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Did Your Members of Congress Protect Children? The 2005 Children's Defense Fund Action Council Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard (HTML)
By Children's Defense Fund Action Council , Ed.
January 2006

Summary: This document presents a scorecard of the best and worst Congressional members and State delegations for children in 2005. This nonpartisan scorecard is part of the Children’s Defense Fund Action Council’s public education, ongoing policy analysis, and advocacy for children. Scores are presented for nine Senate votes and nine House votes that directly impact the lives of children. A table presents each State’s Congressional Members’ scores. Key Senate and House of Representatives children’s votes are described.

Index Terms: Child Advocacy, Evaluation, Evaluation Methods, Government Role, Legislation, At Risk Children, Community Role, Outcomes

Publication Type: Journal Articles

Pages: 51 pages
Language: English

Children's Defense Fund
25 E Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20001

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