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Office of Refugee Resettlement   Advanced

Annual ORR Reports to Congress - 2003

Appendix C

Resettlement Agency Reports

(The following reports were prepared by the Voluntary Resettlement Agencies.

Each report expresses the judgments or opinions of the individual agency reporting.)

Church World Service

The Immigration and Refugee Program (IRP) is the largest program of Church World Service (CWS), the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican communions in the United States. Working in partnership with indigenous organizations in more than 80 countries, CWS works worldwide to meet human need and foster self-reliance for all whose way is hard.

CWS/IRP is unique among voluntary agencies in that nine national Protestant denominations partner with us in the resettlement of refugees. Through our partnerships with national denominations and local congregations, CWS/IRP cases often have easy access to a wide array of community services, including pro-bono medical services, low-cost housing, and a volunteer network of transportation providers. CWS/IRP national program and policy are designed by the Immigration and Refugee Program Committee (IRPCOM), which is composed of representatives from each of the following communions: American Baptist Churches USA; the Southern Baptist Convention; the United Methodist Church; Presbyterian Church USA; Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); Church of the Brethren; Christian Reformed Church; Reformed Church of America; and the United Church of Christ.

CWS/IRP operates through a national network of 27 affiliates and 14 sub-offices located in twenty-three states. Affiliate partners are independent, ecumenical, community-based organizations that organize sponsorships, community resources and deliver refugee services as part of their commitment to CWS/IRP refugees in their respective resettlement areas. They range in size and scope from refugee service units of local interfaith councils to large multi-service agencies that provide wide-ranging services to many segments of the refugee, asylee and immigrant population(s). Through CWS/IRP and the national denominations' involvement in refugee and immigrant issues, the affiliate network is uniquely qualified to see the larger context of their work, realize resettlements that are firmly rooted in the community, and provide access to programs that address needs beyond the requirements of the Cooperative Agreement with the Department of State/BPRM.

In FY 2003, CWS/IRP resettled 2,373 refugees through its affiliate network. Additionally, CWS/IRP assisted with the primary and secondary resettlement of 2,054 Cuban and Haitian clients.

FY 2003 Refugee Resettlement

Africa                                                       1,066
E. Europe/Former Soviet Union                     897
Latin America                                               33
Near East                                                   263
Southeast Asia                                           114

Total                                                       2,373

FY 2003 Entrant Resettlement

Cuba                                                      1,697
Haiti                                                          357

Total                                                     2,054

Episcopal Migration Ministries

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), a program of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, responds to refugees, immigrants and displaced persons both domestically and internationally. EMM operates a national resettlement program through 26 diocesan programs in 33 locations that agree to organize parish sponsorships and community resources as part of their commitment to ensure the provision of reception and placement services to refugees. Programs range in size and scope from multi-service centers in major urban areas to smaller diocesan programs and refugee ministry units of state councils of churches.

While EMM is fortunate to benefit from substantial private support from the Episcopal Church, EMM believes that the hallmark of the MG program is the involvement of local communities and the resources they bring in the form of cash and in-kind assistance. In this regard, EMM affiliate sites regularly exceed the Office of Refugee Resettlement's (ORR) total match requirement.

In FY 2003, EMM resettled 1,133 refugees from the following regions:

FY 2003 Refugee Resettlement

Africa                                                        427
E. Europe/Former Soviet Union                   380
Latin America                                             32
Near East                                                 212
Southeast Asia                                           82

Total                                                     1,133

EMM enrolled almost 50 percent of its annual refugee caseload in the ORR-funded Matching Grant program with asylees comprising the remainder of program enrollments. Several EMM sites with substantial resettlement potential have enhanced their resettlement capacity with ORR preferred community grants and in six localities, ORR funding enables EMM to provide enhanced resettlement services to Somali Bantu recently arrived from the Kakuma camp in Kenya.

EMM links the Episcopal Church with the worldwide Anglican Communion in responding to refugee crises internationally and represents the Church in advancing the need for safe and humane treatment of all forcibly displaced persons.

Ethiopian Community Development Council

The Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc. (ECDC) is a non-profit community-based organization dedicated to helping refugees achieve successful resettlement in their new homeland and providing cultural, educational and socio-economic development programs in the refugee and immigrant community. ECDC also conducts humanitarian and socio-economic development programs in the Horn of Africa.

With headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, ECDC serves both as a resettlement agency and as the national office for 13 affiliates providing resettlement services in local communities around the country. Through information and educational programs and services, ECDC seeks to generate greater public awareness of the needs of uprooted people around the world and to enhance appreciation for the contributions that refugee newcomers make to the U.S.

