The Standards and Assessments Peer Review

Statewide Assessment

Critical Element

The State assessment system may include different types of assessments (e.g., CRT, Augmented NRT, and various types of Alternate Assessments).


Complete the Overview chart provided in the Guidance. Clearly indicate what type (s) of assessments are used for each required grade and subject area (s).

Critical Element

If different assessments are used (e.g., CRT, ANRT, native language assessments, simplified English versions), document a rational overall design and coherence, as well as alignment with the academic content and achievement standards.


Provide the rationale and blueprint for the design. Also provide documentation of the processes and reports from studies that clearly indicate coherence, alignment, and comparability.

Critical Element

Multiple measures that assess higher-order thinking skills and understanding of challenging content.


Provide test blueprints, item specifications, statistical evidence, descriptions of the processes used to judge the cognitive level of the test or item content. The intent of the evidence is to ensure content coverage in terms of depth, breath and cognitive load. It is also useful to provide samples of the measures being used.

Critical Element

The State assessment system may employ a matrix design. If a matrix design is used, the multiple forms within a content area and grade must:

  • all be aligned with the content and achievement standards;
  • be equivalent in terms of content coverage, difficulty and quality; and
  • yield comparable results.


Provide technical manuals, state reports and/or reports from independent evaluators on the quality, equivalence, and comparability of the forms.

Critical Element

The State assessment system may include alternate assessments. Student achievement may be measured against grade level standards or against alternate achievement standards.



  • written documentation describing the processes used to develop the alternate assessment(s) and the associated achievement standards;
  • documentation of the criteria that local IEP teams should use to determine which students are eligible to participate in the alternate assessment;
  • sample score reports from the alternate assessment or other materials used to communicate the meaning of results to parents.

Critical Element

Local assessments, if used as part of the State assessment system, must:

  • be aligned with the state academic and achievement standards;
  • be equivalent to one another in terms of coverage, difficulty and quality;
  • yield comparable results for all subgroups;
  • yield results that can be aggregated with other local assessments and with the state assessments; and
  • provide unbiased, rational and consistent determinations for AYP.


Provide documentation of the processes used by the State to ensure quality and comparability, including reports done by independent evaluators as well as follow-up plans to address any identified deficiencies.

*Note If the state assessment system is comprised of more than one assessment, the state must provide reports from comparability studies for the various assessments to document that all components are aligned with the same academic content and achievement standards*

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Last Modified: 08/08/2005