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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Council Discusses Defense Reform Initiative

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 1997 – Deputy Defense Secretary John J. Hamre (second from left) opens the first meeting of his newly formed Defense Management Council, which will direct DoD's Defense Reform Initiative effort. Announced Nov. 10 by Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, the initiative mandates cuts to "eliminate the fat and save the muscle." Hamre heads the council, which first convened Nov. 17 and began a "shape-up program" to produce initial results within three months. Council members include Walter B. Slocombe (left), DoD policy undersecretary; Rudy de Leon, personnel and readiness undersecretary (second from right); and Gen. Ralph E. Eberhardt (right), Air Force vice chief of staff. Council ranks include the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and all DoD and service undersecretaries and service vice chiefs of staff. Staff Sgt. Alicia K. Borlik, USA

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