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American Forces Press Service

IED, Land Mine Kill Soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, March 16, 2005 – A Task Force Baghdad soldier died March 15 when an improvised explosive device detonated near a military patrol, military officials in Baghdad, Iraq, reported.

Six other soldiers and several local nationals, including an Iraqi policeman, were wounded in the attack, officials said.

Also on March 15, a U.S. soldier was killed and four others were injured in a land-mine strike near Shindand, Afghanistan. One soldier sustained a severe back injury, one was reported in stable condition, and two were treated and returned to duty, officials said. The five soldiers are members of Task Force Peacekeeper, a military police element in Combined Joint Task Force 76.

Today, two mortar explosions were reported in Baghdad's heavily fortified International Zone, but no damage or casualties were reported.

Four Iraqi civilians and three Iraqi police officers were killed today when an IED exploded along a road in southeast Baghdad. And 12 Iraqi civilians and an Iraqi police officer were injured when terrorists fired mortars and rocket-propelled grenades and detonated a car bomb at an Iraqi police checkpoint in the same area.

In other news from Iraq:

  • The military said a "high-profile" target was arrested March 15 south of Baghdad by a Task Force Baghdad patrol. Another patrol in west Baghdad also netted a suspected planner of insurgent IED attacks.
  • Soldiers from the 302nd Battalion, 40th Iraqi Army Brigade, discovered a large weapons cache and detained three men during a patrol near Haifa Street today.
  • Task Force Baghdad patrols discovered two weapons caches today. The caches included rocket- propelled grenades, other ammunition and more than a dozen artillery rounds.
  • Task Force Baghdad soldiers detained two Iraqis after they tried to flee from a roadside stop today east of Baghdad. One individual was injured in the incident

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and 3rd Infantry Division news releases.)

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Multinational Force Iraq