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USGS Activity Physical Data: P-R1-71-WO

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CMG Staff: Nationwide   Menlo Park & Santa Cruz   St. Petersburg   Woods Hole  
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CMG Directions: to Menlo Park   to Santa Cruz   to St. Petersburg   to Woods Hole   to MARFAC   to MOF   to O'Brien  

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
103814 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 20 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103815 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 21 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103816 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 22 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103817 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 23 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103818 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 24 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103819 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 25 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103820 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 26 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103821 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 27 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103822 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 28 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103823 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 29 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103825 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 30 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103826 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 31 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103828 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 33 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103829 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 34 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103830 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 35 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103831 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 36 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103833 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 38 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103836 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 40 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103837 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 41 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103838 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 42 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103839 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 43 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103840 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 44 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103841 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 45 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103842 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 46 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103843 3069 Area B column 04 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3069 3069 47 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103827 3752 Area E column 13 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3752 3069 32 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103832 3752 Area E column 13 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3752 3069 37 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
103834 3752 Area E column 13 row 04 Ed Clifton, Roberto Anima CMG 74-03-1144 3752 3069 39 ED CLIFTON 1971 core samples and sub-samples from offshore SW Oregon (California-Oregon Blk. Sed. Project). Sample numbers listed in the Accession Sheets.
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
131864 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 715-12-11-10, 717-16 (1 film) in envelope"
131865 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 713-2-3-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
131866 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 715-8-7-9-8 (1 film) in envelope
131867 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
131868 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 713-1, 630-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope"
131869 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 708-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
131870 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 708-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
131871 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 713-2-3-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
131872 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-2 (2 films) in envelope
131873 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
131874 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
131875 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 731-13, 801-1 (1 film) in envelope"
131876 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
131877 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
131878 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
131879 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 731-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
131880 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 79-8-12 (1 film) in envelope
131881 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 79-11-13 (1 film) in envelope
131882 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 79-10, 821-1 (1 film) in envelope"
131883 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 723-8, 718-1 (1 film) in envelope"
131884 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-2-3 (1 film) in envelope
131885 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
131886 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
131887 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-8-9 (1 film) in envelope
131888 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
131889 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 718-12-13 (1 film) in envelope
131890 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 22-4
131891 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 24-1
131892 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 24-2
131893 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 24-3
131894 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 24-4
131895 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 7-20
131896 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 7-20
131897 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 30-4
131898 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 6-19
131899 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 5-19
131900 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 5-19
131901 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 3-19
131902 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-1
131903 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-5
131904 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-3
131905 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 23-1
131906 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 23-1
131907 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 23-2
131908 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-3
131909 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-6
131910 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-5
131911 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-4
131912 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-4
131913 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-2
131914 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-2
131915 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 25-1
131916 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-6
131917 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-5
131918 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-4?
131919 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-3
131920 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-2
131921 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-3
131922 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 21-4
131923 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 4B
131924 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph print 4C, 4D"
131925 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph print 3B, 3C"
131926 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph print 2B, 2D"
131927 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph print 1C, 1D"
131928 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph print 1A, 1B"
131929 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print unlabeled 1 composite (7 sheets)
131930 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print unlabeled 2 (2 sheets)
131931 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print unlabeled 3 (4 sheets)
131932 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print unlabeled 2-3 composite (4 sheets)
131933 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print unlabeled 4-5 composite
131934 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph unlabeled 4-5 in yellow protector
131935 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph unlabeled 2-3 in yellow protector
131936 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph unlabeled (4 sheets) in yellow protector
131937 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph unlabeled (4 sheets) in yellow protector
131938 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 2-19
131939 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-6 in yellow protector
131940 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-5 in yellow protector
131941 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-3 in yellow protector
131942 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-3 in yellow protector
131943 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-1 in yellow protector
131944 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21-1 in yellow protector
131945 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-6 in yellow protector
131946 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-1 in yellow protector
131947 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-3 in yellow protector
