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War or Peace in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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The International Rescue Committee is trying to determine how many people have died as a result of war
The International Rescue Committee has worked over the years to determine how many people have died as a result of conflict in the the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Photo: © Copyright 1993-2002, The International Rescue Committee. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 7, 2003
10:00 AM–Noon

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

Implementation of the peace processes in both Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo hang in the balance. The scene of recurrent ethnic violence and long-running crisis in recent years, Central Africa has been mired in armed conflicts that have defied the international community's capacity for crisis response and management.

Burundi, embroiled in ethnic warfare since 1993, is only now making painstaking headway towards national reconciliation. Meanwhile, the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which erupted in the summer of 1998, continues in defiance of the Lusaka cease-fire agreement. On October 7, the Institute hosted a roundtable to explore the current prospects for continued conflict versus peace in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Moderated by Institute Africa specialist Michael Southwick, the session featured experts from the International Crisis Group in an examination of the state of play in both countries, and the efforts to resolve these devastating conflicts.


  • John Prendergast
    Special Adviser, International Crisis Group, and former Institute Executive Fellow
  • François Grignon
    Central Africa Project Director, International Crisis Group
  • Michael Southwick, Moderator
    Africa Specialist, U.S. Institute of Peace, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

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