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Half Full, Half Empty: Children and Families with Special Needs (PDF)
By Child Welfare Fund , Ed.
Child Welfare Watch, 13; Winter, 2007

Summary: This article indicates that Mayor Bloomberg’s new financial plan for New York City contains a request that the State take responsibility for the care of foster children with developmental disabilities and mental illness. Government-funded wraparound services, including respite care, in-home assistance, and other family support, make it possible not only for young people to live at home, but to attend school, have social lives, take part in recreation, and hold jobs. However, the dispute over dollars between city and State leaves many children unable to receive the services they need. A dispute over funding should never undermine care for a human being. The major’s new budget proposal contains good news for child welfare agencies and the families they serve. The mayor has committed tens of millions of new dollars to child care and after-school programs. On the other hand, there is a desperate need for new attention to special education services and advocacy for foster children. The lack of coordination between schools and the city’s growing network of preventive family support agencies is troubling.

Index Terms: Children With Special Needs, Financial Planning, Foster Children, Inclusion, Child Advocacy, Child Welfare, Demographics, Public Policy, Special Education, State Funding, New York

Publisher: Child Welfare Fund

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 20 pages
Language: English

Child Welfare Fund
The Fund for Social Change
135 East 15th Street
New York, New York 10003

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