Grants for Enhanced Assessment Instruments

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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs

CFDA Number: 84.368
Program Type: Discretionary Grants
Also Known As: Enhanced Assessment Grants

Program Description

The objectives of this program are to: (1) improve the quality, validity, and reliability of state academic assessments; (2) measure student academic achievement using multiple measures of student academic achievement from multiple sources; (3) chart student progress over time; and (4) evaluate student academic achievement through the development of comprehensive academic assessment instruments, such as performance and technology-based academic assessments.

Types of Projects

Projects that address program objectives by producing significant research regarding assessment systems, assessments, or related methodologies, products, or tools.

Other Information

Proficiency on State assessments required under Title I, Part A, of the ESEA is the primary indicator in the ESEA of student academic achievement and, hence, the primary measure of State success in meeting the goals of No Child Left Behind. In view of the critical importance of these State assessments, section 6111 provides formula grants to all SEAs, and section 6112 authorizes the Secretary to make competitive grant awards to State educational agencies (SEAs) to help them enhance the quality of assessment and accountability systems.

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Last Modified: 09/16/2008

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