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Proposal 2009-04: Addition of Codes for Map Projections in 008/22-23 (Maps) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format


A projection method is a conversion that describes the mapping from a mathematical earthmodel to a plane. A variety of projection methods exist, including Cassini-Soldner and Krovak. Libraries in the Czech Republic are involved in extensive cataloging and digitizing of maps and hold a large quantity of maps with these projections. The libraries would like to assign codes that record the Cassini-Soldner and Krovak projections when applicable.


2.1. Current definition of Maps field 008/22-23

008/22-23 - Projection

Two-character alphabetic code that indicates the projection used in producing the item. Specifically named projections are not described in this document. The presence of the name of the projection identifies the appropriate code for 008/22-23. Cartographic reference sources may be consulted for a more detailed explanation of specific projections.

2.2. Definitions of codes “bk” (Krovak) and “bl” (Cassini-Soldner) in Maps 008/22-23

Code “bk” may be defined in field 008/22-23 (Bibliographic-Maps) to code for maps that use the Krovak projection. The Krovak projection is a type of oblique mercator projection and there is a code (“bo”) defined for oblique mercator projections in general. However, this projection does have its own name and has been used extensively in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Code “bl” may be defined in field 008/22-23 (Bibliographic--Maps) to code for maps that use the Cassini-Soldner projection. This projection is a transverse cylindrical projection and is a variation on Cassini's original projection. It was widely used in the 19th century in Great Britain and Germany, as well as in other areas.


In Field 008/22-23 (Maps format) of the MARC 21 Bibliographic format, define the following codes:

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The Library of Congress >> Especially for Librarians and Archivists >> Standards
( 12/23/2008 )
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