ECDC affiliates include Betania Community Center, Phoenix, Arizona; African Community Resource Center, Los Angeles, California; East African Community of Orange County, Anaheim, California; Alliance for African Assistance, San Diego, California; ECDC African Community Center, Denver, Colorado; ECDC African Community Center, Washington, D.C.; African Community and Refugee Center, Inc; Clarkston, Georgia; Ethiopian Community Association, Chicago, Illinois; Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center, Boston, Massachusetts; Southern Sudan Community Association, Omaha, Nebraska; ECDC African Community Center, Las Vegas, Nevada; Alliance for Multicultural Community Service, Houston, Texas; and ECDC Multicultural Community Services, Arlington, Virginia.

In FY 2003, ECDC and its affiliates resettled 816 refugees, including 406 from Africa, 100 from Europe/NIS, 85 from East Asia, 8 from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 217 from the Near East and South Asia. Of the 587 clients enrolled in ECDC's Matching Grant Program, 419 or 71 percent were refugees, and 169 or 29% were asylees. Affiliates in Baltimore, Denver, Hou ston, Las Vegas, Omaha, Phoenix, San Diego, and Springfield are receiving ORR funding support through the Preferred Communities program.

ECDC is implementing several ORR Ethnic Community Organization programs in its affiliated agencies. One such project includes community strengthening activities conducted by the African Refugee Services in St. Louis, Missouri; an Ethiopian youth mentoring program being carried out by the Ethiopian Community of Atlanta; and an African youth leadership development project conducted by the African Community Center in Washington, D.C. Through another project, ECDC has been providing capacity building assistance to the Somali Bantu Community Organization, Inc. (SOBCO), which is located in Clarkston, Georgia. SOBCO provides social services to refugees and serves as a source of assistance and information about Somali Bantu refugees for service providers around the country.

ECDC's African Resource Network (ARN), also funded through an Ethnic Community Organization grant, provides technical assistance and resource development support to existing and emerging African community-based organizations, most of which were established by former refugees who experienced first-hand the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture, benefited from available public and private support systems, and now extend similar assistance to those just embarking on a life-changing journey they know so well. ARN publishes a monthly newsletter, African Refugee NETWORK, conducts leadership training workshops and an annual national conference on African refugees.

A Special Populations grant enabled ECDC to host a four-day Sudanese Youth Reunion in August 2003 during which 190 youth, including 24 of the estimated 90 female Lost Boys who were resettled in the U.S., and 31 volunteers participated. The summer camp experience gave the youths an opportunity to renew friendships developed during their long stay in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya; share experiences and impressions of their new lives in America; gain additional information support about such topics as personal finance, literacy, and college admissions requirements; and to learn more about the history, culture and values of their new homeland.

With ORR funding support, ECDC started a Refugee Family Enrichment project that offers culturally and linguistically appropriate marriage and family strengthening skills to African refugee families. This program is conducted through a national collaboration at three local sites. The sites include the Alliance for Multicultural Community Services in Houston; the African Community Center in Las Vegas; and at ECDC's Multicultural Community Services in Arlington, Virginia. Each site focuses on community outreach and training methods. Workshops include role playing and dramatizations to engage participants in an open discussion, education and explorations about their new roles as family members in a new society.

The ECDC Enterprise Development Group (EDG), through the ORR-funded Microenterprise Development Program, disbursed loans totaling $58,000 to entrepreneurs in the Washington, D.C. area; provided training and pre-loan business assistance and post-loan technical assistance to borrowers. Through the ORR-funded Individual Development Account program, EDG served 162 clients who saved $207,000, which was matched with $414,000 for a total of $621,000.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, is the national and worldwide arm of the organized American Jewish community for the rescue, relocation and resettlement of refugees and migrants. HIAS works closely with Jewish Federations, Jewish Family Service and Jewish Vocational Service agencies across the nation to maintain an extensive cooperative network committed to providing the broadest possible spectrum of professionally staffed resettlement services.

All HIAS affiliates receive Reception and Placement grant funds to assist in meeting the needs of refugees in their initial phase of resettlement. Many HIAS affiliates also elect to supplement these services with private funding and other resources, enabling them to participate in the ORR Voluntary Agency Matching Grant Program as a way of further enhancing their ability to assist refugees to attain economic and social self-sufficiency. Several HIAS sites have also been awarded ORR Preferred Communities funding to help HIAS diversify its caseload, an effort that has resulted in an increasingly large proportion of HIAS's refugee arrivals being from populations other than the former Soviet Union and Iran. In addition, HIAS received funding from ORR to oversee marriage education activities conducted by affiliates in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, and San Diego, and to provide technical assistance to other ORR grantees.