131948 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-2 in yellow protector
131949 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-4 in yellow protector
131950 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22-6 in yellow protector
131951 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-1-2 in yellow protector
131952 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-1-2 in yellow protector
131953 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-3-4 in yellow protector
131954 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-3-4 in yellow protector
131955 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-5-6 in yellow protector
131956 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23-5-6 in yellow protector
131957 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 1-18, 2-18 in yellow protector"
131958 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 1-18, 2-18 in yellow protector"
131959 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 1-19, 4-19 in yellow protector"
131960 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 1-19, 4-19 in yellow protector"
131961 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 2-19, 3-19 in yellow protector"
131962 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 2-19, 3-19 in yellow protector"
131963 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 5-19, 6-19 in yellow protector"
131964 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 5-19, 6-19 in yellow protector"
131965 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-1-2 in yellow protector
131966 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-1-2 in yellow protector
131967 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-3-4 in yellow protector
131968 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-3-4 in yellow protector
131969 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-5-6 in yellow protector
131970 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25-5-6 in yellow protector
131971 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-5-6 in yellow protector
131972 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-5-6 in yellow protector
131973 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-3-4 in yellow protector
131974 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-3-4 in yellow protector
131975 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-1-2 in yellow protector
131976 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24-1-2 in yellow protector
131977 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 30-1-4 in yellow protector
131978 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 30-1-4 in yellow protector
131979 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 7-20, 30-3 in yellow protector"
131980 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 7-20, 30-3 in yellow protector"
131981 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-1-2 in yellow protector
131982 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-1-2 in yellow protector
131983 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-3-4 in yellow protector
131984 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-3-4 in yellow protector
131985 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-5-6 in yellow protector
131986 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 31-5-6 in yellow protector
131987 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 1N in yellow protector
131988 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 1W in yellow protector
131989 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 2N in yellow protector
131990 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 2W in yellow protector
131991 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 3N in yellow protector
131992 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 3W in yellow protector
131993 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 4N in yellow protector
131994 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 4W in yellow protector
131995 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 5W in yellow protector
131996 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 6N in yellow protector
131997 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 6W in yellow protector
131998 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 7N in yellow protector
131999 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 7W in yellow protector
132000 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 8N in yellow protector
132001 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 8W in yellow protector
132002 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 9N in yellow protector
132003 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 9W in yellow protector
132004 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 10N in yellow protector
132005 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 10W in yellow protector
132006 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 11N top in yellow protector
132007 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 11N bottom in yellow protector
132008 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 11W top in yellow protector
132009 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 11W bottom in yellow protector
132010 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 12N top in yellow protector
132011 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 12N bottom in yellow protector
132012 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 12W top in yellow protector
132013 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 12W bottom in yellow protector
132014 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 13N in yellow protector
132015 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 13W in yellow protector
132016 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 15N in yellow protector
132017 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 20N in yellow protector
132018 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 20W in yellow protector
132019 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21N in yellow protector
132020 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 21W in yellow protector
132021 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22N in yellow protector
132022 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 22W in yellow protector
132023 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23N top in yellow protector
132024 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23N bottom in yellow protector
132025 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23W top in yellow protector
132026 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 23W bottom in yellow protector
132027 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24N in yellow protector
132028 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 24W in yellow protector
132029 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25N top in yellow protector
132030 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25N bottom in yellow protector
132031 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25W top in yellow protector
132032 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 25W bottom in yellow protector
132033 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 26N top in yellow protector
132034 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 26N bottom in yellow protector
132035 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 26W top in yellow protector
132036 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 26W bottom in yellow protector
132037 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 27N top in yellow protector
132038 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 27N bottom in yellow protector
132039 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 27W top in yellow protector
132040 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 27W bottom in yellow protector
132041 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 28N top in yellow protector
132042 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 28N bottom in yellow protector
132043 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 28W top in yellow protector
132044 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 28W bottom in yellow protector
132045 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 619-15, 629-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132046 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 629-4-5-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132047 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 629-8, 630-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132048 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 630-4-5-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132049 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 630-8-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
132050 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 630-12, 705-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132051 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 706-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132052 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph B706-5, B707-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope"
132053 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 708-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132054 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 708-56, 709-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132055 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 715-12, 716-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132056 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 716-2-3-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132057 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 716-6-7-8-9 (1 film) in envelope
132058 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 715-8-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
