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Wildlife at Saylorville Lake

All photos on this page were contributed by Jerry Rowles

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Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting at the Butterfly Garden

Yellow-Billed Cukoo

Yellow-Billed Cukoo

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird

Great Crested Flycatcher

Great Crested Flycatcher


Turkeys Strutting Across the Road

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Turkey Vulture Caution Sign

Turkey Vulture Caution Sign

Common Tern in a Hunting Dive

Common Tern in a Hunting Dive

Baltimore Oriole Looking for a Pal

Baltimore Oriole Looking for a Pal

Osprey in Flight

Osprey in Flight

Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler

Western Vireo

Warbling Vireo

Blue-Gray Warbler

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe


Myrtle Warbler

Canada Goose Jumps to Nesting Box

Canada Goose Jumps to Nest Box

Canada Goose Slows Decent

Canada Goose Slows Descent

Canada Goose Landing in Nest Box

Canada Goose Landing in Nest Box

Red Tail Hawk

Red-Tail Hawk

Juvenile Eagle in Flight

Juvenile Eagle in Flight

Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal

Deer Crossing Dam

Deer Crossing Dam

Evening Moon over Saylorville

Evening Moon over Saylorville

Juvenile Eagle Feeding

Feeding Juvenile Eagle

Two Deer

Two Deer

Male Cardinal

Male Cardinal

Eagle Among Geese and Gulls

Eagle among Geese and Gulls

Birds Gathering Near Lake

Waterfowl at the Water's Edge

Eagle Feeding on Fish

Eagle Feeding on a Fish

3 Eagles Three Eagles

For more information about these photos contact Jerry Rowles, P.O. Box 3, Johnston IA 50131

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