DATE: December 15, 1996

NAME: Changes to the USMARC Classification Format for Multilingual Classification Schemes

SOURCE: Decimal Classification Division, Library of Congress

SUMMARY: This proposal suggests changes in the USMARC classification format to accommodate multilingual editions of a classification scheme. Several additions are suggested: 1) add subfield $n for a textual note in field 084 (Classification scheme and edition) to allow for the ability to specify a source edition which may vary within a translation; 2) allow for a new subfield for the specification of whether the edition is authorized or unauthorized in a new subfield $f; 3) addition of field 686 for Relationship to Source Note to show the variations in different editions and how they relate to the source edition.

KEYWORDS: Field 084 (Classification); Field 686 (Classification); Classification Scheme and Edition; Relationship to Source Note



12/15/96 - Forwarded to USMARC Advisory Group for discussion at the 1997 Midwinter MARBI meetings.

2/17/97 - Results of USMARC Advisory Group discussion - Approved.

It was suggested that a code be used in subfield $f Authorization (e.g. "u" for unauthorized). Some concern was expressed that the information in field 084 is repeated in every record, but it was pointed out that records from different translations could be mixed in the same database.

2/26/97 - Results of final LC review - Approved.

PROPOSAL NO. 97-5: Changes to the USMARC Classification Format 
for Multilingual Classification Schemes


         The Dewey Decimal Classification is used by over 200,000
libraries in 135 countries and has been translated into over 30
languages.  The current edition, Edition 20, has been translated
into Italian, Spanish, and Turkish.  These translations are very
close in structure and content to the English-language standard
edition with minor cultural adaptations. There is also an
intermediate French edition based on Abridged Edition 12 with
excerpts from Edition 20.  Abridged Edition 12 has been translated
or is in the process of being translated into Arabic, French,
Greek, Hebrew, Italian, and Persian. Work is already underway on a
translation of Edition 21 into Russian.  It is expected that
translations of Edition 21 will also appear in Arabic, Chinese,
French, Italian, and Turkish, plus excerpts (the major revisions)
in Spanish.  

          Classification schemes are unique among authority control
systems in that they may retain the same controlled vocabulary
(notation) and meaning when translated into other languages or
linked with other thesauri.  Over a decade ago,  Elaine Svenonius
(1983) noted Dewey's  potential  as a switching language in
multilingual databases.  In order for this potential to be
realized, there must be explicit links between the English-language
standard editions of Dewey and each translation, and documentation
on the nature of those links.  It is likely that the USMARC Format
for Classification Data will be used for the development of
explicit links between different translations.  

         An IFLA working group has reviewed the MARC format for
adequacy for international classification systems and compatibility
with UNIMARC, and made preliminary recommendations for extensions
to the MARC format.  A paper will be presented a later MARBI
meeting addressing changes needed for accommodating the Universal
Decimal Classification (UDC).  This paper discusses additional data
elements needed to link records from a translation to a standard


Ability to specify source edition.  There is a need to specify the
source edition for a translation.
Source edition may vary within a translation; for example, the new
Spanish edition is a translation of Edition 20, but contains parts
of Edition 21 such as the revised area table for the former Soviet
Union and the Table 6 expansions for North and South American
native languages.

Field 084 is used for Classification Scheme and Edition and is
defined as follows:

   First          Type of edition
   0                Full
   1                Abridged
   8                Other

   Second         Undefined
   #              Undefined

   Subfield Codes
   $a    Classification scheme code (from USMARC Code List for
Relators, Sources, Description)
   $b    Edition title (NR)
   $c    Edition identifier (NR)
   $e    Language code (NR)

In the case of the Spanish translation mentioned above, it is
important to note the source on which it was based and the
variations incorporated.  A new subfield $n for a variations note
could be used to show the variation.  This information would appear
in every classification record that is part of this edition.  In
addition, a new subfield $d could be added for Source edition

084 8             $addc $bSistema de Clasificación Decimal $c20 $d21 $n
                  contains parts of edition 21 in revised area table for
                  former Soviet Union and Table 6 expansions for North and
                  South American native languages

084 8             $addc $bClassification décimale de Dewey $cintermédiaire
                  $d12 $n based on Abridged Edition 12 with extensions from
                  DDC 20

