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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Forces in Iraq Kill Nine, Capture 24, Seize Weapons

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 13, 2008 – Coalition and Iraqi forces killed nine enemy fighters, captured more than 24 suspects, and seized weapons across Iraq in the past three days, military officials said.

In operations today:

-- Coalition forces captured a suspected al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist near Lake Tharthar and three alleged foreign terrorist facilitators in Beiji, about 62 miles south of Mosul.

-- Coalition troops detained two suspected terrorists in separate raids just north of Baghdad. Military officials said the operations degraded al-Qaida’s network in the northern belt around the Iraqi capital.

-- Troops also captured a wanted man and an associate near Biaj, about 80 miles southwest of Mosul.

During operations yesterday:

-- Coalition forces killed five gunmen and captured two suspected members of Iranian-backed “special groups” near Hillah, about 45 miles south of Baghdad. Troops acted in self-defense, military officials said.

-- Coalition forces detained four suspected terrorists during two-day operations in Mosul that culminated yesterday. The raids targeted associates of al-Qaida in Iraq leaders in the northern city.

-- Coalition troops detained three individuals, including a wanted man with suspected ties to an al-Qaida in Iraq bombing network that operates in the Tigris River valley.

-- Troops also targeted associates of al-Qaida in Iraq leaders in the southern belt around the Iraqi capital, capturing three suspected terrorists west of Baghdad.

-- Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers detained three suspected special groups members. Those captured are associated with attacks yesterday against Iraqi civilians and coalition forces in Baghdad's Rashid district, military officials said.

-- Coalition forces captured a special groups weapons smuggler in Kut, about 110 miles southeast of Baghdad. Troops also detained several others in the operation, military officials said.

-- Iraqi security forces and Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers uncovered nearly 10 weapons caches throughout the Iraqi capital. The stockpiles comprised scores of munitions, assault rifles, grenades, homemade explosives and military equipment.

Al-Qaida fighters near the town of Ishaki in Salahuddin province attacked the homes of several members of a citizen security group known as “Sons of Iraq” On June 11. The citizens successfully defended their homes in the ensuing firefight, killing four enemy fighters. Three Sons of Iraq members suffered injuries, military officials said.

Elsewhere in Iraq that day, Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers seized several weapons in an operation in the New Baghdad security district of the Iraqi capital. Soldiers with 66th Armor Regiment, attached to the 10th Mountain Division’s 4th Brigade Combat Team, seized assault rifles and pistols in the raid.

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.)

Related Sites:
Multinational Corps Iraq
Multinational Force Iraq