HIAS World Headquarters is located at 333 Seventh Avenue (17th Floor), New York, NY 10001-5004. The HIAS website may be found at

HIAS and its member agencies resettled 2,070 refugees in FY 2003, among them 1,376 from the former Soviet Union, 594 Iranians, 79 Africans, 10 Montagnards, 6 Bosnians, 4 Colombians and 1 Yemenite.

Immigration and Refugee Services of America

Immigration & Refugee Services of America (IRSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that has served refugees and immigrants since 1911. The IRSA network includes Partner Agencies and Allied Organizations nationwide, many with over 90 years of service to their communities. IRSA supports the work of the IRSA network agencies through programs promoting employment and successful resettlement and integration for refugees and asylees in the United States. IRSA also provides technical assistance to all voluntary agencies resettling HIV-positive refugees in the United States, and supports an enhanced case management program for Somali Bantu refugees.

Through its public information and advocacy arm, the U.S. Committee for Refugees (USCR), IRSA defends the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons worldwide. Published annually since 1959, IRSA/USCR's World Refugee Survey is the most authoritative source of information on global refugee issues. The IRSA/USCR monthly Refugee Reports has been a reliable source of news and information on refugees since publication began in 1979.

During 2003, IRSA partner agencies in 29 cities throughout the United States resettled 2,876 refugees from all regions of the world:

Africa                                                      1,695
E. Europe                                                  213
Former Soviet Union                                   380
Latin America                                            163
Near East/South Asia                                 317
East Asia                                                  108

Total                                                     2,876

IRSA's headquarters is at 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036. IRSA's websites are and Email can be sent to

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a leading non-sectarian, voluntary organization providing resettlement relief and protection services to refugees and victims of oppression or violent conflict. Founded as a refugee resettlement agency in 1933, the IRC has been providing resettlement services to all major refugee groups since that time.

For the past 70 years, IRC has been serving refugees in need around the world - a population now estimated at over 12 million, the majority of whom are women and children. IRC helps victims of racial, religious, and ethnic persecution and strife to rebuild their shattered lives. IRC resettles approximately 13 percent of the total number of refugees admitted to the U.S. each year. IRC is unique as a resettlement agency because of its significant international programs' component. Refugees are served by the IRC through life-saving programs in countries of first asylum through resettlement for those approved for admission to the U.S.

IRC resettles refugees in 20 cities throughout the U.S. Aside from its core resettlement services, IRC provides numerous enhanced programs. These include employment programs, services for refugees with special needs, school-readiness and after school programs, and other services designed to assist refugees to move rapidly towards self-sufficiency.

During FY 2003, the IRC resettled 3,747 refugees. Of this number, 1,931 were from Africa, 266 were from East Asia, 249 were from Eastern Europe, 67 were from Latin America, 543 were from Near East, 182 were from South Asia and 509 were from the former Soviet Union.

Iowa Department of Human Services

The State of Iowa's refugee resettlement program, in existence since 1975, continues to grow to more appropriately meet the needs of refugees from around the world. As a part of state government and representing the people of Iowa, we are committed to helping victims of persecution rebuild their lives.

The Bureau of Refugee Services' mission is to offer a home and a future for victims of persecution while helping them become self-sufficient. This enriches our state through the sharing of talents, skills and culture.

Originally, the Bureau's interest was Indochinese refugee resettlement. However, efforts are now being focused on resettling an increasingly diverse refugee population with a new emphasis on refugees from Africa.

BRS Organization

The Bureau of Refugee Services' resettlement model is based upon a team environment which encompasses the following areas:  job development and placement, translation and interpretation, case management, core reception and placement activities, sponsor and resource recruitment, social adjustment and administration.

In February of 2003 the Bureau initiated activities in the Assessment, Training and Placement Center. This Center gives staff the tools to more appropriately and effectively provide enhanced activities that will lead to better employment opportunities for clients.

Iowa's State Coordinator for Refugee Affairs is Mr. Kevin W. Concannon, Director of the Department of Human Services. The Deputy Coordinator and Program Manager is Mr. Wayne Johnson, Chief of the Bureau of Refugee Services.