Authorized/unauthorized.  It is also necessary to specify whether
a translation is authorized or unauthorized.  This information is
useful from the perspective of quality (the assistance the
translators' received in preparing the translation) and to
distinguish it from an authorized translation  in the same
language.  This information could be added as a new subfield for
authorization in field 084.
084 8             $addc $bSistema de Clasificación Decimal $c20 

Relationship of number to source edition number.
Another change needed in the format is the ability to show the
relationship of the number to the source edition.  There are three
types of relationships possible between the number and the source
edition: expansion (link to base number); authorized option (link
to option); adaptation.    Even if based on a standard edition,
there may be variations in the meanings of some numbers or
expansions.  For example, Table 2 in Edition 20 contains area
notation 4541 for the province of Bologna.  In the Italian edition,
area notation 4541 has a 26-number expansion for the parts of the
province of Bologna.  It would be useful to know that this is an
expansion, and the base number in the standard edition on which the
expansion is based.

Each edition of the DDC contains options to address cultural
differences or to provide a method for emphasizing topics of local
importance.  If a scheme employs a standard option, it would be
useful to have a link to that instruction or number in the standard

Sometimes, translators adapt parts of the Classification to meet
local needs.  For example, the religion schedule in the Persian
edition reflects the needs of an Islamic majority.  It would be
useful to document an adaptation as such while retaining the link
to the source edition.

Because there is a need to provide a linking mechanism to other
numbers and no existing field contains the same type of
information, a new field could be added to the classification
format for Relationship to Source.  It might be defined as follows:

686  Relationship to Source Note
Indicator 1  Type of relationship
   0              Number from other source edition
   1              Expansion
   2              Option
   3              Adaptation, other
   $a    Number in edition described in field 084--single number or
         beginning number of span (R)
   $b    Number in primary source edition--single number or beginning
         number of span (R)
   $c    Number in edition described in field 084, number in primary
         source edition, or number where instructions are found--ending
         number of span (R)
   $i    Explanatory text (R)
   $o    Number where instructions are found--single number or
         beginning number of span (R)
   $t    Topic (R)
   $z    Table identification (R)
   $2    Edition identifier (R)
   $5    Institution to which field applies (R)
   $8    Link and sequence no. (NR)


Number from other source edition                     
084 8#              $addc$bSistema de Clasificación$c20$ncontains parts of
                    edition 21 in revised Table 2 notation for former
                    Soviet Union and Table 6 expansions for North and South
                    American Languages$espa
153 ##              $z2$4771$hEuropa    Europa Occidental$hEuropa oriental 
                      Rusia$hUcrania$jProvincia de Crimea
686 0#              $221

084 8#            $addc$bClassificazione Decimale Dewey$c20$eita
153 ##            $z2$a454126$hEuropa    Europa occidentale$hPenisola
                  italiana e isole adiacenti  Italia $hRegione dellýEmilia-
                  Romagna e San Marino$hProvincia di Bologna$hNordovest
                  della provincia di Bologna$jCrevalcore
686 1#            $z2$b4541

084 8#            $addc$bClassificazione Decimale Dewey$c20$eita
153 ##            $a222.86$hReligione$hBibbia$hLibri storici dellýAntico
                  Testamento$hNeemia (Esdra 2)$jTobia
683 2#            $i(Opzione: Classificare in$a229.22)$p253
686 2#            $o229.22

084 8#            $addc$bDewey Onlu Sýnýflama ve Baýýntýlý Dizin$c20$etur
153 ##            $$a412$hDil ve dilbilim$hBelirli diller$hTürk
                  dili$h$jStandart Türkçeýnin kökenbilimi (etimolojisi)
686 2#            $b494.352$o410

Adaptation, other
084 8#            $addc$bDewey Onlu Sýnýflama ve Baýýntýlý Dizin$c20$etur
153 ##            $z2$a56226$hTablo: Coýrafi Alanlar, Tarihi Dönemler,
                  Kiýiler$hAsya Doýu (Orient) Uzakdoýu$hOrta Doýu (Yakin
                  Doýu)$hEge Bölgesi (Batý Anadolu) ve Marmara Bölgesi
                  $hMarmara Bölgesi$jýstanbul
686 3#            $tComprehensive works and European portion of Istanbul
686 3#            $tAsian portion of Istanbul province$z2$b563