132059 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 716-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132060 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 719-4, 730-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132061 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 710-6, 719-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132062 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 719-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132063 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 719-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132064 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132065 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-2-3 (2 films) in envelope
132066 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-5-8 (1 film) in envelope
132067 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-7-10 (1 film) in envelope
132068 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 720-9-11 (1 film) in envelope
132069 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 721-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132070 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 721-5-6-7+7 (1 film) in envelope
132071 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 721-8, 722-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132072 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-4-5-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132073 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-8-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
132074 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-12-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
132075 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 722-17-18, 723-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132076 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
132077 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132078 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132079 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 722-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132080 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 722-9, 723-1 (1 film) in envelope"
132081 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-2-3 (1 film) in envelope
132082 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132083 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132084 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-3-4-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132085 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-7-8-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
132086 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-11-12-13-14 (1 film) in envelope
132087 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 723-15-16-17-18-20 (1 film) in envelope
132088 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 725-4-5-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132089 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 725-8, 727-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132090 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 728-4, 725-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132091 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 726-1-2, 728-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132092 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 727-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132093 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 727-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132094 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 727-8, 720-1 (1 film) in envelope"
132095 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132096 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132097 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132098 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 728-13, 811-15-16-17 (1 film) in envelope"
132099 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-3-4-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132100 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-7-8-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
132101 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 728-11-12-13-14 (1 film) in envelope
132102 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 730-4, 728-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132103 54 Area B column 11 row 04 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 729-1-2, 802-1-2-3 (1 film) in envelope"
132757 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132758 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132759 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-7-8-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
132760 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-10-11-12-13 (1 film) in envelope
132761 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132762 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-3-4-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132763 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 820-1 (1 film) in envelope
132764 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-2 (1 film) in envelope
132765 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 820-2 (1 film) in envelope
132766 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2 (1 film) in envelope
132767 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 812-1 (1 film) in envelope
132768 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3 (1 film) in envelope
132769 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-4 (1 film) in envelope
132770 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1 (1 film) in envelope
132771 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1 (1 film) in envelope
132772 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 820-3 (1 film) in envelope
132773 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 813-2 (1 film) in envelope
132774 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 802-1 (1 film) in envelope
132775 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 813-1 (1 film) in envelope
132776 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-1 (1 film) in envelope
132777 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-2 (1 film) in envelope
132778 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-3 (1 film) in envelope
132779 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-4 (1 film) in envelope
132780 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-2 (2 film) in envelope
132781 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-3 (2 film) in envelope
132782 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-4 (1 film) in envelope
132783 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-1 (2 film) in envelope
132784 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-2 (2 film) in envelope
132785 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 820-3 pipe core (2 films) in envelope
132786 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 820-2 pipe core (2 films) in envelope
132787 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-3 (2 films) in envelope
132788 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3 (2 films) in envelope
132789 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-1 (1 film) in envelope
132790 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-3 (1 film) in envelope
132791 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-2 (1 film) in envelope
132792 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132793 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 801-2-3 box rev. (1 film) in envelope
132794 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 801-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132795 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 801-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132796 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 801-8, 805-1 (1 film) in envelope"
132797 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 803-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
132798 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 803-3-8 (1 film) in envelope
132799 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 803-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132800 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 803-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132801 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 803-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
132802 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
132803 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132804 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132805 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132806 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-2-3 (1 film) in envelope
132807 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-A-B (1 film) in envelope
132808 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132809 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-9-G1 (1 film) in envelope
132810 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-G2-G3 (1 film) in envelope
132811 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-G4-G5 (1 film) in envelope
132812 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-G6-G7 (1 film) in envelope
132813 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 817-13, 806-1 (1 film) in envelope"
132814 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-2-3 (1 film) in envelope
132815 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132816 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132817 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 806-8, 813-F (1 film) in envelope"
132818 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 825-7, 820-1, 813-A-B-C (1 film) in envelope"
132819 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
132820 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132821 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132822 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132823 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
132824 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132825 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 825-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132826 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 825-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132827 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 821-2, 821-2, 825-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132828 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-12-13 (1 film) in envelope
132829 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
132830 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-8-9 (1 film) in envelope
