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Measure: Item-level information on parental awareness


The Baseline Child CAPI Instrument of the Enhanced Services for the Hard to Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project includes seven items that tap various aspects of parental monitoring and awareness. Because the current document makes a differentiation between “monitoring” (i.e., active pursuit of child information) and “awareness” (i.e., what parents knows, devoid of details of how the information was obtained), we currently consider this scale to be a measure of awareness.

The Enhanced Services for the Hard to Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project is funded by the Administration for Children and Families and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor. MDRC carries it out in cooperation with the Urban Institute, the Lewin Group, and the California Institute for Mental Health.

Population Assessed

The respondents to the Core Child Survey will be Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, former TANF recipients, or low-income individuals who are hard-to-employ from two of the six sites of the evaluation. Respondents to items on parental monitoring will be parents of focal children between the ages of 0 and 18 who meet the social and demographic criterion identified as hard to employ. Specific sampling and design features of the study are not publicly available at this time.


This information is not readily available.


This information is not readily available.

Procedures for Administration

The reporters for this measure will be parents of designated focal children between the ages of 0 and 18. The measure will be part of a questionnaire administered by an interviewer in a one-on-one setting. The measure is estimated to take between 5 and 7 minutes to administer.

Psychometrics/Data Quality

This information is not readily available.

Languages Available

This information is not readily available.

Items Included

Taken from the Baseline Child Computer-Assisted Personal Interview Instrument from the Enhanced Services for the Hard-to-Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project.

Response Categories:

Almost never 1
Sometimes 2
Often 3
Almost Always 4
Always 5
Don't Know 7
Refused 8

CH31a. Different children need different amounts of supervision. How often do you know who (FOCAL CHILD) is with when (he/she) is away from home (and not in school)? Is it:

CH31b. How often do you know when to expect (FOCAL CHILD) home when (he/she) is away from home (and not in school)? Is it:

CH31c. How often do you know where (FOCAL CHILD) is when (he/she) is away from home (and not in school)? Is it:

CH31d. How often do you know if (he/she) arrived back home when (he/she) is supposed to? Is it:

CH31e. How often do you know which TV programs (he/she) watches? Is it:

CH31f. How often do you know what (FOCAL CHILD)’s homework assignments are? Is it:

CH31g. How often do you know whether (FOCAL CHILD) has finished any homework? Is it:

References and Source Documents



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