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The State of Poverty in Ohio 2005: Jobs Vanish and Incomes Plunge (PDF)
By Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies , Ed.

Summary: This 2005 report describes the state of poverty in Ohio. The economy grew for eight consecutive years during the late 1990s. However, Ohio’s rich got richer, but its poor got poorer. In 2001, Ohio preceded the nation into a recession and remained in recession at least through mid-2004. Incomes fell most sharply during the 2001-2004 recession in affluent areas of Ohio, reversing a pattern seen during the 1990s when only low-income areas suffered from income declines. Job and paycheck losses during the 2000 recession have caused poverty to soar in Ohio. A combination of the economic recession and policies toward low-income families has resulted in human suffering across the State. It is recommended that Ohio quickly implement a variety of public policy responses. The State should fund the diverse set of services to low-income children and their families that the Ohio Head Start program provides. Ohio should also provide greater incentives to the corporations who assist nonprofit organizations that serve Ohio’s poor, its children, and its unemployed. Given the jobs that have been lost in Ohio, the State should increase its level of proactive action to prevent unemployment of its workers. County data are presented in eight tables (e.g., 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 Census Poverty Rates in Ohio Counties).

Index Terms: Community Role, Early Childhood Education, Economic Impact, Low Income Families, Research Reports, Economic Factors, Poverty, Ohio

Publication Type: Reports (Research/technical)

Pages: 38 pages
Language: English

Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies
50 West Broad Street, Suite 1616
Columbus, Ohio 43215
FAX: 614-224-2587

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