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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Guide to Specialists

Touqir Hussain
Senior Fellow (October 2004–July 2005)

Touqir Hussain
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Foreign Languages: French, Urdu, Punjabi


Tourqir Hussain is a former senior diplomat from Pakistan, having served as ambassador to three different countries: Japan (1998–2003), Spain (1993–95), and Brazil (1990–93). He also held senior positions in the Pakistani Foreign Office, including that of additional foreign secretary heading the bureaus of the Middle East and of the Americas and Europe. From 1996 to 1998, he was diplomatic adviser to the prime minister. Hussain has written over twenty op-ed pieces for American and Pakistani newspapers on South Asian security issues, the Kashmir dispute, U.S.–Pakistan relations, political Islam, terrorism, and U.S. relations with the Islamic world.


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Guide to Specialists

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