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Guide to Specialists

Guy T. Cosentino
U.S. Army Fellow, Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program
August 2007 - June 2008

Project Focus:
The Sustainability of an All-Volunteer Army during Persistent Conflict


Colonel Guy T. Cosentino is a career U.S. Army officer, most recently serving as the chief of J5 Plans, Multi-National Security Transition Command–Iraq, in Baghdad. His project treats the challenges associated with maintaining a volunteer army during times of ongoing conflict.

From 2004 to 2006, in his position as senior strategist, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Cosentino provided support for the undersecretary of defense for policy and acted as the primary policy liaison with the National Security Council. In 2001–2003, he was a U.S. Army strategic fellow at the Center for International and Security Studies, School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland. Col. Cosentino is also the principal author of the 2005 National Defense Strategy and has written articles in the Christian Science Monitor and op-eds in the New York Times.

He holds a master’s in national security strategy and international relations from Georgetown University and a master’s in national security strategy from the U.S. Naval War College; he is presently completing a Ph.D. in policy studies at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy.


Guide to Specialists

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