084 8#            $addc$bClassificazione Decimale Dewey$c20$eita
153 ##            $a641.815$hTecnologia (Scienze applicate)$hEconomia
                  domestica e vita familiare$hCibi e bevande
                  (Alimenti)$hConservazione, immagazzinamento, cucina degli
                  alimenti$hCucina di specifici tipi di piatti$hPiatti
                  preliminari e di accompagnamento$jPane e affini
680 1#            $iEsempî: cialde, crackers, crˆpes, focacce, panini,
                  pizze, schiacciate
686 3#            $tPizza$b641.824

084 8#            $addc$bClassificazione Decimale Dewey$c20$eita
153 ##            $a641.824$hTecnologia (Scienze applicate)$hEconomia
                  domestica e vita familiare$hCibi e bevande
                  (Alimenti)$hConservazione, immagazzinamento, cucina degli
                  alimenti$hCucina di specifici tipi di piatti$hPiatti
                  principali$jSformati di carne e torte di formaggio
686 3#            $tPizza$a641.815

Script.  In order for the classification format to be used
internationally, it is necessary to provide deails about the
translation itself, such as script or romanization system.  DDC is
already published in other scripts (Arabic, Russian).  This issue
will be explored in a later discussion paper concerning script and
romanization in the authority format.  In addition, some editions
contain text in more than one language.  Thus, it is desirable to
make field 084 subfield $e (Language code) repeatable.


The following is presented for consideration:

   -     In the USMARC Classification Format, define the following in
         field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition:
                  $d       Source edition identifier
                  $f       Authorization
                  $n       Variations
         Make the following subfield in field 084 repeatable:
                  $e       Language code
   See Attachment A for a description of this field if this proposal
is approved.

   -     In the USMARC Classification Format, define a new field 686
         for Relationship to Source Note.
   See Attachment B for a description of this field if this proposal
   is approved.

                                                    ATTACHMENT A
<  > indicates addition; [  ] indicates deletion

084   Classification Scheme and Edition  (NR)


  First          Type of edition
     0             Full
     1             Abridged
     8             Other

  Second         Undefined
     #             Undefined

Subfield Codes

     $a      Classification scheme code (NR)                           
     $b      Edition title (NR)
     $c      Edition identifier  (NR)
     <$d     Source edition identifier  (NR)>
     <$f     Authorization  (NR)>                          
     $e      Language  code (NR)
     <$n     Variations  (R)>


        This field contains information about the authoritative
classification scheme and edition that contains the classification
number(s) and term(s) in the record.  It also may indicate the
edition title, date, and language of a particular version of the
classification scheme.  If a library creates its own record for a
classification number maintained by another classification source,
the classification scheme on which it is based is specified in
field 084 and the library creating the record is identified in
field 040 (Record Source).



First Indicator - Type of edition 
        The first indicator position contains a value that specifies
        the type of edition containing the classification data.

        0 - Full
             Value 0 indicates that the classification data is contained
             in the full edition of the classification scheme.  This
             value is also used for classification schemes not issued in
             an abridged edition.

               084                0#$addc$c20
               153                ##$a616.9792$hTechnology (Applied
                                  sciences)$hMedical sciences. 
                                  Medicine$hDiseases$kSpecific diseases$hOther
                                  diseases$hDiseases of the immune
                                  system$hImmune deficiency diseases$jAcquired
                                  immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

               084                0#$alcc
               153                ##$aN6370$cN6494$hVisual arts$hHistory$hModern
                                  art$jBy century

        1 - Abridged
             Value 1 indicates that the classification data is from an
             abridged edition of the classification scheme.

               084                1#$addc$c11
               153                ##$a323.3$hSocial sciences$hPolitical science
                                  (Politics and government)$hRelation of state
                                  to its residents$hRelation of state to social
                                  aggregates$jOther social aggregates

        8 - Other
             Value 8 indicates that the classification data is contained
             in an edition other than those specified by the other
             values.  The edition is specified in subfield $b (Edition
             title) or subfield $c (Edition identifier).

               084                8#$audc$cInternational medium edition
               153                ##$a512.5$hMathematics and natural
                                  sciences$hAlgebra$jGeneral algebra

Second Indicator - Undefined
        The second indicator position is undefined and contains a
        blank ($).


