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NLS Press Release

"Expanding the NLS Experience" wins MarCom’s Platinum Award

For Immediate Release:
December 13, 2006
Contact: Jane Caulton
(202) 707-0521 or jcau@loc.gov

"Expanding the NLS Experience" wins MarCom’s Platinum Award

The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress, received a platinum award from the 2006 MarCom Creative Awards for the national outreach campaign "Expanding the NLS Experience." The award is sponsored by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. More than 5,000 entries from the United States and several foreign countries were judged for excellence and creativity.

"Expanding the NLS Experience" won the platinum award–the highest honor given—in the Communications/Public Relations Program category of educational outreach. The campaign was created, produced, and distributed for NLS by Fleishman-Hillard, Inc., an international communications firm.

"We are honored to have received a platinum award from MarCom," said NLS director Frank Kurt Cylke. "'Expanding the NLS Experience' has been very effective in getting the word out about this free library service for blind and physically handicapped readers. This award both recognizes and confirms the campaign’s success."

"Expanding the NLS Experience" was developed to increase public awareness of the free library service that provides audiobooks and magazines to people who cannot read standard print or handle a book. The national campaign was rolled out over a one-year period in different geographical areas, beginning with those that represented the greatest need—specifically, regions with NLS network libraries and a large number of blind, visually impaired, and physically handicapped citizens who are not taking advantage of the libraries' services. Under the direction of NLS, Fleishman-Hillard also provided a comprehensive public education and outreach guide to the NLS network of 132 libraries to aid them in their efforts to reach potential patrons.

The campaign includes fliers, posters, and print and radio public service announcements in both English and Spanish, as well as web banners. The fliers, posters, and print advertisements display the slogan "Helen lost her eyesight but not her love of reading" along with the image of a grandmotherly woman. Partnerships were formed between NLS and other agencies involved with health care, senior citizens, and special needs audiences; and various NLS personnel provided interviews via national broadcast radio promotions.

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Posted on 2007-01-24