The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 26, 2004

Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on Sudan
Dromoland Castle
Shannon, Ireland

The United States and the European Union welcome the Nairobi Declaration of 5 June 2004 on the Final Phase of Peace in Sudan which paves the way for the signature of a comprehensive peace agreement, putting an end to 20 years of conflict in southern Sudan, and commend all those who have worked with the parties to bring the peace talks to this point, in particular the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the host nation to the talks, Kenya. The protocols signed at Naivasha on 26 May 2004 demonstrate the continued commitment by both parties and the international community to end this longest-running civil war in Africa. We urge the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) to sustain the momentum towards an early conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement. We reiterate our firm commitment to support a faithfully implemented comprehensive peace agreement designed to bring peace to all areas of Sudan. The United Nations has an important role to play in achieving this goal. We fully support the work of the U.N. in addressing the humanitarian and human rights crises in Darfur.

We express grave concern at the continuing humanitarian crisis in Darfur, western Sudan, where the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians, who live in desperate conditions and require immediate life-saving relief, are at great risk. We strongly condemn the human rights violations that have been perpetrated there, particularly by Jingaweit militias. We reiterate our call on the Government of Sudan to immediately stop the violence perpetrated by the Jingaweit, ensure the protection and security of civilians and humanitarian workers, disarm the militias and allow full and unimpeded access by humanitarian groups to Darfur. We also reiterate that those responsible for the atrocities must be held accountable. In addition, we call on all signatories to the cease-fire agreement of 8 April 2004, and their proxy militias, to fully respect the terms of the cease-fire and to cooperate with the African Union-led monitoring mission presently being deployed in Darfur.

We commend the African Union for assuming a leading role in its monitoring mission. To support the AU-led mission, we are actively participating, contributing financially as well as sending observers. We encourage all parties to the conflict in Darfur to initiate a dialogue to begin addressing the underlying political and social problems that have led to this crisis.

We call on the Government of Sudan to stop supporting the aggressive actions by militia groups in the Upper Nile region.

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