[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 45, Volume 2]

[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 45CFR400.11]

[Page 348-349]


                        TITLE 45--PUBLIC WELFARE







           Subpart B_Grants to States for Refugee Resettlement


Sec.  400.11  Award of Grants to States.

    (a) Quarterly grants. Subject to the availability of funds (and in 

accordance with the limitations of Subpart J of this part), ORR will 

make two types of quarterly grants to eligible States:

    (1) Grants for cash assistance, medical assistance, and related 

administrative costs (``CMA grants''), for the following purposes: Cash 

assistance provided by a State or local public agency under the program 

of temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) under part A of title 

IV of the Social Security Act, under the adult assistance programs 

(AABD, AB, APTD, or OAA) in the territories, or under section 412(e) of 

the Immigration and Nationality Act; foster care maintenance provided 

under part E of title IV of the Social Security Act; State supplementary 

payments under section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act or section 212 

of the Pub. L.

[[Page 349]]

93-66; medical assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act or 

under section 412(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; assistance 

and services to unaccompanied minors under section 412(d)(2)(B) of the 

Immigration and Nationality Act; and cash or medical assistance provided 

under a public assistance program established under authority other than 

Federal law and under which such assistance is generally available to 

needy individuals or families in similar circumstances within the State; 


    (2) Grants for social services, as set forth in this part. ORR will 

compute the amount of the quarterly awards based on documents submitted 

by the State agency in accordance with this section and such other 

pertinent facts as the Director may find necessary.

    (b) Form and manner of State application for grant award--(1) CMA 

grants. For quarterly grants for cash assistance, medical assistance, 

and related administrative costs, including assistance and services to 

unaccompanied minors (``CMA grants''), a State must submit to the 

Director, or designee, yearly estimates for reimbursable costs for the 

fiscal year, identified by type of expense, and a justification 

statement in support of the estimates no later than 45 days prior to the 

beginning of the fiscal year in accordance with guidelines prescribed by 

the Director.

    (2) Grants for refugee social services. For quarterly grants for 

refugee social services, a State must submit to the Director, or 

designee, an annual plan developed on the basis of local consultative 

process on a form and at a time prescribed by the Director.

    (3) Quarterly adjustments. If a State revises its estimates required 

in paragraph (b)(1), it must submit to the Director, or designee, the 

revisions, accompanied by a justification statement, no later than 30 

days prior to the beginning of the quarter in which the revision or 

adjustment applies.

    (c) Financial status report. A State must submit to the Director, or 

designee, a financial status report described in Sec.  74.73(a) of this 

title, no later than 30 days after the end of each quarter. Final 

financial reports must be submitted in accordance with the requirements 

described in Sec.  400.210.

    (d) Review. ORR will determine whether the State's description of 

services, estimates, other relevant information, and any adjustments to 

be made for prior periods meet the requirements under this part, and 

will compute the quarterly award.

    (e) Grant award. (1) ORR will transmit to the State the grant award 

form showing, by type of assistance, the amount of the award.

    (2) The State may draw funds, under the Department's Payment 

Management System (PMS), as needed, to meet the Federal share of 


(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 


[51 FR 3913, Jan. 30, 1986, as amended at 54 FR 5475, Feb. 3, 1989; 60 

FR 33602, June 28, 1995; 65 FR 15443, Mar. 22, 2000]