$a - Classification scheme code
        Subfield $a contains a variable-length alphabetic USMARC code
        that identifies the classification scheme used to formulate
        the classification number and caption in field 153
        (Classification Number).  The code is based on the general
        classification scheme used without regard to the particular
        edition or adaptation of the scheme.  A classification number
        or span that has been adapted in some way from the information
        in the authoritative classification scheme is coded for the
        scheme in this subfield and the NUC symbol or name of the
        library that made the adaptation is contained in field 040
        (Record Source).  The source of the classification scheme code
        is USMARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description
        Conventions that is maintained by the Library of Congress.

           084     0#$addc$c20
           153     ##$a323.32$hSocial sciences$hPolitical science
                   (Politics and government)$hCivil and political
                   rights$hCivil and political rights of other social
                   aggregates $jSocioeconomic classes

           084     0#$alcc
           153     ##$aHE381$hTransportation and communications$hWater
                   transportation$hWaterways$jGeneral works

           040     ##$aDNLM$cDNLM
           084     0#$alcc
           153     ##$aSF887$hAnimal culture$hVeterinary
                   medicine$hVeterinary medicine of special organs,
                   regions, and systems$hUrinary and reproductive
           753     ##$aAbortion, Veterinary
                 [This record is created by NLM for use in the NLM index
                 to refer users to an LCC number.  The basic
                 classification scheme is identified in field 084 and
                 agency that created the record is in field 040 (Record

           084     8#$audc$cInternational medium edition
           153     ##$a642.12$hHousekeeping. Home economics. Domestic
                   science$hFood. Cooking. Dishes.
                   Meals$hMeals and mealtimes. Tableware$jMorning meal.

$b - Edition title
        Subfield $b contains the title of the edition when a USMARC
        code has not been assigned to the scheme or further
        information needs to be given about the edition.

           084     8#$addc$bSistema de Clasificación Decimal$c1980$espa
           153     ##$a331.012$hCiencias sociales$hEconom¡a$hEconom¡a
                   laboral$hFilosof¡a y
                   teor¡a$jSatisfacciones del trabajo
                 [Data is from the Spanish edition of the Dewey Decimal

$c - Edition identifier
        Subfield $c contains the edition number, date, or other
        textual designation of the classification scheme edition
        contained in the classification record.

           084     0#$addc$c20
           153     ##$a401.3$hLanguage$hPhilosophy and
                   theory$jInternational languages

           084     0#$anlm$c4th ed., rev.
           153     ##$aWQ160$hObstetrics$jMidwifery

<$d     Source edition identifier
           Subfield $d contains the edition number, date, or other
           textual designation of the classification scheme edition used
           as the primary source for the edition identified in subfield
           $c.  Subfield $d is not used if it would be the same as
           subfield $c.  Subfield $d contains the edition on which the
           current edition is based.

             084 8#               $addc $bSistema de Clasificación Decimal $c20
                                  $d21 $n contains parts of edition 21 in revised
                                  area table for former Soviet Union and Table 6
                                  expansions for North and South American native

$e - Language code 
        Subfield $e contains the USMARC code for the language of the
        classification scheme edition when the language is other than
        English. The source of the codes is USMARC Code List for
        Languages that is maintained by the Library of Congress.

<$f - Authorization
        Subfield $f contains an indication of whether the translation
        has been authorized, i.e., done with the approval of the
        producer of the source edition.  If this subfield is not used,
        it is assumed to be authorized.

           084 8#                 $addc$bSistema de Clasificación

<$n - Variations
        Subfield $n contains general information about variations in
        this edition from the primary source edition.  Field 686
        Relationship to Source Note contains specific information
        about the relationship of a particular number to the source

           084 8#                 $addc$bSistema de Clasificación$c20$ncontains
                                  parts of edition 21 in revised Table 2 notation
                                  for former Soviet Union and Table 6 expansions
                                  for North and South American Languages$espa>



Only the standard abridged edition uses value 1 in the first
indicator position.


        040      Record Source
        USMARC Code List for Languages 
        USMARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description


                                                    ATTACHMENT B

686          Relationship to Source Note  (R)


  First          Type of relationship
     0             Expansion not based on other source edition
     1             Option
     2             Adaptation
     3             Number from other source edition

  Second         Undefined
     #             Undefined

Subfield Codes
     $a      Number in edition described in field 084--single number or
             beginning number of span (R)
     $b      Number in primary source edition--single number or beginning
             number of span (R)
     $c      Number in edition described in field 084, number in primary
             source edition, or number where instructions are found--
             ending number of span (R)
     $i      Explanatory text (R)
     $o      Number where instructions are found--single number or
             beginning number of span (R)
     $t      Topic (R)
     $z      Table identification (R)
     $2      Edition identifier (R)
     $5      Institution to which field applies (R)
     $8      Link and sequence no. (NR)


  This field contains information about the relationship of a number
to the source edition when the number is 
different from the standard number for the same topic in the
primary source edition.  This field is used for 
numbers based on a source other than the primary source,
expansions, implemented options, and adaptations.

