Decision Letter on Request to Amend Missouri Accountability Plan

August 19, 2005

Dr. D. Kent King
Commissioner of Education
Missouri Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education
205 Jefferson Street, 6th Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Dear Commissioner King:

As you know, Missouri indicated in its accountability plan the intent to use a confidence interval for 'safe harbor' considerations. In his letter of September 9, 2004, former Assistant Secretary Raymond Simon approved Missouri’s use of this statistical method but required the State to provide the Department information on the impact and implications of this approach as a condition of receiving final approval of Missouri's accountability plan. This condition is also reflected on Missouri's fiscal year 2004 Title I, Part A grant award.

We have received sufficient information from States to conclude that the use of a 75% confidence interval for 'safe harbor' considerations is a viable means of determining AYP. As a result, we have removed this condition from Missouri's 2004 grant award. I am pleased to fully approve Missouri’s amended plan, which is posted on the Department's website.

I appreciate the efforts Missouri has made to remove the conditions on its accountability plan and ensure its ability to hold all schools accountable for the academic success of all students.


Henry L. Johnson

cc: Dee Beck

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Last Modified: 09/09/2005