132831 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
132832 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132833 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-3 (missing film) in envelope
132834 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-3 (missing film) in envelope
132835 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-2 (missing film) in envelope
132836 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 815-1 (missing film) in envelope
132837 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-1
132838 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-1
132839 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-5
132840 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-3
132841 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-3
132842 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-6
132843 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-1
132844 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-2
132845 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-3
132846 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-4
132847 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-7
132848 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-1
132849 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-2
132850 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-3
132851 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-4
132852 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-3
132853 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-6
132854 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 815-2
132855 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 815-2
132856 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 815-1
132857 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 801-3
132858 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 801-3
132859 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 801-1
132860 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-6
132861 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-5
132862 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-6
132863 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-2
132864 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-1
132865 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-7
132866 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-6
132867 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 818-6
132868 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 818-5
132869 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 818-5
132870 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-4
132871 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-3
132872 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-2
132873 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 806-1
132874 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-3
132875 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-6
132876 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-5
132877 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-4
132878 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-3
132879 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-2
132880 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-1
132881 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 808-8
132882 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 808-2
132883 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 808-1
132884 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 818-1
132885 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 819-5
132886 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 819-6
132887 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 807-4
132888 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 814-5
132889 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 815-4
132890 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 815-3
132891 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 808-10
132892 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-5
132893 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-1
132894 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-6
132895 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-2
132896 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph print 804-1
132897 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-8 in yellow protector
132898 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-1 in yellow protector
132899 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-6 in yellow protector
132900 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-2 in yellow protector
132901 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-2 in yellow protector
132902 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-4 in yellow protector
132903 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-6 in yellow protector
132904 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 807-2 in yellow protector
132905 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 807-6 in yellow protector
132906 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 807-4 in yellow protector
132907 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 807-4 in yellow protector
132908 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 807-2 in yellow protector
132909 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-4 in yellow protector
132910 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-2 in yellow protector
132911 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-1 in yellow protector
132912 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-8 in yellow protector
132913 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-7 in yellow protector
132914 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-6 in yellow protector
132915 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-3 in yellow protector
132916 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-5 in yellow protector
132917 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-4 in yellow protector
132918 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 814-1 in yellow protector
132919 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1A in yellow protector
132920 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1B in yellow protector
132921 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 822-2 in yellow protector
132922 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 822-2 in yellow protector
132923 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 822-9 in yellow protector
132924 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 822-1 in yellow protector
132925 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-9-10 in yellow protector
132926 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-9-10 in yellow protector
132927 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-5-6 in yellow protector
132928 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-5-6 in yellow protector
132929 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-3-4 in yellow protector
132930 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-3-4 in yellow protector
132931 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-1-2 in yellow protector
132932 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 808-1-2 in yellow protector
132933 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1-2 in yellow protector
132934 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1-2 in yellow protector
132935 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-5-6 in yellow protector
132936 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-5-6 in yellow protector
132937 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1-2 in yellow protector
132938 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1-2 in yellow protector
132939 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3-4 in yellow protector
132940 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3-4 in yellow protector
132941 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-5-6 in yellow protector
132942 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-3-4 in yellow protector
132943 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-2 in yellow protector
132944 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-2 in yellow protector
132945 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-9-10 in yellow protector
132946 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-9-10 in yellow protector
132947 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-7-8 in yellow protector
132948 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-7-8 in yellow protector
132949 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-5-6 in yellow protector
132950 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-5-6 in yellow protector
132951 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-1-2 in yellow protector
132952 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-1-2 in yellow protector
132953 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-3-4 in yellow protector
132954 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-5-6 in yellow protector
132955 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-7-8 in yellow protector
132956 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-7-8 in yellow protector
132957 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 821-10-11 in yellow protector
132958 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 801-1, 30-5 in yellow protector"
132959 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 801-1, 30-5 in yellow protector"
132960 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 801-2-3 in yellow protector
132961 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 801-2-3 in yellow protector
132962 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 811-8-9-10-11 (missing film) in envelope
132963 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 811-10-11-12 (missing film) in envelope
132964 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 802-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132965 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 802-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132966 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 802-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132967 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 802-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
