Welcome to “Preparing, Protecting, Preserving” your Family Treasures. No one likes to think about disasters, whether natural or man made, but thinking ahead and preparing, together with knowledge about first steps, can save those family treasures from ruin.
This website provides simple instructions, as well as links to more comprehensive information for “Preparing, Protecting, Preserving” many types of family treasures. Using this information, you will have the means to prepare ahead of time, to protect everyday, and if need be to preserve your family treasures after a disaster. Proper care, handling and storage of your treasures will help to ensure that they are available for generations to come.
This website has been created through generous support from the American Library Association (ALA) Carnegie-Whitney Award and from the Library of Congress Preservation Directorate.
Preparing Your Family Treasures
Protecting Your Family Treasures Everyday
Preserving Treasures after