Iowa's resettlement model is unique. The Bureau of Refugee Services' initial involvement with many refugee clients is via the Department of State Reception and Placement program, the only state with this designation. Because the Bureau is also the designated state agency for post reception and placement services funding from the DHHS Office of Refugee Resettlement we are able to provide an unbroken continuum of services for clients resettled by the Bureau as well as on-going services for secondary migrants and other refugees beyond their resettlement and Match Grant periods. 

Iowa's Bureau of Refugee Services conducts initial resettlement efforts from its headquarters located in Des Moines, Iowa and in a sub-office in Davenport, Iowa.

Resettlement Efforts

A continuing philosophy that refugees need to become self-sufficient as quickly as possible is core to resettlement for the Bureau.

Emphasis is on early placement of refugees in jobs as this promotes economic independence, generates tax income and helps local economies. Use of welfare-type assistance is discouraged, except in emergency situations or as temporary support which leads to self-sufficiency.

During the fiscal year 2003, the Bureau resettled a total of 103 refugees.

BRS Resettlement, FY 2003

Afghan                                                         5
Bosnian                                                      18
Somali                                                         1
Sudanese                                                   32
Vietnamese                                                46
Others                                                         1

Total                                                       103

BRS Resettlement, FY 1975 to FY 2003

Afghan                                                        15
Bosnian                                                  3,181
Cambodian                                                368
Congolese                                                    3
Ethiopian                                                      2
Hmong                                                      452
Iraqi                                                             5
Kosovar                                                      72
Lao                                                        1,895
Liberian                                                      24
Somali                                                         7
Sudanese                                                   52
Tai Dam                                                 2,375
Vietnamese                                            3,779
Other                                                          62

Total                                                  12, 292

The Bureau is located at 1200 University Avenue, Suite D, Des Moines, Iowa  50314.  Phone 515 283-7904 or

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) was organized in 1939 to help WWII refugee survivors rebuild their lives in the United States, and is now the largest Protestant refugee and immigrant serving agency in the U.S. The agency has grown to include immigration services, children's services, and advocacy for refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and those in immigration detention through 26 affiliate offices, 17 sub-offices, and countless partners and volunteers across the country.

In FY 2003, LIRS resettled 464 refugees from Europe; 2,390 from Africa; 250 from the Near East; 253 from East Asia; 41 from Latin America; 201 from South Asia; and 1771 from the Newly Independent States/Baltic Sub-Region for a total of 5370. LIRS' Matching Grant program helps these newly arrived refugees, certain Amerasians, Cuban and Haitian entrants, asylees and certified victims of trafficking attain economic self-sufficiency without accessing public cash assistance within 120 to 180 days of eligibility for the program. Twenty-two LIRS affiliates participate in the Matching Grant program. Fifteen LIRS affiliates are identified as Preferred Community sites to facilitate the diversion of cases to the most suitable environments, preventing overly impacted communities. LIRS also manages the ORR-funded RefugeeWorks project, a national refugee employment and training program.

LIRS serves children in several capacities. LIRS' Unaccompanied Refugee Minors program has worked with and resettled youth for more than 25 years. Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services (BRYCS), a joint effort of LIRS and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services, is a national program of technical assistance addressing challenges that face refugee youth and children. In 2003, LIRS began Safe Haven for Unaccompanied Children to provide assessment and placement recommendations, specialized foster care, and family reunification for unaccompanied children who are in immigration proceedings under the care of ORR through the Division of Unaccompanied Children's Services (DUCS).

The Burmese Asylee Project of LIRS helps individuals from Burma who have been granted asylum in the United States integrate into their new communities. In 2003, the project's focus included group processing of green card applications and petitions for relatives still residing in Burma and work to foster the development of Burmese mutual assistance associations. LIRS's Trafficked Children Initiative increases understanding, develops services and trains providers regarding children who are trafficked into the United States. With funding from ORR, LIRS also coordinates a nationwide network of legal service hubs for the most vulnerable torture survivors, such as those held in immigration detention.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is the public policy and social action agency of the Roman Catholic bishops in the United States. Within the USCCB, the Office of Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) is the lead office responsible for developing Conference policy at both international and national levels that addresses the needs and conditions of immigrants, refugees, migrants, and people on the move. MRS assists local churches and specialized ethnic apostolates in responding to the pastoral needs of these populations, aiding in the development and nurturing of a welcoming and supportive Church in the United States.