132968 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 803-1+1, 803-2+2, 804-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132969 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132970 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132971 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-1-4-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132972 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 804-2-3-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
132973 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 807-8, 805-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132974 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 805-4-8, 720-12-13 (1 film) in envelope"
132975 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-3-4-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132976 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 805-5-6, 72-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132977 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-1-2 (1 film) in envelope
132978 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132979 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 805-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132980 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-1+1-1-3-2-2+2-2 (1 film) in envelope
132981 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-3-4+4-5 (1 film) in envelope
132982 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132983 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132984 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 806-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
132985 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 806-17-18, 812-2+4 (1 film) in envelope"
132986 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 811-18-19, 819-12-17 (1 film) in envelope"
132987 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 811-10-11-12+12 (1 film) in envelope
132988 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 811-2-4-6, 817-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
132989 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 811-2-4+4, 811-5+5, 811-6+6 (1 film) in envelope"
132990 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 811-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132991 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 811-12-13-14+14 (1 film) in envelope
132992 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 812-13-14-15 (1 film) in envelope
132993 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 812-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132994 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 812-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132995 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
132996 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
132997 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
132998 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
132999 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 816-17, 814-2, 817-1+1, 817-2+2 (1 film) in envelope"
133000 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-8-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
133001 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 816-12-17 (1 film) in envelope
133002 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-1W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133003 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-1W top (1 film) in envelope
133004 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-1N top (1 film) in envelope
133005 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-1N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133006 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-2N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133007 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-2W top (1 film) in envelope
133008 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-2W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133009 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 817-2N top (1 film) in envelope
133010 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1W top (1 film) in envelope
133011 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-2N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133012 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
133013 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
133014 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-8-9-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
133015 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 818-13, 820-1, 828-1, 820-2 (1 film) in envelope"
133016 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 828-2-3-4-5 (1 film) in envelope
133017 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-4W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133018 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-4N top (1 film) in envelope
133019 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-4N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133020 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-4W top (1 film) in envelope
133021 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133022 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3N top (1 film) in envelope
133023 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133024 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-3W top (1 film) in envelope
133025 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-2N top (1 film) in envelope
133026 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-2W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133027 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-2W top (1 film) in envelope
133028 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133029 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1N top (1 film) in envelope
133030 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 818-1W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133031 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3-4-5-6 (1 film) in envelope
133032 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133033 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1W top (1 film) in envelope
133034 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1N top (1 film) in envelope
133035 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2N top (1 film) in envelope
133036 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133037 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2W top (1 film) in envelope
133038 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133039 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2BB-N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133040 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2BB-W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133041 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2BB-W top (1 film) in envelope
133042 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-2BB-N top (1 film) in envelope
133043 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3BB-N top (1 film) in envelope
133044 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3BB-W top (1 film) in envelope
133045 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3BB-N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133046 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-3BB-W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133047 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1BB-N bottom (1 film) in envelope
133048 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1BB-N top (1 film) in envelope
133049 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1BB-W top (1 film) in envelope
133050 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1BB-W bottom (1 film) in envelope
133051 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-1BB-w bottom (1 film) in envelope
133052 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-8-9-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
133053 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
133054 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 819-17-18, 818-8 (1 film) in envelope"
133055 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
133056 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-11-12-13-14 (1 film) in envelope
133057 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 819-15-16-17-18 (1 film) in envelope
133058 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 819-8+8, 819-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope"
133059 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 825-1, 821-1-3, 822-1-2 (1 film) in envelope"
133060 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 820-3-4, 821-1-2, 820-3 (1 film) in envelope"
133061 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 823-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
133062 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 823-5-5-6-7 (1 film) in envelope
133063 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 823-8-9-10-11 (1 film) in envelope
133064 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 823-12-13-14-15-16 (1 film) in envelope
133065 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG "Radiograph 823-17, 825-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope"
133066 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 824-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
133067 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 824-5-6-7-8-9-10 (1 film) in envelope
133068 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 825-6-7-8-9 (1 film) in envelope
133069 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 825-10-11-12 (1 film) in envelope
133070 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 826-1-2-3-4 (1 film) in envelope
133071 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 826-5-6-7-8 (1 film) in envelope
133072 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 828-6-7-8-9 (1 film) in envelope
133073 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 828-10-11 horizontal (1 film) in envelope
133074 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Radiograph 828-10-11 45 degrees (1 film) in envelope
133075 75 Area B column 11 row 05 Larry Phillips CMG Core description notes
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents

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