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American Forces Press Service

Iraqi, Coalition Forces Net Suspects, Kill Insurgents, Seize Weapons

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2007 – Iraqi and coalition forces nabbed dozens of suspects, killed five others and confiscated or destroyed weapons caches across Iraq over the past three days, military officials said.

In Iraq today: 

-- Iraqi and coalition forces killed three Shiite extremists during a raid in the Bayaa area of Baghdad targeting a Shiite “special groups” battalion commander wanted for launching rocket and improvised-explosive-device attacks against Iraqi and coalition forces. The combined force also detained three suspects at the targeted sites.

-- Iraqi special operations forces detained 11 suspects in an operation targeting an extremist IED-cell leader and assassination cell member in Diwaniyah. During a separate, coordinated raid in the area, troops aimed to dismantle smuggling operations and focused on clamping down supply routes that transport arms, ammunition, mortars and IEDs into the locale.

-- Combined forces captured five wanted individuals and detained six additional suspected terrorists during operations focused on terrorist leaders in northern Iraq and their operatives in the Tigris River Valley. Two detainees are believed to be tied to al Qaeda leaders in Iran and Pakistan, and have extensive knowledge of the network’s smuggling operations, military officials said.

-- Coalition forces killed one Iraqi terrorist linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force and detained seven suspected terrorists during operations in Balad Ruz and northern Baghdad. The slain terrorist was responsible for smuggling weapons, equipment and foreign terrorists across the Iran-Iraq border, military officials said.

During operations in Iraq yesterday:

-- Iraqi forces from 2nd Iraqi Army Division suppressed enemy fire in Sharqat, near Mosul. After the exchange, Iraqi forces searched the area and nabbed a suspect who military officials believe to be responsible for facilitating the movement of al Qaeda operatives. Forces also seized a 9 mm submachine gun, a handgun and AK-47 assault rifle ammunition.

-- Iraqi army scouts conducting a series of helicopter-assault raids southwest of Taji destroyed an insurgent weapons cache that contained more than 100 containers of nitric acid, eight anti-aircraft weapons, and IED-making materials. In the raid, troops detained three individuals, including a suspected al Qaeda sniper team spotter.

-- Iraqi forces detained three individuals while patrolling villages in Bulayj reported to be al Qadea safe havens. Two of the detainees are alleged al Qaeda facilitators in the area, military officials said.

-- Members of Iraq’s emergency response unit detained an al Qaeda in Iraq emir and two cell members in the Adhamiyah area of Baghdad. The emir and his cell members are suspected of conducting IED and indirect-fire attacks against local citizens and coalition forces.

-- Iraqi army reconnaissance soldiers detained a suspected extremist in the Taji area. The suspect leads a company responsible for IED and explosively-formed-penetrator attacks along main supply routes, including an Aug. 22 EFP attack against Iraqi and coalition forces, military officials said.

-- Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers found two EFPs while conducting a route-clearance operation in the New Baghdad district of the Iraqi capital. Soldiers with 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team's Special Troops Battalion called in an explosive ordnance disposal unit to destroy the bombs in a controlled detonation.

In Iraq on Sept. 17:

-- Iraqi army forces killed one extremist and detained 14 others after troops received enemy fire while conducting an operation to seize a weapons cache in Hugna village, near Kirkuk. The slain insurgent was identified as Baha Turki Abd Shabib, a known al Qaeda assassin linked to the deaths of more than 60 innocent Iraqis, including the beheading of an Iraqi army soldier.

-- Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers and Iraqi army troops captured two suspects and confiscated weapons caches in southern Baghdad as part of Operation Dragon Talon II.

-- Coalition forces detained three suspected terrorists and found several weapons caches during an operation to boost security in the northern belt around Baghdad. One cache contained hydrochloric acid and 19,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, and other hidden mortar rounds and small arms. Coalition forces called in an air strike to destroy the contraband.

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq, Multinational Corps Iraq and Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force Arabian Peninsula news releases.)

Related Sites:
Multinational Force Iraq
Multinational Corps Iraq