MRS works with the Federal government and local churches to resettle refugees admitted to the U.S. into caring and supportive communities in 101 diocesan refugee resettlement offices in 44 states and Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. In FY 2003, MRS resettled 6,705 refugees through the Reception and Placement (R&P) Program, including 2,562 Cuban and Haitian entrants through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Homeland Security. MRS also resettled 102 unaccompanied and alien minors through the R&P program and a grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

In FY 2003, MRS administered a total of $17,835,402 in grants funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide comprehensive services to eligible refugees, parolees, and asylees. In CY 2003, MRS enrolled a total of 7,830 clients in the Matching Grant program operating in 65 diocesan sites in 29 states plus the District of Columbia. The outcomes for the most recent 12-month reporting period indicate that 87 percent of enrolled clients find work within 180 days. To date, $8,400,000 has been reported in matching private donations, representing a 65 percent match of all Federal dollars expended to date.

In FY2003, MRS supported sites which provided specialized services to refugees through the ORR Services to Recently Arrived Refugees Program in two categories: Category 1 - Preferred Communities and Category 3 - Services for Arriving Refugees with Special Conditions. Five MRS free case sites utilized Preferred Communities funding to develop increased community support and capacity to assist newly arriving refugees to achieve self-sufficiency.

Despite continuing reduced arrivals during FY2003, these sites served more than 400 refugees. Five MRS sites were designated special medical sites to provide intensive case management services for free case refugees admitted via HIV waiver. Twelve cases totaling 49 refugees were served by this program. In addition, ORR funding supported specialized services to MRS family reunification sites which served an additional 13 HIV waiver cases totaling 57 refugees.

MRS is one of only two national voluntary agencies with technical expertise to place and serve unaccompanied minors. Through its Safe Passages Program, MRS ensures that children traveling without adult relatives and without legal travel documents are provided a safe haven and appropriate child welfare standards of care while in the custody of the U.S. government. For children smuggled in who are at risk from organized crime, MRS works with more than 30 diocesan offices to determine whether reunification is a suitable option. MRS also follows up with the children to ensure their well-being. In conjunction with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, MRS has implemented a national technical assistance program designed to address problems faced by refugee youth and children. Through the Building Refugee Youth and Children's Resources (BRYCS) project, MRS has developed an online clearinghouse on refugee youth and child welfare.

Since 2002, MRS has led efforts to combat the modern-day slave trade of human trafficking by increasing public awareness, training and technical assistance to service providers, and directing outreach to the trafficking victims themselves. MRS places trafficked children into foster care, group homes or independent living arrangements and monitors their care and well-being.

In 2003, MRS began a Refugee Family and Marriage Strengthening Program. The purpose of this new program is to teach refugee families communication and relationship skills that enable them to thrive through the stress of resettlement. MRS works in collaboration with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, with funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, to adapt nationally-recognized models on marriage/relationship education to the needs and languages of refugees. Four pilot dioceses launched Marriage and Family Strengthening programs in 2003. MRS expects to expand to eight more dioceses in 2004.

World Relief

World Relief is the international assistance arm of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), which represents approximately 43,000 congregations nationwide, as well as 250 para-church ministries and educational institutions. Committed to alleviating human suffering worldwide, World Relief works in partnership with churches, volunteers, and community organizations in approximately 25 countries throughout the world. Founded in 1944 to aid post-World War II victims, World Relief now implements a variety of programs, including AIDS education, child survival and maternal health, micro enterprise development, agricultural development, and disaster response. The commitment of World Relief to refugees worldwide is evidenced by both its US resettlement activities and its work with refugees and displaced persons overseas.

In the U.S., World Relief participates with the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) in the resettlement of refugees from all processing posts around the world. In FY 2003 World Relief resettled 4,476 refugees through its network of 27 resettlement sites in the US. Since the inception of its refugee resettlement program in 1979, World Relief has resettled over 190,000 refugees in the U.S. Involvement in the resettlement of refugees is viewed as an extension of World Relief's mandate to empower the local evangelical church to minister to those in need.

In addition to the Reception and Placement program, World Relief's U.S. affiliate offices conduct a variety of programs serving the local refugee and immigrant population, including employment services, ESL classes, life skills training, immigration legal services, and youth programs. In FY 2003, ten affiliate offices participated in the ORR Matching Grant program. Partnership with local churches is a primary focus of all World Relief programs. Affiliate offices have built a large network of churches, colleges, seminaries, home mission groups, and para-church organizations that together provide a broad range of support and services for refugees and immigrants. In FY 2003 this included cash contributions, transitional housing, donated goods, technical assistance, public relations assistance and a variety of volunteer services.

Africa                                                        926
E. Europe                                                  221
Former Soviet Union                                2,848
Latin America                                              30
Near East                                                  305
East Asia                                                  146

Total                                                     4,476

World Relief's headquarters office is at 7 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. The website can be found at