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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Girl, 7, Wins Armed Services YMCA Poster Contest

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 30, 1996 – The 7-year-old daughter of a Marine Corps couple stationed in Hawaii won the 1996 Armed Services YMCA poster contest.

Breanne Denson, daughter of Cpl. Charles E. and Temple Denson of Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, won the contest held to promote Military Family Week -- Nov. 24 through Dec. 1.

Denson will receive a $500 United States savings bond. In addition, the Armed Forces YMCA is reproducing her poster and sending copies to family centers at military installations worldwide.

Officials announced the poster contest last August with the military family as its theme. The contest was open to all military children in grades kindergarten though six.

"We had hundreds of wonderful drawings from youngsters in many military communities," said Frank Gallo, the Armed Forces YMCA's national executive director. "Each drawing, in its own way, reflected the strength and happiness that characterize military families and the challenges they face."

Click photo for screen-resolution imageSeven-year old Breanne Denson's poster was the winning entry at the Armed Forces YMCA Military Family Week poster contest held recently. She received a $500 savings bond for her efforts.  
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