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President Promotes Retirement Security Agenda
In discussing his comprehensive Retirement Security agenda Thursday, President Bush said, "Our government must support policies .. - 39.4KB
28 Feb 02
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President Pleased with Charlotte Welfare-to-Work Program
President Bush Wednesday said, "I am very impressed by the welfare-to-work program that has been instituted. There's obviously ... - 30.1KB
27 Feb 02
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President Discusses Welfare Reform and Job Training
President Bush Wednesday said, "We need to make sure that work is an integral part of any welfare reauthorization; that .. - 48.9KB
27 Feb 02
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President Receives World Trade Center Bullhorn
Governor George Pataki said to President Bush Monday, "I'll never forget the moment when you and Bob stood on that wreck and .. - 33.1KB
25 Feb 02
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President Salutes VOA's 60-Year Commitment to Freedom
President Bush Monday said, "For decades, the Voice of America has told the world the truth about America and our policies. .. - 24.8KB
25 Feb 02
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President Comments on Death of Daniel Pearl
Laura and I, and the American people, are deeply saddened to learn about the loss of Daniel Pearl's life. - 19.1KB
22 Feb 02
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President Bush Meets with Chinese President Jiang Zemin
After meeting with President Jiang, President Bush said, "Our talks were candid, and that's very positive. The United States .. - 21.7KB
21 Feb 02
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President Speaks to U.S. Troops in Seoul
President Bush Thursday said, "In our dealings with North Korea, we've laid down a clear marker. We will stand by the people of .. - 30.8KB
21 Feb 02
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President Discusses Unity Between the U.S. & Japan
President Bush Tuesday said, "America and Japan have joined to oppose danger and aggression. We have also joined to bring aid .. - 31.6KB
18 Feb 02
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President Bush, Prime Minister Koizumi Hold Press Conference
President Bush Monday said, "Japan is a generous host to America's forward-deployed forces, providing an essential .. - 40.6KB
18 Feb 02
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