardner"
Mike Marlow"
"Alan Cooper
"Mike Marlow
"Tracy Vallier
Alan Cooper
Dave Cacchione
Hans Nelson
Mark Holmes
Mike Fisher
Mike Marlow
row 7
row 8
Alan Cooper"
Herman Karl"
"Mike Marlow
"Paul Carlson
Alan Cooper
Chris Sherwood
Hans Nelson
Mike Fisher
Paul Carlson
row 8
row 9
Andy Stevenson"
Brian Edwards"
Herman Karl"
Mike Marlow"
Ralph Hunter"
Roland Von Huene"
Tracy Vallier"
"Alan Cooper
"Bob Bohannon
"Dave Scholl
"Herman Karl
"Jim Gardner
"Paul Carlson
"Tracy Vallier
Andy Stevenson
Bill Normark
Bill Schwab
Bruce Molnia
Mike Fisher
Paul Carlson
Roland Von Huene
row 9
row 10
Dave Drake"
Monty Hampton"
"Arnold Bouma
"Dave Cacchione
Mike Fisher
Monty Hampton
Roland Von Huene
Terry Bruns
row 10
row 11
B Luyendyk"
Roland Von Huene"
Terry Bruns"
Tracy Vallier"
"Dave Scholl
"F N Spiess
"Holly Ryan
"Mike Fisher
Bill Normark
Bruce Molnia
Eli Silver
George Moore
J Z Fraser
Jim Gardner
John Schlee
Louis Garrison
Mike Field
Monty Hampton
Peter Barnes
Terry Bruns
Walter C Pitman
row 11
row 12
D G Moore"
Walter Dean"
"J R Curray
"Jim Gardner
Bill Normark
M Carlson
row 12
row 13
Alexander Shor"
Alice Davis"
Bonnie McGregor"
Ledabeth Pickthorn"
Mike Torresan"
Mike Torresan, John Wilson"
Rob Kayen"
Robin Holcomb"
"Alexander Shor
"Dave Clague
"Dave Drake
"Gary Hill
"Holly Ryan
"Homa Lee
"Mike Torresan
"Monty Hampton
Bill Normark
Jim Hein
row 13
row 14
Carol Reiss"
Dave Drake"
"Herman Karl
"Jan Morton
Bill Normark
Jim Gardner
John Chin
Mike Marlow
row 14
row 15
Jim Gardner
row 15
col. 1

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