  The information in this field is intended primarily for computer
processing or to guide classifiers and is often 
not written in a form adequate for public user display.



First Indicator - Type of relationship
     The first indicator position contains a value that indicates the
     type of relationship between the number in the 153 field and the
     standard number for the same topic in the source edition.

     0 - Number from other source edition
     Value 0 indicates that the classification number in field 153 is
     based on a source other than the primary source.  If the
     classification number in field 153 is the implementation of an
     option described in the other source edition, use indicator
     value 2.

     1 - Expansion
     Value 1 indicates that the classification number in field 153
     represents a more specific number in the same hierarchy as the
     standard number in the primary source edition for the topic
     identified in subfield $t. If this number is based on another
     source edition, use indicator value 0.

     2 - Option
     Value 2 indicates that the classification number in field 153
     represents the implementation of an option described in the
     primary source or other source edition.  

     3 - Adaptation, other
     Value 3 indicates that the classification number in field 153 is
     different from the number in the primary source edition for the
     topic identified in subfield $t, and none of the types of
     relationships described with indicator values 0-2 is applicable.

$a -       Number in edition described in field 084--single number or
           beginning number of span 
           Subfield $a contains the number in the edition described in
           field 084 for the topic identified in subfield $t.  Subfield
           $a is not used if it would be the same as the number in field

$b -       Number in primary source edition--single number or beginning
           number of span 
           Subfield $b contains the standard number in the primary
           source edition for the topic identified in subfield $t, or if
           there is no subfield $t, then in subfield $j of field 153. 
           Subfield $b is not used if it would be the same as subfield
           $o (Number where instructions are found).

$c -       Number in edition described in field 084, number in primary
           source edition, or number where instructions are found--
           ending number of span 
           Subfield $c contains the ending number of a classification
           number span cited in field 686. The beginning number of the
           span is recorded in subfields $a, $b or $o.

$o -       Number where instructions are found--single number or
           beginning number of span
           Subfield $o contains the number in the source edition where
           instructions are given for the option that is being
           implemented in the number in field 153.  This subfield is
           used only for an option described in the primary source
           edition or another source edition (indicator value 2).

$t -         Topic
           Subfield $t contains the topic that is being added to or
           subtracted from the meaning of the number in field 153.
           Subfield $t is not used if it would be the same as subfield
           $j (Caption) in field 153.

$i -         Explanatory text
           Subfield $i contains the explanatory text in field 686.

$z -         Table identification
           Subfield $z contains the identification of the table to which
           a classification number recorded in field 686 belongs, if the
           classification number is part of a table.  For a
           classification number span, subfield $z is given only once,
           before the first number.

$2 -       Edition identifier 
           Subfield $2 contains the edition number, date, or other
           textual designation of the classification scheme edition
           used as the source for the classification number in field
           153 when that source is not the primary source.  This
           subfield is used with indicator value 0, and with indicator
           value 2 when the option is described in the other source
           edition. This subfield is not used to record the edition
           identifier of the primary source edition; that edition
           identifier is recorded in subfield $c or $d of the 084

$5 -         Institution to which field applies
           Subfield $5 contains the USMARC code of the organization to
           which the Relationship of Source note applies. The source
           of this code is USMARC Code List for Organizations that is
           maintained by the Library of Congress. 

$8 -         Link and sequence number
           Subfield $8 contains data that is used to sequence a 686
           field with other related 6XX or 76X fields.  The subfield
           is structured as follows:


           The linking number is a variable length whole number.  The
           linking number is the same for each 6XX or 76X field being
           linked to this field.

           A variable length sequence number is added to control the
           display sequencing of fields with identical linking
           numbers.  A sequence number is separated from a linking
           number by a decimal point.  A sequence number may itself be
           a decimal number.

           For examples of the use of this subfield see field 763
           (Internal Subarrangement or Add Table Entry).



Only longer numbers in the same hierarchy are expansions.

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